Phelps, Henry, 1766-1852. Extracts from a Treatise on lying in women & their Management by Charles White. B MS Misc., Countway Library of Medicine.


Undated manuscript with notes on fevers from a 1785 work on obstetrics by Dr. Charles White (1728-1813), written by Gloucester, Massachusetts, physician Henry Phelps (1766-1852). There are extracts on causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of puerperal fever (fever associated with childbirth), in addition notes on miliary fever, milk fever, catamenia, and natural childbirth.

Biographical Notes

Henry Phelps (1766-1852), A.B., 1788, Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, was a physician active in Gloucester, Massachusetts, in the 1790s.


(seq. 1)

(seq. 1)

Extracts from a Treatise on Lying in Women & their Management & c & By Charles White 3d Edition in 1785.

Puerperal Fever

Causes: during Pregnancy, tightness of stays and petticoat bindings, weight of ye Pockets &. press ye enlargd Uterus & c against ye lower intestines, prevents their Evacuation hence ye thinner parts are absorbed by the Lacteals causing Constipatio Aloi -- further increasd by a sedentary Life & bad Diet -- hence an inclination to putridity & Loss of appetite follows. Alimentary Canal no longer distended {from} food ye Bile collects & stagnates, acquiring a putrid acrimony Labour hot Chamber -- foul phlogisheated Air, heating Liquors given her -- long confind to a horozontal posture ye warmth keeping ye Parietes of ye Abdomen lax -- faeces not protruded. lochia stagnating -- too early delivery of the shoulders {inflammation} Uteri & --

Symptoms She is seizd with a rigor a few days after Delivery returning at incertain periods -- at other times yr is no rigor it creeps on gradually, {beginning} {from} putrid sweats, vomiting of porraceous matter or diarrhaea of putrid matter -- constant tenesmus tumour pain, & soreness of Abdomen {general} pains from dyspnoea Tongue 1st white & moist or else dry hard & brown -- Nausea Pulse in ye increase always grows quick, small & creeping -- {from} anxiety [?] {from} praecordia & {great} debility -- Lochia sometimes not diminishd, or but little, {what} flows is foetid, or it is wholly suppressd Breast grows flaccid & ye milk is lost -- Petechiae appear involuntary excretions convulsions & death -- Dissection shews a gangrene of ye viscera -- effused serum & other marks of {Inflammation}

Miliary Fever

From ye observations of various Authors these inferences may be drawn [?] This Eruption is often an attendant on contagious fevers & never appears without a preceding sweat -- 2d Time of eruption not certain -- it is not Critical 3d Cooling method not prejudicial if it removes ye cause of ye disease -- 4 Puerpenal not liable to it from any other cause {than} inclination to putridity -- or relaxd skin -- 5 The Cuticular secretions renderd -- acrid by lodging & exposure to air soon become putrid.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Cary Saunders
(seq. 2)

(seq. 2)

Milk Fever

Proximate cause, an accumulation of milk in the breast occasioning pain, {inflammation}, &c never terminating in gangrene seldom in schirrus

Remote causes Cold constringing ye vessel, -- spirituous repellents too sudden stoppage of ye Lochia

Predisponent a firmness & imperviousness of ye lactiferous tubes in an irritable habit -- impeding ye flow of milk -- as in ye 1st lying in -- ye Lactiferous tubes are naturally convoluted -- but yy are made more so by tight dress -- hence ye milk is drawn with difficulty

Suction makes ye breast more conical -- hence ye tubes straighter

Directions for the pregnant state

Catamenia not causd by a {general} Plethora -- not plethoric while pregnant -- a Woman menstruates 4 {times} in a year -- ye Child is found to weigh 15 lbs -- {Mineral} Waters -- Equitation & cold bathing preferable to VS -- Nausea &c &c rather from a sympathetic affection of Uterus & weak [?] than Plethora -- Cont Elx Vitrol &c But Excercise to be avoided if {there} are symptoms of abortion -- or near ye latter end of pregnancy. To keep open ye bowels -- ripe fruit -- small doses of Aloetics daily (if yy are not subject to ye piles) mixd {from} alius antiseptic resinous gums -- gentle emetics -- bitter teas, {vegetable} acids, Columbo, as it preserves bile from putrefaction -- Neutrals -- raw eggs -- [by?] destroy ye tenacity of ye Gluten obstructing ye D. Common Choledochus cures ye Jaundice -- Children never lie too high -- Women should wear jumps with large shoulder straps -- if ye belly is pendulous -- Bandage above ye Pubis {When} near delivery it is good to lye down often --

Natural Births

Confine ye patient to no position -- {When} a pain obliges her to lie down -- {when} examine {when} it is going off if yr is a proper presentation tell her off it -- but dont conclude {when} she {will} be delivered -- If costive an Enema {which} also relieves ye spasms of ye abdomen -- Let ye position be what it will during Labour -- yet ye Woman should be in a horizontal posture {when} ye child is born -- grease not always to be used -- a hand against ye Perinaeum to prevent Laceration -- After ye delivery of ye head ye shoulders should be allowd to make ye turns -- resting between the pains -- upon this depends ye easy or difficult exclusions of the Secundines & After Pains -- {when} ye uterus is suddenly unloaded ye uterus contracts irregularly & retains ye plactenta [illegible] by a spasm -- & after pains causd by ye Relaxation {following} -- the Funis should not be cut, till ye circulation has ceasd in it no matter if ye end toward ye woman does bleed it open it -- Extract placenta by gently pulling ye Funis & {pressing} ye abdomen

Last edit over 3 years ago by Cary Saunders
(seq. 3)

(seq. 3)

Prevention of Puerperal Fevers &c.

After {Delivery} apply clean linen - let the patient sleep & move ye child & Visitors into another room - a large chamber is necessary - {which} should have a northern aspect in summer {with} blinds outside - small fire in Winter - patient should not be disturbd at night - in a few hours - {when} ye patient has had some rest - she should sit up & apply ye child to her breast milk or not - & {repeat} 4 or 5 times {per} die - but it is not necessary to feed ye child at night - patient should lie {with} her head &c high sit up {when} she eats or suckles - & when she minges do it on her hands & hand knees - Upright posture prevents stagnation of Lochia, Faeces & promotes {contraction} of Uterus & Abdomen Much caudle & thick gruel [?] clog ye stomach and pall ye Appetite All liquors should be taken cold - never eat meat but once {per} die - If she dont suckle - she must be very abstemious Acescent food dont alway affect ye child - ye green stools may rather be from ye weak digestion - Air of ye chamber should be temperate Perspiration rather depends on dryness {than} heat of ye air - for it is greater in frosty {than} in open moist weather - ventilate ye chamber daily - never wash it - let ye carpets be daily aird - let her get up ye 1st day if she can - never lie beyond ye 3d - then apply clean aird linen to ye bed - procure a Stool each day by Enema or Laxative -- don't purge on ye 1st days as it promotes absorption, except it has already taken place - {when} it prevent ye depostion of acrid matter on ye omentum &c - Lochia sometimes stop on the 1st day {when} obstructed not to be forced down - {When} ye discharge is great if from irrtations & spasms causd by acrimony - Opiates &c. Cort[?] is given without lessening the Lochia or Catamenia - Astringents - horizontal posture - cold to ye abdomen & cold water injected in Utero Water in an Ox bladder applied to ye abdomen - & give Nitre - let ye breast be drawn 4 or 5 times {per} die - rendering ye breasts conical assists If ye Mammae are hard & knotty rub {with} soft oil 3d {per} die or apply Goutards Vegeto-{Mineral} Water - to prevent fissure Bees Wax Rings should be applied circ[?] Papillas - Fissures are heald by a Mucilage of G Arabic et Decoct cooling seeds - Vinegar sprinkled over ye room refreshing but not so antiseptic as imagind - it renders ye air moist - Explosions of G powder more effectual & in putrid Cases Fermenting liquors should be set in ye room

Last edit over 3 years ago by Cary Saunders
(seq. 4)

(seq. 4)

Cure of the Puerperal Fever

At the beginning of the rigor if she be really colder {than} in health warm things should be applied to ye feet & ye extremities gently rubd {with} tepido manu to prevent stagnation in Ye capillaries In ye hot fit reduce ye heat to ye natural standard & ye sweat {will} come on the sooner & perhaps terminate Ye disorder - "There is a certain degree of heat necessary to produce sweating in all persons {which} varies {with} ye constitution & circumstances - a heat above ye [?] or less hinders ye Evacuation" Alexander - cold should not be applied during ye sweat - If she has ye usual symptoms as described viz. Nausea pain &c. give an Emit either of Ipecac or Antimonie {preparation} {which} should be {repeated} 2 {times} {per} die or P. A. N. for ye Saliva & Alimentary juice contain little fixed air hence {they} absorb putrid miasmata - But if there pain in bowels - Cathartios or Emetics increase it - Enemas often After these Evacuations. Saline draught & [?] [mindorisi?] - If ye Nausea continues give [?] Columbo jeu Extract [?] or a few spoonfuls of the infusion 4 times {per} die - if ye bowels are not open add to each dose Vitriolated [Tartar?] [?] - If {great} irritation ([?] deliris) opiates {with} Ipecac & If cough & dyspnea puke {with} few {grains} of Ipecac - Pains in thorax Seneka [?] 3 {times} per die - If ye diarrhaea [smites?] ye patient support {with} Wine & Nutritives - astringent draughts - starch & opiate Enema's, or Ipecac in small doses - In ye decline C[?] and Pyrmont Water {with} {elixir} Vitriolic - Vegeta acids preferable to ye {Mineral} - If ye D is at 1st inflammatory it [sometimes?] turns putrid - Now give her clean Linen every day - wash her hands face & teeth in cold water {when} not in a sweat - Set up in & get out of bed evry day - Nitre is improper in all disease where putrid bile abounds - bleeding never necessary except in {inflammation} of the Uterus In ye last stage - C[?] Wine. Volat Alcali et [?] ad abdomen & throw antiseptic injections into ye Uterus - to wash out ye putrid fomes &c.

Miliary Fever

Cure Give an Emet [statem?] (not in ye paroxysm) no acid with it they prevent its operation - {repeat} omni die. Enema's - cold air & upright posture - horizontal posture bad - Epithastic, diuretics Volatile Alcali & Emmonagogues bad - Camphor says de Haen causes strangury spasms &c. - It [?] Cantharid et oe terebinth produces strangury {per} Heberden - But it may be given with acids or Nitre - (it sometimes cures Ulcers of ye legs) - If opiates are necessary give {them} {with} Ipecac - If very weak - give Wine or Brandy &c - Ipecac {Emetic} - If Diarrhea [?] Astringents & avoid teflacea - contrayerva or Cordial - C[?] by ye mouth or in clysters [?] acid and Lineti Boracis - Must[?] . oe [cinnamon?] for hiccups - Cold aquar stimulants

Last edit over 3 years ago by Cary Saunders
(seq. 5)

(seq. 5)

The situation of the child in Utero is now supposd to be this - head down to ye [?] one Ear to ye pubis & ye other to ye sacrum with ye feet to ye Fundus Uteri - it back & belly to ye Ilia - Cold does not seem to check critical eruptions Putrid Fevers floodings & death have been occasioned by retention of ye secundines - Floodings cease by a timely removal of it - The Manual Extraction should not be attempted whilst there are any spasmodick contractions across ye Uterus Opiates remove the spasms - It is not safe to leave ye Woman before it is extracted - Cold bathing not only prevents Miscarriages but much increases ye flow of a Nurses Milk The Foetal Life should not be destroyd befor ye Animal takes Place - Membrana decidua is vascular belongs to ye Uterus often looks black on dissection Brazilian Women have easy Labours, are very fruitful - they retire & bring forth alone & return after washing themselves & Child; The Husband's lying in bed the first 24 hours, being treated as if yy endured the pains - Newhoffs Voyages p154 - Nature has been 17 minutes extruding ye shoulders of ye child after ye head had pass'd - & by yt means prevented After pains Prolapsus Vaginae from too hasty extrusion of shoulders & seldom from sitting up after delivery

Last edit over 3 years ago by Cary Saunders
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