



Status: Complete

In like Number - sleeping after them till they be
ginne to work They will cost about threpence
A good and easie purge for the like purpose is
to take the root of an Elder tree the weight 3 or 4
ounces and to boile itt in a pint of water being
scraped and washed till itt come to 3 ounces then
streine and sweeten itt, and take itt fastinge

For Goodwife Feere

To stay the giddiness of her Head, boile her
vervine leaves and rootes, and wild time of each
alike handfull Quantity in possett Ale, sweeten itt
and let her often take itt. Boile in her broath,
pott marjorome, bettonie and Rosemarie of each ij
pugills, a root of fennell and parsley pithed, and
a few marigold flowers ffume her Nostrills with
Nutmeggs burnt under her: Make a plaister of
the powder of drye Bettony; with a little Clarrett
wine and apply itt to the temples, and one to the
mould of the Head. If you can gett Muskadine
temper itt rather with that than Clarrett.

For the falling of the Mother
And itts impurity

Fume itt with the smoke of gladdin, directed by a
matricall pipe, or in a Close stoole, and after that
apply to the loynes and to the bottome of the belly

The plaister called Emplastrum ad Forniam
cum Tacamatiaca. Let her use to drink often
the juice of Motherwort.

Before you purge a phlegmatick humor, prepare
and make itt thinne with this or the like decoction
Rx sweet marjorame, hysope, savory, pennyroyall Hore
hound and parsley of each a good handfull, rue, german
der, and wild time of each half a handfull, 2 or 3
fennell or parsley roots pitht and sliced together with
a few Annisseeds beaten, boil all those 3 pintes of
water till a third part be washed, then straine itt and
reserve itt make itt sweet att your pleasure. Take
hereof the quantity of three ounces in a morneing as
long as itt lastes

A powder against the

Rx wormeseeds & the powder of harts horne burnt
of each a dramm, Coralline and Rhubarb both powders
of each 2 scruples, mixe them. Take here of your
Quantity of what will lye on a groate in any sweet
drink or syrruppe in honied water
Syrrup of pomegranate, or Citron kills wormes
naturally. Dose 2 spoonfulls to an Infant higher
in proportion of strength

To stay the spreading of
any sharp fretting sore

Take the Troschisches of
Terra Lemnia ouncej mixe
itt with as much rose water as will make itt come
to the forme of an Ointment, herewith anoint the place
White leade in powder alike tempered availes in the

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