Wellcome Collection: English Recipe Book, 18th century (MS6956)



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have will nnoynted the sore place you must take black wool and put over the sore place and it will a bate the swelling and the Ache

For an Ache

take raw craime crumbes of white bread the yolkes of 2 eggs & handfull of red rose leaves unsoiled a pennyworth of english saffrom boile it till it be a poultis and apply it hott to the partgrieved

A Receipt fore a cold Take Take a pound of Penante & soft thorn wooll in fire shovell. Then putt them into half a pint of Brandy, with a spoonefull of Honey, then putt half an ounce of flower of Brimpstone & half and ounce of Spanish Liquorish then lett it stand twenty four hours & Pivill horne to a jelly, & take of itt morning & Evening

Last edit about 2 years ago by sfemet
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How to make the Leaden plaister coled to pollin ton plaister


take two pounds and four ounces of the best oil olive of good red lead one pound white lead one pound well beaten into dust twelve ounces of Spanish Sope oncorporate all those well together in an earthen pot well glased before you put them to boil and when they are well incorporated that the sope cometh upward put upon a smalle fire of coals continuing the fire for the space of one hour and half still stirring it with an iron ball upon the end of a stick then make the fire somewhat bigger untill the redness be turn ed into a gray colour but you must not leave stirring till the matter be turned into the colour of oil or darker then drop it upon a wooden trencher and if it cleave not to the finger it is enough then make it into roules it will keep twenty years the older the better

Last edit about 2 years ago by sfemet
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Last edit over 2 years ago by HillaryNunn
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A restorative Snail water

take a peck of garden snails wash them in 4 or 5 waters afterwards in small beer pound their shells and all then take a quart of earthwormes and scower them with salt and chop them in pieces then take angellica Egremony sallendine red burdock roote rose mary wood sorrell the inner rind of a barberry tree of each a handfull rue and baresfoot of each half a handfull w drams of saffrom 5 ounces of harthorne fenegrik and turmerick of each one ouce and 2 drams of cloves steep all in a earthen vessell clos stopt 24 hours in two gallons of strong beer and a gallon and half of strong white wine and then distill in a worme of alembeek remember before you distill it to steep your saffrom over night in a quart of your white wine

Last edit about 2 years ago by sfemet
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Doctor Shorts milk water for a cough

take the tops of rosemary mint sage rue of each three handfull firr and Pine tops of each two handfulls half an ounce of nutmegs sliced a handful of cowslips bruise and slice these together and pour upon them a gallon of milk and a quart of canary distill them and mixe the water together

Last edit about 2 years ago by sfemet
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