fol. 49v
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8 revisions | cristobal -oldfordham at Apr 08, 2016 12:42 AM fol. 49vIn ōàcicô tenōchcâ huiâ ātēnco yèhuāntin In ōmotlālî tlachcuitl Sant Lazaro in oncān 1555 Annos In īpan tlàtōco visorrey Auh in cuicanimê xv pōhualli pesos in In zan yyopa (?) tiyāmicōc Sant Ypolito miercoles In īpan mopēhualtî tetenāmitl viernestica ye 6 diziembre. Nō īhuān ìcuāc mochīuh TranslationThe Tenochcans who had gone to Atenco returned on Saturday XVI February. They were Francisco Ocelotecatl, Gabriel Tlomiyauh and Barthasal Xochmitl. The field on which Saint Lazarus stands was laid out. It began to be built on Thursday XXVIII February. Year 1555 At this time the Viceroy came to proclaim public work on XXII September, And the singers will be paid 300 pesos." During his time there was only commerce in Saint Hipolito on Wednesday II October. The walls began to be built on Friday 6th December. And at this time Antas ? were also set up. fol. 49vIn ōàcicô tenōchcâ huiâ ātēnco yèhuāntin In ōmotlālî tlachcuitl Sant Lazaro in oncān 1555 Annos In īpan tlàtōco visorrey Auh in cuicanimê xv pōhualli pesos in In zan yyopa (?) tiyāmicōc Sant Ypolito miercoles In īpan mopēhualtî tetenāmitl viernestica ye 6 diziembre. Nō īhuān ìcuāc mochīuh TranslationThe Tenochcans who had gone to Atenco returned on Saturday XVI February. They were Francisco Ocelotecatl, Gabriel Tlomiyauh and Barthasal Xochmitl. The field on which Saint Lazarus stands was laid out. It began to be built on Thursday XXVIII February. Year 1555 |