(seq. 137)


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44 revisions
Ardilla at Apr 21, 2023 08:02 PM

(seq. 137)

Inflamation of

Nitrous Salts
Warm Water
Whey. &c is good
Oleous Enemas
with Emollients
are proper

Empl. Cinnab.
Rx. Cinnab.
Factit. ab. oz. j.
oz. iij. Cere
munde lb. ss
Ol. Ros. oz. ij.
Melt and make
a Plaister
this is for
Tophs and

Lues Venera

Decoct of Woods
Ethioptic Pills
Merc. dulcis gr. vj.
Sugard Mercury
Yellow Emet. Merc.
Bolus. Merc. Liniment.
Ung. Merc. Empl
The best Method of
cure is to give very
small doses of Mercurials
and Continue
them a great while
to avoid a Salivation
qm. Camph. gr. v.
Merc precipitate per
Se or [Calcind?] Merc.
gr. jv. Opium gr. ij.
Bals. peru. q. s. f.
four Pills. one of
which is to be taken
at going to bed.
qm Camph 75 gr. Merc.
precep. 60 gr qm Opii 30 gr
Bals. peru.
q. s. pro 60 [pl?]

When a Decoct of
the Woods with Antimony
Crude is
used in the Lues
Ven. or any other
Distemper let the
Patient take no
Acids because they
will have a Tendency
to make him
sick also let him
take no Oily thing


Antmonial Emetics
Extract Tinct.
black hellebore
Tinct. White
Tinct. Saccra
Nit. mixt with
Camph. fetid
Julep Gum Pills
Musk, Camphire
Empl. Epipsp.


Bleed as soon as may be to
prevent an Inflamation of
of the Lungs & either Inject.
a gentle Glysters or give a laxative
with Manna. The Cough is
best Relieved by the pectoral
Lambative and after the first
Days with Diacodium and a Blister
between the Scapula. The diet
should be soft and deluting without
If the Spots Should Strike in, or
become plumbeous rub the whole
body with hot Linen or flannel then
have recourse to the Alexipharmic
Bolusses and Juleps. If the patient
Sweats profusely the linen must
be carefully Changed for others
that is dry and warm. The air must
be Temperate and the patient must
must not be loaded with bed Cloths
Sudden Cold will strike in the pustles
and produce a fatal event
When a Diarrhea comes on it generally
carrys the Disease off which
must not be stoped give Rhei.

(seq. 137)

Inflamation of

Nitrous Salts
Warm Water
Whey. &c is good
Oleous Enemas
with Emollients
are proper

Empl. Cinnab.
Rx. Cinnab.
Factit. ab. oz. j.
oz. iij. Cere
munde lb. ss
Ol. Ros. oz. ij.
Melt and make
a Plaister
this is for
Tophs and

Lues Venera

Decoct of Woods
Ethioptic Pills
Merc. dulcis gr. vj.
Sugard Mercury
Yellow Emet. Merc.
Bolus. Merc. Liniment.
Ung. Merc. Empl
The best Method of
cure is to give very
small doses of Mercurials
and Continue
them a great while
to avoid a Salivation
qm. Camph. gr. v.
Merc precipitate per
Se or [Calcind?] Merc.
gr. jv. Opium gr. ij.
Bals. peru. q. s. f.
four Pills. one of
which is to be taken
at going to bed.
qm Camph 75 gr. Merc.
precep. 60 gr qm Opii 30 gr
Bals. peru.
q. s. pro 60 [pl?]

When a Decoct of
the Woods with Antimony
Crude is
used in the Lues
Ven. or any other
Distemper let the
Patient take no
Acids because they
will have a Tendency
to make him
sick also let him
take no Oily thing


Antmonial Emetics
Extract Tinct.
black hellebore
Tinct. White
Tinct. Saccra
Nit. mixt with
Camph. fetid
Julep Gum Pills
Musk, Camphire
Empl. Epipsp.


Bleed as soon as may be to
prevent an Inflamation of
of the Lungs & either Inject.
a gentle Glysters or give a laxative
with Manna. The Cough is
best Relieved by the pectoral
Lambative and after the first
Days with Diacodium and a Blister
between the Scapula. The diet
should be soft and deluting without
If the Spots Should Strike in, or
become plumbeous rub the whole
body with hot Linen or flannel then
have recourse to the Alexipharmic
Bolusses and Juleps. If the patient
Sweats profusely the linen must
be carefully Changed for others
that is dry and warm. The air must
be Temperate and the patient must
must not be loaded with bed Cloths
Sudden Cold will strike in the pustles
and produce a fatal event
When a Diarrhea comes on it generally
carrys the Disease off which
must not be stoped give Rhei.