University of Guelph: Handbound Recipe and Remedy Book (XM1 MS A117046)



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To make Pancakes Mts Ibbot

Take 2 spoonfulls of flour, half a pint of Cream, a quarter of a pint of milk. Half a Nutmeg, a quart of a pound of butter melted 2 spoonfulls of white wine, 4 eggs 3 of the whites. To be sweeten'd to your taste

A very good Bitter for the Stomack Do

Take 1 ounce of gentian roots. Sentry tops half an handfull, the peel of 1 Seville orange Saffron and Cochineal, a drachm together Infuse all this in a quart of mountain wine Let it stand 3 days Then draw half off and fill it up again

Rasberry Wine Mts Capps

Take 4 gallons of rasberrys, and put them in a Tub, and then take 4 gallons of water and boil it two hours, and let it stand till it is blood warm, Then put it to the Rasberrys and stir them well together and let it stand 12 hours then strain it off And to every gallon of liquor put 3 pounds of loaf Sugar And set it over a clear fire And let it boil till all the Scum is taken off And when it is cold put it into a Vessell Let it stand open a fortnight And then stop it close

Fry'd Puddings Mrs Capps

Take half a pint of milk 3 eggs 3 ounces of suet chop't small a little salt & Nutmeg, a spoonfull or two or raisin wine a little rose water, mix it into a stiff batter, put in as many currents as suet Fry them in lard over a quick fire

To make Panckes Mrs Ibbott

Take 2 spoonfulls of flour, half a pint of Cream, a quarter of a pint of milk half a nutmeg, a quarter of a pound of butter melted 2 spoonfuls of white wine, 4 eggs 3 of the whites to be sweeten'd to your taste

A very good Bitter for the stomack Ditto

Take 1 oz of geutian roots. Seuty Seutry tops half an handfule. the peel of 1 Seville oramge. Saffron and cochiueal, a drachim together infuse all this in a quart of monutain wine Let it stand 3 days Then draw half oft and fill it up again

Rasberry Wine Mrs. Capps

Take 4 gallons of rasberrys, and put them in a Tub, and then take 4 gallons of water and boil it two hours, and let it stand till it is blood warm, Then put it to the Rasberrys and stir them well together and let it stand 12 hours then strain it oft And to every gallon of liquor put 3 pounds of loaf sugar and set it over a clear fire and let it boil till all the scum is taken oft and when it is cold put it into a Vessell Let it stand open a fortnight and then stop it close

Fry'd Puddings Mrs. Capps

Take half a pint of milk 3 eggs. 3 ounces of snet chop't small a little salt & Nutmeg, a spoonfull or two or raisin wine a little rose water, mix it into a stiff Batter, put in as many currants as snet Fry them in lard over a quick fire

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Veena


Hartshone Flummery Cos. Howard

Put a pound of hartshorn shavings, to 3 quarts of spring water, boil it very gently over a soft fire, till it is consum'd to 1 quart Then strein it thro' a fine seive into your bason, And let it stand till cold Then just melt it over the fire and put to it half a pint of white wine, a pint of new thick cream, And 4 spoonfulls of Orange flower water. Scald your creame, and let it be cold before you mix it with the Wine and jelly. put in double refin'd sugar to your taste, and then beat it all one way, for an hour and an half at least for if you are not thus carefull in beating 'twill neither mix or look to please you Let the cups you pour it into be dipp'd in clean water for if they are dry it will not look well. Keep it in the cups a day before you use it When it is sent to Table you must turn it out and stick it all over the top, with blanch'd Almonds slit. Eat it in cream or Wine which you like best.

Cream Flummery Do

Take a pint of Cream 3 spoonfulls of rice flour, very fine ground or beat, and sifted till it is small 3 ounce of sugar. 2 ounce of Almonds beat small, beat with some spoonfulls of milk for fear of Oyling. The whites of 3 eggs beat, strein the cream and eggs to the Almonds, and set it on the fire, and stir it all one way, till it is thick

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


and smooth as a Custard. Then pour it into deep glasses That when it is cold it may turn out in piked shapes, blanch and cut some Almonds in slips to stick upon it

Sallery Sauce Mrs Caps

Take a little grave, with a little Anchovie to your taste, add to it a little cream boil the sallery tender in water cutt it in peices, and put it to the gravy and cream Thicken it up with butter, and a small quantity of flour.

a quartt pint of cream to a pint bason of sauce and so in proportaion.

Gravy Sauce for mutton Chopps or veal Cutletts Mrs. Capps

Take the scrog part of the Neck , and stew it in a pan with a bit of butter to brown it and when it is Brown, add to it a little broth or water a little Anchovie a little Catchup and walnut liquor to your taste, thicken it up again with about 2 ounces of butter, and half a spoonfull of flour. Rub 'em in crumbs of bread pepper salt, lemon thyme, & parsley chopt small

You must baste them while on the fire

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


For a Cough

Two Spoonfulls of Rum Two Do Syrup mulberrys Two Do Sweet Oyl

mix them very well together

Take a large spoonfull every night & morning

For a Cough or Cold

Take 2 ounces mutton Suet shred very fine, boil it gently in a pint and an half milk till it comes to a pint

Take half a pint warm every night and m morning

For The Ague

Whenever you find the Symptoms of the Ague approaching take a Vomit of Ipococucana

Next time the fit is coming on , take as much ffrankincence as , made up in a little ball or pile, will be the size of a Nutmeg, and wrapt up in a Cobweb swallow it Drinking immediatly a common winr glass full of plain brandy And after that eat up a lemon rind and all

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF
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Last edit over 2 years ago by Veena
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