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Then put to them half a pound of [Ty]eing [Glafne] Chopt in Small peices
Let It boyle Gently while it Comes to a firme [L]etey then Straine it and Let
It Stand all night in a Coole place in the Morning Take of the Topp
& Bottom put the Jelley in the Stewpan with 3 Large Nutmegs
cut in peices some whole pepper and some whole Ma[ce] Just as it
Boyles put in 2 Bay Leaves Clarifie it with whites of Eggs and Let
it run Thoroug the Jelley bag upon your [j]h[j]h bring Cold lay on
[Shitod] Lemmon when you melt the Jelley the J[u]rond hime add
[10] half quantity of White wine you think fit it will give it a good tast

To Dress a Pike
Take a Pike open it and cut it into 4 peices & open the Liver
& Take the Gall from the Liver wash them all very put them into
an Earthen pott with as much White wine Vineiger and Salt as will
be Sufficenent to [Jejean] yhe Liquor you Boyle them in when the wather
Boyles pour the Vinegier & Salt from the fish into it and then put yhe fish

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