(seq. 140)
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45 revisionsArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillablackletterkate | Ardilla at Apr 21, 2023 08:04 PM (seq. 140)Nausea
See Vomiting
Sapo Alb.
Lime Water
Bolus Diuret.
Decoct. Diuret.
Decoct. cum Nit.
Inf. Linseed
Emuls. Arab. Com.
Ol. Junip.
Lamb. Comm.
Haust. Salin.
Potion Balsamic.
Julepium Diuret.
Julep Squills
Spt. Nit. dulc.
Spt. Sal. dulc.
Spt. Succin.
Tinct. Cantharid.
Enema Emolliens
Enema Terebenth.
Fomentation Emolliens
Elect. Lenitive
Elect. Nephriticum
Elix. Salut.
Nervous Parts
The Harmony and
Sympathy of the
Nervous parts is of very
great Use in the practice
of Physick for
without an accurate
knowledge of these
many Symptoms
of Diseasease cannot
be explained. though
is has not hitherto been
attended too.
Observe that the
parts are the first Membranes
of the Brain and
Spinal Marrow. Then
the Nervous Membranes
which invest the Orgins
of the Senses, the Eyes
Ears Nostrills, Mouth &
Fauces add to these those
which Cover the Bones
Head, Feeth, Joints und
Muscles: Likewise the
Oesophagus of the Stomach
and Intestines which is Entirely Nervous and Membraneous
Obstructions cheifly
take Place in the Vessels and
very seldom or never in
the Larger Receptacles
This may arise from three
Causes: 1st Either the
liquid which should
pass, is grown more
Viscid, while the Capacity
of the Canal remains ye same 2d the Canal is grown
Narrower whilst the
Liquid remains as it
or 3dly the straitness of the
Canal and the Viscidity of
the Liquid are Combined
together. Nausea See Vomiting Nephritis Sapo Alb. Nervous Parts The Harmony and Obstructions Obstructions cheifly This may arise from three (seq. 140)Nausea
See Vomiting
Sapo Alb.
Lime Water
Bolus Diuret.
Decoct. Diuret.
Decoct. cum Nit.
Inf. Linseed
Emuls. Arab. Com.
Ol. Junip.
Lamb. Comm.
Haust. Salin.
Potion Balsamic.
Julepium Diuret.
Julep Squills
Spt. Nit. dulc.
Spt. Sal. dulc.
Spt. Succin.
Tinct. Cantharid.
Enema Emolliens
Enema Terebenth.
Fomentation Emolliens
Elect. Lenitive
Elect. Nephriticum
Elix. Salut.
Nervous Parts
The Harmony and
Sympathy of the
Nervous parts is of very
great Use in the practice
of Physick for
without an accurate
knowledge of these
many Symptoms
of Diseasease cannot
be explained. though
is has not hitherto been
attended too.
Observe that the
parts are the first Membranes
of the Brain and
Spinal Marrow. Then
the Nervous Membranes
which invest the Orgins
of the Senses, die Eyes
Ears Nostrills, Mouth &
Fauces add to these those
which Cover the Bones
Head, Feeth, Joints und
Muscles: Likewise the
Oesophagus of the Stomach
and Intestines which is Entirely Nervous and Membraneous
Obstructions cheifly
take Place in the Vessels and
very seldom or never in
the Larger Receptacles
This may arise from three
Causes: 1st Either the
liquid which should
pass, is grown more
Viscid, while the Capacity
of the Canal remains ye same 2d the Canal is grown
Narrower whilst the
Liquid remains as it
or 3dly the straitness of the
Canal and the Viscidity of
the Liquid are Combined
together. Nausea See Vomiting Nephritis Sapo Alb. Nervous Parts The Harmony and Obstructions Obstructions cheifly This may arise from three |