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3 revisions
Jannyp at Mar 21, 2021 03:58 PM


Mrs. Fanshawes Booke of Receipts of Physickes Salves, Waters, Cordialls, Preserves and Cookery written the eleventh day of December 1651. by Me, Joseph Auerie

Mrs. Fanshawes
Booke of Receipts of Physickes
Salves, Waters, Cordialls, Preserves and
Cookery written the eleventh day
of December 1651. by Me,

Joseph [Auerie]


Mrs. Fanshawes Booke of Receipts of Physicke Salues, Waters, Cordialls, Preserues and Cookery written the eleuenth day of December 1651. by Me Joseph Auerie

Mrs. Fanshawes
Booke of Receipts of Physicke
Salues, Waters, Cordialls, Preserues and
Cookery written the eleuenth day
of December 1651. by Me
Joseph Auerie