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The Virtue of the Root of the
Common Burdock
Take the Juice of the Root Burdock Four or 5 Spoonfull and it
Expells poyson and Cures the Biting of Any Snake or other
Venemous Creatures the Juce being and the pulpt applyed
outwardly to the place afflicted the Juce being Drank
Strengthens the Nerves and cures Sudden Paine

To Cure a Burn and heal it without
a Sear

Tke the white of an Egg beat it with Sallat Oyle & a Little [snow ]
Water or Planton water Dip Cloths in It & lay it to the Burn
or Scald Change them as Often as you See Cause that the sore may
be keep Moyst & in few houres it will take out the fire.

For any Bruise
Take a good quantity of Wild Tansey make a Strong Decoction
of it in Springwater Straine it out and Season it with some
white Salt to make it tast Brackish Let the party take of It
2 or 3 [Tims] a day a draugCht at a time and it will cure any Bruse
in Taking a Bottell or 2 thereof Though the Bruse may be of [Lonng]
Standing when you begin to take it

To Make a Jelley for Carp Tench or any
Souced Fish

Take Eeles Tench or both together gut them & wash them
all the blooc cleane from them, & lay them to Soake in Water
one day, to draw out the blood then cut them in pieces and
put them in a [stero]pann with three quarts of Springwater
then put to them halfe a pound of [] glass Chopt in
small pieces

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