



Status: Needs Review

{3}A Restorative made of
Rosasolis, to be gathered
in June and July

I warne you in any wise when you gather this flowers of
Rosasolis that you touch not the herbe it selfe, for then
the uertue of it is gone, you must pluck it up by the -
stalkes out of the ground, and lay it in a basket, Take
as much Rosasolis as will fill a pottle pott, and wash it
not in any wise, take a pottle of good Aquauite, and put
them both out into a uessell and let it stand hard stopt
for three dayes and three nights, and the fourthe daye
straine it through a cleane linnen cloth, into a glasse
or peuter pott, and put thereto a pound of suggar beaten
small, halfe a pound of licorish beaten into fine powder,
halfe a pounde of Dates and take out the states, and cutt
them in small peeces, mingle all these together and stop
the glasse or pott uery close that noe ayre come to it, and
drinke of that to beadward halfe a spoone full of ale and
soe in the morning fasting

{4}To make Doctor Stephens

Take a gallon of Claret wine, a handfull of Rosemary,
a handfull of lauender, a handfull of Camamile, a -
handfull of Red Sage, a handfull of pellitory of the wall,
of wilde time, of garden time, of mints, of each a handfull,
two handfulls of red rose leaves, anisseeds, carraway
seeds, fennell seeds, ginger cloues, cinamon, nutmeggs,
galingall roots, graines, of each bruise all -
the spice and seeds, seuerally, also bruise the herbes, and
steepe them alltogether in the claret wine, 24. houres -
and distill them with a sofft fier in a limbeck, keepe
the first pinte by it selfe, a little more will serue
to drinke the rest for washing water.

{5}To make an Excellent
water for the eyes onely

Take of Eye bright, of three leaued grasse with the specks
in it, of daysie leaves and rootes, of ground Juice, of broun
fennell, of hearbegrasse, of wormwood of salendine

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