


Status: Complete


Strength breath out and afterward pour it off, put it
in glasses and keep it for your vse.
This water is ^of exceeding vertue in all swounding weak-
ness of heart & decaying of the spirits, it is in great
vertue in all Appoplexies, Palsey Epitopsia alsoe in
all paines in the Ioynts comeing of Cold in all-
bruises outwardly bathed & dipped in it & laid to, the
vertues are more then man can conceive, this Comfort=
eth & Strengteneth all Animall vitalls & naturall
spirits, & cleareth the externall senses strengthneth the
Memory, restoreth the lost appetite, all weakness of
the stomach being both taken inwardly & bathed
outwardly, Take of it a quarter of a spoonfull and
fast an houre after it, It taketh away the giddiness
of the head, it helpeth lost hearing, bringeth a plea=
sant breath, And there can be noe better remedies
to prevent it you may take it morninge & eveninge
a quarter of a Spoonefull with Crumbs of bread &
shuggar, it helpeth the lost speech, all cold disposi=
tions of the Liver, & a beginninge dropsy, it
helpeth all cold diseases of the Mother:


The most Exelent Receipt of the
Wound water


Take Southorne wood, Wormwood, Bugles, Mugworth,
wood Bitteney, Sanacle, Plantin, Dandelyon, Ribworth
White bottles, or Campions of the garden, Bramble Budds,
Egrimony, wild Angelica, Cumfery Hawthorne budds,
Mints Scabious, Strawberries leaves, all kind of honey
Suckles, Annis, Violett leaves, Oak leaves Cyncefold, dasey
rootes, Adders tongue, of each one handfull add to these
a pottle of white wine, a gallon of runninge water, boyle
them all together untill halfe be consumed, then straine
the Liquor cleane from the hearbs, then put it to a quart of
honey & boyle it againe, then put it into a glasse & stopp
it very Close for the use, Lett the Patient drink 3 spoone-
fulls of it at a time, lukewarme every morninge fasting
and soe last at night vntill he hath drunk a quart
thereof, besides these if it be an old sore or vlcer apply
to the sore or ulcer a playster of honey and waxe.
This Cureth all wounds, womens breasts putrifyed bones
causeing them to scalle Ache in the Stomache, to
breake an impostume Stench the blood of veines
broken in the body and causeth bulletts to fall out of
the body wounded.
Probatum Est.

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