The Virtue of the Root of e
Common Burdock
Take e Juice of e Root Burdock Four or 5 Spoonfull and it
Expells poyson and Cures e Biting of Any Snake or other
Venemous Creatures e Juce being and e pulpt applyed
outwardly to the place afflicted e Juce being Drank
Strengthens the Nerves and cures Sudden Paine
To Cure a Burn and heal it without
a Sear
Tke the white of an Egg beat it with Sallat Oyle & a Little [snow ]
Water or Planton water Dip Cloths in It & lay it to the Burn
or Scald Change them as Often as you See Cause that the sore may
be keep Moyst & in few houres it will take out the fire.
For any Bruise
Take a good quantity of Wild Tansey make a Strong Decoction
of it in Springwater Straine it out and Season it with some
white Salt to make it tast Brackish Let the party take of It
2 or 3 [Tims] a day a draugCht at a time and it will cure any Bruse
in Taking a Bottell or 2 thereof Though e Bruse may be of [Lonng]
Standing when you begin to take it
To Make a Jelley for Carp Tench or any
Souced Fish
Take Eeles Tench or both together gut them & wash them
all the blooc cleane from them, & lay them to Soake in Water
one day, to draw out e blood then cut them in pieces and
put them in a [stero]pann with three quarts of Springwater
then put to them halfe a pound of [] glass Chopt in
small pieces
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