Page 65 (seq. 67)
on the Subject, pray be cautious how you open yourself to them
and keep them ignorant of our Concerns, for J:H is determin'd
to pursue this business, which takes from the channel of R-L
and centers it with you, pray in all your letters inform
us what you can of oyl &c & be frequent in your advices,
this may be of use to us.
We have not to add but that we are with
much respect
Your most {obedient} {Servants}
Messrs Bernard & Harrison
Boston Aug't 20. 1764
I am very Sorry to acquaint you with ye Melancholy
Event of the death of my Uncle {Thomas} Hancock which happen'd
1st instant very Sudden indeed, this Circumstance has Oc-
casion'd my whole attention, & puts me into much Concern
& hurry that you must excuse my not being very particluar
till next opportunity.
I now inclose you just come to hand two Vicutall
lists say one from 16th April to 13th May. 12.985 Rations the
other 14th May to 10th June 13.062 rations, wish them safe to
The Circumstance of my Uncles death devolves his
Business upon me which I propose to carry on by myself, &
should be well pleas'd to be favourd with the Continuance of
your Contract, the terms which were propos'd hope by this
you have receivd, and as they are really my Sentiments, I
referr you to that Letter dated 18 June last, and as your
answer to that Letter will probably be send before this can
reach you, I shall take care to make such Supplys as may
be necessary to carry through the winter, till I can hear from
you, which I shall not for the present charge to you till I
know your determination. I shall as soon as possible
Compleat your Account for Provisions sent to last to December
next & forward them to you when I shall draw on you for
the Ballance
Should you think proper to Continue this Business wth
me you may depend on a punctual Compliance wth your
Contract & that every thing shall be transacted wth the Strictest
honour & dispatch by
Your most {obedient} {humble} {Servant}
Should {General} Bastide be at
Southampton I beg you'd acquaint
him wth the death of my Uncle. I have
not time now to write him but will
by next~
Mathew Woodford {Esquire}
[*[Per} Capt Wendell *]
[*{Per} Capt Deverson*]
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