Royal College of Physicians: A collection of medical receipts and prescriptions 17th century (MS502)



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An exelent salve for burninge sore A Cataplasme for ye Hemrods an Exelent pultis for a brest |20|

For stayinge bleedinge of the Hemrods, A plaister for ye back For a sore head oft approved |21|

A gargel to breake flegme to provocke sleepe For a sore brest; an approved oynment for any greene wound salve for sores, Against ache |22|

A medicin for ye swellinge of ye face, a verie oyntment, for baldinge, to make a seare cloth good for all manner of aches bruses |23|

For a scowringe or flux a salve for an wrench or sore For the swellinge of chilldren Cods |24|

To make the oyle of Sant Johns wort |25, 26|

to take a fire out of a burnings A medicin for the plague to Cure a canker in the mouth |27|

For the prickinge of a thorne To make Balme good for any wound, to make an oyntment for a burninge. To breake an impostum |28|

To make the chiffe of all plaisters & salves; to stop bleedinge in any cut; the greene oyntment |29|

To kill a fellon and cure it An Exelent pultis for a brest or face to take out ye ague for a fistula |30|

For the Cough or stuffings surop of Eleerns for scurvie in the mouth for A Could or Cough of ye lungs for a scald head |31|

A seare cloth |32|

A scowringe ale to be taken 26 dayes together for faintinge & swowning for a Consumption |33|

A pultis for a cosumption for any cough an opininge oxyinell to cut Phleme in the stomacke |34|

an approved medicien for Cough when ye blood is rased; A cleereinge drinke for them that are trobled with any Cloginge in ye stomack |35|

A Receipt to make juyce of liquorice A drinke for A consumption for ye lunge cough |36|

for spitinge of blood an Exelent syrop for a scum inge cough; for ye phisick to stay vomitinge in any sicknesse , to rid phlegme for the bloody flux |37|

for scowringe & vomit inge; A medicien for a plurisie for fullnesse & cloginge in the stomack an Exelent bagg for ye convultion fitts |38|

To Cause a cleane liver & a good digestion an opininge syrop for ye liver A Julep in the heat of a fever or an ague To make China broth |39|

A gentle Purge A plaster of bettony for ye head A glister to Coole & norish & verie good to Expell winde an Exelent Clister for wind |40|

Last edit about 1 year ago by Pamela Forde
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An Exelent sweet powder for linnen, for alter paines a salve for a greene would a drinke for the stone } 1

for any highdropit humor a verie good glister Costivenesse; tothackes } 2

A gentle purge; for paine in face & teeth to restore nature for ye bitinge of a mad dogg } 4

To cure the Lc, ye purginge drinke } 4

To kill piles outwardly to kill them inward to strengen in case of great weaknesse for ye wormes; for ye itch } 5

for an ague to breake any stone in the body to take away paine and blewnesse of a bruise for an ague } 6

To heale a cut or wound for a burne with powder for the tooth acke for the stone in ye kidneys for the gout } 7

Doctor Coles for an ague for an ague a plaister An Exelent medicin for the stone } 8

The Ladie Rockemans recei pt for the stone, a water for the stone in the kidney } 9

Mrs Fothersbies verie soverand for the stone to make the powder of Hayes } 10

Doctor Annets glister for the stone the Ladie Richardsons water for the wind & pashon of ye hart Mrs Hobarts rare water for weake & distempered Childeren } 11

A distilled water for ye stone an Exelent stomick water an Exelent sweet water } 12

an Exelent water for any sore A malacolis water A Cock water good for A Consumption } 13

A water for a canker & to wash a greene wound, for verie sore Eyes, to cleare thicke Eyes for red sore Eyes } 14

A fistula water A water to abate proud flesh A water pmpiall for all wounds & cankers A receipt for a mouth water } 15

An admirable water for a con sumption; A pecious water for sore Eyes; An admirable for the wind, stone & megrim from stru of the last & fumes from ye mother } 16

for the Cough; for winde and paine in the stomacke for inflamed Eyes } 17

Lucatellus balsom an approved good seare cloth } 18

for sore leggs; for the yellow jaundies, Against miscarring An Exelent medicin for the wombe } 19

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Dr. burlace for all sorte of Loosnises Take the juce of elderberris & put so much fine rey flowrfloeer to it to make it to a peste make a lof of it & beake it very hard & then worke it agayne with the juce & bake it a gayne do it the therd tayme & so to every ounce of this powder ad a drachm of nutmeg & take a 1/2 a dram or a dram at a taym

Last edit over 1 year ago by Pamela Forde
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Last edit over 1 year ago by granni1
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