(seq. 477)




Status: Indexed


Materia Medica


Dr Hillary used no mercury externally but exhibitted calomel untill
a slight salivation was excited, or untill the patient spit in 24 hours
lbifs [1½ pounds] and this he continued several days, by this treatment the
protuberance subsides the scales fall of [off] and the skin becomes smoth [smooth].
Dr Barcroff says this disease can be cured by mercury, but that
the most common method is by combining it with camphor and
giving small doses. In one case of Yaws I used mercury internally
and externally, dressed the sores with Red Praecipitate and gave
calomel to excite a salivation, the patient was effectually cured. Dr
Jackson of South Carolina found the mercury verry usefull, it is said
however to translate the disease from one part to the other.

Lepra. Of
its use I can say but little from my own experience, however from
seeming affinity that seems to exist between lepra and some other
diseases in which mercury is employ’d, I should suppose it would be

Colica Pictonum. Has engaged the attention of many
practitioners and calomel has been effectually used in it. Dr Black
gave it in large doses of from X to XX grs. [10 to 20 grains] in a pill, in obstinate cases, after
milder means have failed he gave Ʒfs [½ dram] at once, the dose did not fail
to open the bowels in 6 Hours. Mr Clutterbuck has published a treatise on
this subject to which I refer you. I gave calomel in this disease with a

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