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The Receipt to make ye myce of Lichorise 36

Take a quarter of A pint & som what more of the iuyce of hysop
then make it up a full halfe pint with the iuyce of cleate
leaves; put to these halfe A pint of hysop water; a quarter of a
pound of Lychoras searced seeth all these together gently
stirringe it continually; till it bee of A resonable thicknesse
then bray it with a spoone throught a linnen streaner, take ye
finest & put it in to a skillet againe with a quarter of a pound
of browne sugar candy & 4 ℥ of lofe sugar beaten, boyle
these Continualy stirringe them till it riseth & leeve from ye
skillets bottom; then take it at; & brayit upon a trencher till it
com to aperfect lycoras colour & almost cold, then dust your
hands with a litle licoras powder & make it up in to cakes;
lay them upon a trencher likewise dusted with licoras powder
& set them to dry; when you use it take a litle peece & soeone
peece after another & lett it dissolve in your mouth; swallowinge
it downe, with the spitle as it dissolveth; you may hold it under
tongue when you are in leed.

A drinke for Aconsumption

Boyle in your wort of laurell of land bettonie of Red sage
of each an hand full a quarter of apound of anniseeds; beat ye
anniseeds & put them in to a bagg; & boyle them all in the ale
when the ale is well boyled; streane out the hearbs & worke
upthe ale as you use to doe with any other ale drinke
hange the bagg with with ye anniseeds at the bunge hole of you
r vessell

for The kinge cough

Take kaine weed & posset boyle it in posset ale, & drinke it
morninge & eveninge som call it help or kindweed

for the whoopinge cough

Take a pippin & cut of the top & core it; then fill it with
mustard seede & lay on the top againe, then rost it verie
tender; & eat it when you goe to bed

another for the same

Take rasins stoned; browne sugar candy & Anniseeds
beat them to gether to a past & eat of it often

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