Wellcome Collection: Fanshawe, Lady Ann (1625-1680) (MS7113)



Needs Review



{A Han}

An especiall water preservative against the plague or any Ague or ferver or suddaine Sickness to keepe it from the heart

Take sage faladine, head of grave worm wood, Rosemary, Balme, pimpernell, Egre= mony, grabine, dragons, Linenwort, Harts tongue mugwort, cardmus, maydens Haire of [] of those a handfull & take a pestle ofthe head daffadolis, a quarter of an ounce of [harmonhill] roots, a quarter of gonihia, & a quarter of an ounce of Angolica roots. When straynd & bruise these roots a little & the aforesaid herbs must be washt & shaken bout from the water in a [] dry cloth, and then shod them grossly, then put into some straw or an thin vessel bring [] close and to let t stand 2 days & 2 nights, & then still them in an ordina ry still, you must keepe the last running by its self which will be smaller than the rest, tho strong you must mix all to gether ina great vessell, & when it is mixt put it in little glasses & cover it close, you must not wash the Dafadolis.

When you have use of it give 6 or 7 spoonsfull of it warmd to drink, for a child-halfe so much will fevre, & let them cover themselves warm to sweat, & if it be for any sudden giddyness put into a little treacle, if you use the

{smaller you make take 10 or 12 spoonfull at a time; & you must always [] it from the Ayrs in the warming of it, the best time to distill it is in the latter end of May, for then all the herbs is ours to be had.}


To make Citterne Water

{Lady Wilmot} {A Man}

X Take your Citerns and wipe them very clean with a wett course Cloth, and dry stem againe very well another dry Cloth, then cutt your Cittrons in long pieces, but touch not the meate, you may keepe yt to make Syrrup which is a very cordiall thing. Pare of your yellowrind of your pieces of Cittron very thinne and putt them into a ell glased Galley pot and putt to them as much of the best Canary as will cover the Rindes. So stopp Your pott very well that nothing may gett into it. Them pare your pieces over againe as long as you can see any of the Strengthof your Rinde left, & putt y into another Galley putt by it Selfe and cover it with Sacke, and stopp it very close, & let it all stand 24 houres then sett your glasse into Limbeck into a pott well bodied with key, then putt in those parings and sacke which you did pare last into the Limbeck, and so putt the yellow rindes & sack that it may be uppermost in the Limbeck, then pourre in some more Sacke ac= cording to your discretion, and sett on the Head of the Limbeck past it up close, then fill your pott with warme water and make a soft Fire under it, and let it heat by degrees, then make the glasses ready to re= ceive your water in and putt some Amber Greece finely around, & an Ounce of white Sugar Candy to every pinte and so lett your water dropp upon it, and when your glasse is full change it & with your Bodkin stirr the Sugar from the bottome of the glasse, and cover it with single paper untill it be thorough Cold then stop it close.

In the like manner you may make Orange or Lemmon water. I use to take to 5 great Cittrons three gallons of Sack, to a hundred of Lemmons the like quantity, & to a hundred of Orange 4 gallons if you please you may putt halfe white wine in stead of sacke.

The Great Palse Water also for the Apoplexie.

Take of Lavender Flowers stripped from their stalker and with them

{Sr H Finsh: Lady} {A Han}

Last edit about 3 years ago by lizzynightingale
Needs Review



them a large gallon Glayse, and poure to them very good Spirit of Wine, of perfect Aqua Vitae. Then circulate them for 6 weeks together close stopped with a Bladder, & see no= thing breake out, & let them stand in a warme place, then distill them into a Lumbeck still with its cooler. Then putt into the Water of Sage flowers Rosemary flowers, Be= tons flowers of each a handfull, Borage flowers, Buglofs flowers, theflower of Lilium Convadium, of Cowslipp flowers of each a handfull, steepe these flowers ingood Malago or Aqua vitae. I doe steepe every flower and hearb in good Spirits of wine, every one in their Season till all may be had, then putt them being all sundryjested together, putt also to them Balme, Motherwort, Spike flosers, Bay Lea ves, the leaves of Oranges so they may be had, and their flowers, of each one ounce, Putt them all small and putt them into the aforesaid distilled wine, and putt them all to= gether and distill them as before, being steeped the space of 8 weeks, then putt into this distilled water, putt on pills dried the yellow pill, or else of Lemond pill and Peony seeds pulled of each 8 branches, Cinnamon 1/2 an Ounces, Nutmeggs [Mau lardomones, Cubeless?] yellow Saunders of each 1/2 an Once, Lynum Aloes one [brachme], make all these in powder and putt them in this distilled Water. Close your Vessell with a double Bladder, Let them digest 8 weekes, straine this hard with a presse, and fliterate the Liqour, and putt into this liquour prepared pearle 2 [bracknesss], prepare Semple, Amber Green, Musks, Saffron of each1/2 a Semple Red Roses dried, and sweete smelling red Saunders & yellow of each one ounce, hang thes in a Sarsenette Bagg in the water well closed that nothing break out.

The Vertues of the [] was no it as followeth.


Last edit about 3 years ago by logiebear


106. use this use it on this manner, shake it in the glasse unstill it be thicke, then putt it into your fyer dropping it in and close the fye after it, as a cloth 2 or 3 times double restt in the fame Waster, on the Topp of your eye lid, and bend it with a fullestt. To make Water of Life A Hon. Sr. H. Finch. Lasy. Take Balme Leaves and Stalker, Burnestt Leaves & Flowers, Rosermary, Turmenstill Leaves & Rootes, Rose Folis, Red Roses, Red Fennett Leaves and Rootes & red Ments of each one handfull putt all there hearbes into a pott well glased and putt shorts as much white wines rill couer the hearber, zest them soaker therein eorg leaves, then take cinammon, ginger, cloves, saffron and nutmeg of each one ounce of annyease, Raisins of the fumme & of luyar of each one pound, of daster soned 2 pound. The hinder parts of an odd Rabbest, a good fleisht running Capon, the flesh & fenens of a leg of Mattoc, 4 young pigeons, a dozen of Lorks y yolkes of 12 eggs, a loafe of nohiste Bread eastt in slices, 3 gallons of Muskasine or as much as suffiseth for the still, all these in a lim: beck at one time, and pastt thersto of Methrdase or per: fest Treach 3 ounces, Sestill it with a moseraste fire, & keepe the furit water by it selfe, &y second by it selfe, when there cometh no more water with fringes take away the lombecke and putt into the staffe more wene & oistill it agaene and you shall have another good water of the first ingredients of this water you must keepe in a double glasse warily, for it is a restorastine to all principall members, and defendesth against all pertilent diseases, as the Palsie Dropsie, 107 Dropsie, Spleene, Jellon or flack laundries, and for wormes in the Belly, and for all Agues be they hott or cold, for all manner of Sruellings, for Melancholicke and Phlegmastick Persons, & it come forteth all the Spiritts & strings of the Braine, Heart, Mils Liver and somach, by taking thereof 2 or 3 spoonfulls, at a time with oyle, Wine or Beere, putt a little sugar therein, it helpeth digestion, breakfast wend, stoppeth a loofenefse and bondeth, it waseth. the heartburning, it quickenesth a loofenefse and bondeth, it easeth 3 spoonfulls a day, one in the morning, one at noone & one as night. To make Wormerwood Water: My Mother. A Ha. Take Roman Wormwood and English of each one pound, liquorice and Annyseeds of each 2 pound, cutt your Hearbes, slice your liquorice, and fanne your seeds, and putt to them 2 gallons of the spiritt of wine, letting it Aeepe one night, then distill it the net day, & take the First Quart by it selfe, the second also & likewise the third: Dr. Stevens Water: My Mother. A Han. Take a gallon of good gaseoigne wine, then take ginger, cinna: mon, Nutmegs, Graines, Annseeds of each a Srachme, Take Sage, Red Ments, Red Roses, Tyme Pellistory, Rosemary, Fennell Seeds, Cerraway seeds, ruls tyme, Camomill, Lavender of each a handfull, beat the spices small, and starepe the Hearbes and putt them all into the Wine, and let it stnad so 12 houres stirring it continually, then distill it by a Limbeck , and keepe the first pints by it selfe, for it is y best, keepe also the second pint by it selfe for it is good, but not so good as y furit. The Vertue of this Water is, it comfort the vestill Spiritts, it helpeth the diseases that come of cold, & shaking of y Palsie It cureth the Dropsie and Contrastion of Scnenues, It helpeth the, conception of Women that are barren, it helpeth the Cold Cough, it kil: Leth Women in the Body, it helpeth the tooth ach and comfortesth the stomach very much, it helpeth the stone in the Bladder, & y reimes &ye Backe

Last edit about 3 years ago by laraalmasri



backe, it helpeth a stinking Breath. Whosoever useth this wa= ter sometymes and not to often, it presenteth him in a good li= king and shall make Him seeme young very long. This water will be better if it stand in the Sunne all the Summer tyme. With this water Dr. Stevens preserved his owne Life & lay 5 years bedridd when other Physitians judged him not able to live one yeare and confessed a little before His Death that if he were sicke at any time, he never used any other Medicine but this water. When you distill this Water let it dropp upon Sugar Candy, an ounce to a pinte of Water with halfe a Dramme of Amber gris to a quart of Water. passe it twice through 2 handfulls of your best Clove Gilley Flowers, then stop it close, and keepe it for your use. 2 Spoonefull of the Strong or 3 of the weake is the usuall quantity takenin a morning fasting.

Cinamon Water

{X My Mother A.H}

First take of Cinnamon 2 pound, Sweet Marjoram 3 handfull, of Angelica a handful of Damaske Rose Leaves 2 handfulls Balme 1/2 a handfull, Rosemary Leavs 2 handfulls, putt all these together into 2 gallons of Sacke and distill it with a Limbecke when it is distilled puts into it 1/4 of a pound of double refined Sugar & 10 graines of Amber gris. then let it stand in the Sunne a weeke & then straine it and keepe it for your use.

X Sweete Water.

{Lady Wostenholt A Har}

Take Lavender flowres, Pinke flowres, Callimint sweet mint, Maudlen, Thume, Rosemary, Spikenard, [Gallingam] Walnutt tree Leaves of each a like auntisy, Rose Leaves as many as all the other, cutt them small & stir them all together, then take powder of yrios, & of Damaske powder to the quan= tity of a gallon of Liquor, 1/2 a pound of each of the powder, then take Benjamin, Mace and Cloves of each a little, beat them all in a Mort.


a Morter, and mingle them with the hearbes, and putt them all together inan Earthen ott, with as much Ale whenit is in Comes as will cover them all. Let them stand 2 or 3 dayes stirring them often for heating then distill it in a Limbeck & keepe it in Glasses well closed putting a little Muske and Campher if you please in the Glasse.

X A Water comparable to Gold.

{L Butler A Stan}

Take a gallon of white whine, 4 ounces of Genstian, and 24 oun ces of Centaury, stamp them together, putt the Wine to them & let them soake together 5 dayes, then distill them in an ordinary still, & keepe the water in a close vessell, & when you afe it take 2 or 3 Spoonfull morning & Evening. This water preserveth the Body form all manner of diseases, it put teth away all Imposthumes, it maketh good Coulour, it resisteth the Plague, avoideth stiff Stomacks, it breaketh the Stone in Greines it reparates & putts away watry hum, of your spleene, it purgeth your Belly also, it purgeth all Coller & corrupt Blood, it healest all wounds in your Belly, it healeth poysenes bitings, & it cleareth your sights to the healing of wounds the powder of Centaury ought to be drunke with it the weight of 4lb or 6 lb at a time.

X The Spiritt of Amber Gris

{La Bugler A Stan}

Take 1/2 an ounce of Amber Gris, cut it gros, putt it into a pint & 1/2 of pure Spirit of Wine, keepe them close stops in a glasse for 3 months, then cant your liquour from the Frace, & put the liquo which is your Spiritt in a Glasse, then sett it in the Sunne till it be perfect, the clearer it is the better for your use.

X To make a Sweet Water of Roses the best way.

{La: Bedles. fan}

Take one pounds of Damaske Rose Leaves that were dried in a Glasse, putt ot it tenne pints of running Water distill then ina Limbecke, and so keep it for your use. If you would have them extraoronary you

Last edit about 3 years ago by logiebear



You may perfume them with what Quantity of Muske & Amber you will. 'Tis best stilld in January or February.

Receipt for Sweet Water. {+} {Dr. Fraiser} {A. Fan} Take Damaske Rose Leaues, picke them from the stalkes, then haue a pott of what size you thinke fitt & lay Roses at the bottome about 4 or 5 inches thicke, then couer them with bay Salt so lay another lay of Roses couering them with Salt, so doe till the pott be full, then let it stand close couered lid. Sellar till it be consumed, and distill it in a potte with a Still, you must be sure to keepe the earthen potte close that no aire come in to the Roses whilst they dissolue. There will come of this water an oile with which anointing the Temples and the mole of the Head is the greatest comforter of the braine that is, & helpeth the paine in the Head.

To make Cherrie Water {+} {Mrs. Heath} {A Fan } Take 2 quarts of Clarest Wine, & putt into it 4 pounds of Cherries Stones and all, one handfull of Rosemary, one handfull of Balme, 2 Ounces of Cinnamon, 1/2 an Ounce of Nutmegs quarterd, steepe these in an Earthen pott all night, & the next morning putt them into your still, keepe a pretty quicke fire under it. Putt into euery Quart of water distilld, 4 ounces of white Sugar Candy, & 4 graines of Amber greece then sunne it as you doe you other Waters, passe thorough 2 Handfulls of Cloue Gilly flowers before you Sunne it.

Spiritt of Clarie {+} {Lady Bedles} {A Fan} Take a still full of Clarie and putt to it a pottle of white Wine, and still it in a Rose water still. You may putt to it a little fine sugar & Amber Greece tied in a tiffany if you please.

191 To make the Water calld Aqua Mirabilis. {+} {My Mother} {A Fan} Take the seeds of Cardamum, Cubebes, Galingall, Melilott Flowers, Cloues, Mace, Nutmegs and ginger of each a Drachme, being made into powder, putt them into 3 pints of white Wine, & one pint of Aqua vitae, & one pint of the juice of Salendine. Putt all these into the Glasse still and so let them incorporate all Night, in the morning distill it with a soft fire in Water, Let it drop on Sugar Candy, Putt into the glasse a little Amber Greece & of this Quantity there will be 2 Quarts, keepe one Quart by it Selfe for it is strong, When you use it you may mingle it stronger or smaller as you please. You may make it in the winter with the juice of the Rootes. You may take it when you please. The use = all takeing is halfe an houre before you dinner or supper, or before you goe to bed one spoonfull or 2 at a time. 'Tis of a secret Nature it dissolueth the impostumation of the Lungs, without any grievance, it openeth Melancholy, it expelleth the stopping of the Urine, profiteth the stomach very much, it also conserueth youth, and preserueth the memory, it destroys the falsie, & giue one spoonfull to a Person labouring for Life & it relieueth & reuiueth very much. Of all artificiall Water ther is none better then this. In Summer use one spoonfull fasting and in Winter 2.

A Receipt for Balme Water. {+} {My Mother} {A Fan} Take 3 Gallons of the strongest Ale out of the fatt untunnd & 2 pound of the greenest Liquorice scraped very cleane, & bruised, take 1/2 a pound of Anny seeds rubbe in a Cloth, fanne away the dust & bruise them, take a bushell of balme upheapt, stampe it in a morter little, then putt your Ale into a stone-pott with a narrow Mouth, Let all these aforenamed be infused therin a day & a night, then distill it in a Limbecke.

Snaile Water or Worme Water. {+} {La: Bedles.} {A Fan} Take a pottle of Earth Wormes gathered in the latter end of Aprill or the

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