Edenburg June 16th. 200Twoo officers of
the army, the one a Leut t and the other
an Ensigne Quarrelling in the Camp drew
and ffought and the former being killed
upon the Place the Ensigne Made his
Escape butt being mortally wounded
was found dead the Next day about a
Mile from the Campe
Wee haue advice from the North
that a Great man of warr was a few
days synce seen in those seas Comeing
along this Coasts with 2 small Vessells
Boates and is said to be one of the french
men of warr which was disabled in
the Late fight and they were endeauour
ing to find out some Large shipp to
make use of her Masts to Enable her
to gett home
This Morneing the Lords of the Adm llty rec d
an Express that seuerall Transport shipps from
Ireland were arriued att St Hellens with a
Traine of Artillery & Morters &c w ch tis s d willbe
Imployed in the discent The haue also rec d
advice that Adm l Russell was last Mo
Sunday off of Ushant on his way to Brest
haueing Left a squadron of men of warr
before St Malloes & some fireshipps w th
orders to burn the french men of warr
if the found itt Practicable
Some English and Dutch Shipps are
also appoynted to Bloccade Dunkerke I
am assured that most of K James Transport
shipps synce their Invassion upon England
is prevented are Laden w th salt & wyn
[side note]
and sailed Eastward to Traffique into Denmarke & Sweeden - This day all the Judges
were sent for to councell and Instructions giuen them to putt the Laws in Execution
ag t such as will not take the Oathes and delliuer the same for their seuerall
charges to the Grand Jurys in their Circuites - The Justices of Peace of Midd x
are also ordred to Tender the oathes and giue to such as haue
refused them
[/side note]
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