(seq. 142)

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57 revisions
Ardilla at Apr 21, 2023 08:06 PM

(seq. 142)

Ozena Ung. Nicotian Ol. Amygd. d. Fumes of Cinnib. Merc. dulc. f Inject Ol. Castor cum Ol. Amygd. d. Gm. Camph Cum Croci & Opii s. ss Rx Lavender Anthos aa m for a Sneezing powder add Dried leamon peel If this arises from a Veneral Cause use a Solution of Corrosive Sublimate in French Brandy and the Cinnaber Fumigations Pains to ease Extract. Thebaic Tinct. Thebaic Pacific Pills Storax Pills Saponae Pills Syr. White popies Philonium Theriaca Diascordium Strength Conf. Anodyne diuret. Draught all Opiates Externally Anodyne Foment. Bals. Turpentine Camphorated Ol. Liniment Anody. Bals. anodynum Ung. Nerv. Warm Plaister Blistering plaister Vid. Ascites Palpitation e Heart If the patient is plethoric bleed Tea, Balms, Veronica Prim Roses Citrons. Ess. Scordium. Carduus Benedictus Citron or Orange Peal Spt. Nit. dulc. Terra foliata Tartari temperate Pediluvia Moderate Exercise plenty of thin Drink Whey Mineral Waters of the Chalybeated kind Saline Nitrous Cinnabrine temperating Medicines Antispasmodics Palsy If there is an Inflamation bleed. Arum, Betony, Garlic, Lavend. Pellitory of Spain Rosemary, Rues Sage, Cardam. Seeds Sassafras, Asa fetid. Camph. Golden Sulph of Antimo. aq. Antihesterie Comp. Horse Radish water, Scorbutic Juices, Decoct. Wood, Ol. C. C. Spt. lav. C. Externally. pulv Cephalica. Bals. Turpint. Sapon. Bals. Linement. Anodyn. Ung. Nerv. Paralytic Ointm. Warm Plaister, Blistering Plaister. Pannus è ye Eye This is a fleshy Excressena which first which appears in die greater Angle of the Eye it expands till it covers like a Wing. over the Conjunctive Coat Sacch. Cand. Mel. Vin. alb. Ossa of Cuttle Fish C. C. C. Calcind. Egg shells Waters of Eye Bright. [greater?] Celandine Fenicul. In Obstinate Cases use ye following Collyrium Rx. Lapid. Hematit. ppt. s.ss. Vit. alb gr xv. Myrrh Croci. aa gr. v. Sacch. Cand. alb. s. j. M. F. Pulvis m. this with Aq. Ros. Eye Bright Fenic aa. Let none of this come to the Pupil of the Eye


Ung. Nicotian
Ol. Amygd. d.
Fumes of Cinnib.
Merc. dulc. f Inject
Ol. Castor cum
Ol. Amygd. d.
Gm. Camph
Cum Croci
& Opii s. ss
Rx Lavender
Anthos aa
m for a Sneezing
powder add
Dried leamon

If this arises
from a Veneral
Cause use a
Solution of
Corrosive Sublimate
in French
Brandy and
the Cinnaber

to ease

Extract. Thebaic
Tinct. Thebaic
Pacific Pills
Storax Pills
Saponae Pills
Syr. White popies
Strength Conf.
Anodyne diuret.
all Opiates
Anodyne Foment.
Bals. Turpentine
Camphorated Ol.
Liniment Anody.
Bals. anodynum
Ung. Nerv.
Warm Plaister
Blistering plaister
Vid. Ascites

e Heart

If the patient is
plethoric bleed
Tea, Balms,
Veronica Prim Roses
Citrons. Ess. Scordium.
Carduus Benedictus
or Orange Peal
Spt. Nit. dulc.
Terra foliata Tartari
temperate Pediluvia
Moderate Exercise
plenty of thin
Drink Whey
Mineral Waters
of the Chalybeated
Saline Nitrous


If there is an Inflamation
Arum, Betony,
Garlic, Lavend.
Pellitory of Spain
Rosemary, Rues
Sage, Cardam. Seeds
Sassafras, Asa fetid.
Camph. Golden
Sulph of Antimo.
aq. Antihesterie
Comp. Horse Radish
water, Scorbutic
Juices, Decoct. Wood,
Ol. C. C. Spt. lav. C.
Externally. pulv
Cephalica. Bals.
Turpint. Sapon.
Bals. Linement.
Anodyn. Ung.
Nerv. Paralytic
Ointm. Warm
Plaister, Blistering

Pannus è ye Eye

This is a fleshy Excressena
which first which appears
in die greater Angle of
the Eye it expands till
it covers like a Wing.
over the Conjunctive Coat

Sacch. Cand. Mel. Vin.
alb. Ossa of Cuttle Fish
C. C. C. Calcind. Egg shells
Waters of Eye Bright. [greater?]
Celandine Fenicul.

In Obstinate Cases
use ye following Collyrium
Rx. Lapid. Hematit. ppt.
s.ss. Vit. alb gr xv. Myrrh
Croci. aa gr. v. Sacch.
Cand. alb. s. j. M. F. Pulvis
m. this with Aq. Ros.
Eye Bright Fenic aa.
Let none of this come
to the Pupil of the Eye

(seq. 142)

Ozena Ung. Nicotian Ol. Amygd. d. Fumes of Cinnib. Merc. dulc. f Inject Ol. Castor cum Ol. Amygd. d. Gm. Camph Cum Croci & Opii Dss Rx Lavender Anthos aa m for a Sneezing powder add Dried leamon peel If this arises from a Veneral Cause use a Solution of Corrosive Sublimate in French Brandy and the Cinnaber Fumigations Pains to ease Extract. Thebaic Tinct. Thebaic Pacific Pills Storax Pills Saponae Pills Syr. White popies Philonium Theriaca Diascordium Strength Conf. Anodyne diuret. Draught all Opiates Externally Anodyne Foment. Bals. Turpentine Camphorated Ol. Liniment Anody. Bals. anodynum Ung. Nerv. Warm Plaister Blistering plaister Vid. Ascites Palpitation e Heart If the patient is plethoric bleed Tea, Balms, Veronica Prim Roses Citrons. Ess. Scordium. Carduus Benedictus Citron or Orange Peal Spt. Nit. dulc. Terra foliata Tartari temperate Pediluvia Moderate Exercise plenty of thin Drink Whey Mineral Waters of the Chalybeated kind Saline Nitrous Cinnabrine temperating Medicines Antispasmodics Palsy If there is an Inflamation bleed. Arum, Betony, Garlic, Lavend. Pellitory of Spain Rosemary, Rues Sage, Cardam. Seeds Sassafras, Asa fetid. Camph. Golden Sulph of Antimo. aq. Antihesterie Comp. Horse Radish water, Scorbutic Juices, Decoct. Wood, Ol. C. C. Spt. lav. C. Externally. pulv Cephalica. Bals. Turpint. Sapon. Bals. Linement. Anodyn. Ung. Nerv. Paralytic Ointm. Warm Plaister, Blistering Plaister. Pannus è ye Eye This is a fleshy Excressena which first which appears in die greater Angle of the Eye it expands till it covers like a Wing. over the Conjunctive Coat Sacch. Cand. Mel. Vin. alb. Ossa of Cuttle Fish C. C. C. Calcind. Egg shells Waters of Eye Bright. [greater?] Celandine Fenicul. In Obstinate Cases use ye following Collyrium Rx. Lapid. Hematit. ppt. Dss. Vit. alb gr xv. Myrrh Croci. aa gr. v. Sacch. Cand. alb. Dj. M. F. Pulvis m. this with Aq. Ros. Eye Bright Fenic aa. Let none of this come to the Pupil of the Eye


Ung. Nicotian
Ol. Amygd. d.
Fumes of Cinnib.
Merc. dulc. f Inject
Ol. Castor cum
Ol. Amygd. d.
Gm. Camph
Cum Croci
& Opii Dss
Rx Lavender
Anthos aa
m for a Sneezing
powder add
Dried leamon

If this arises
from a Veneral
Cause use a
Solution of
Corrosive Sublimate
in French
Brandy and
the Cinnaber

to ease

Extract. Thebaic
Tinct. Thebaic
Pacific Pills
Storax Pills
Saponae Pills
Syr. White popies
Strength Conf.
Anodyne diuret.
all Opiates
Anodyne Foment.
Bals. Turpentine
Camphorated Ol.
Liniment Anody.
Bals. anodynum
Ung. Nerv.
Warm Plaister
Blistering plaister
Vid. Ascites

e Heart

If the patient is
plethoric bleed
Tea, Balms,
Veronica Prim Roses
Citrons. Ess. Scordium.
Carduus Benedictus
or Orange Peal
Spt. Nit. dulc.
Terra foliata Tartari
temperate Pediluvia
Moderate Exercise
plenty of thin
Drink Whey
Mineral Waters
of the Chalybeated
Saline Nitrous


If there is an Inflamation
Arum, Betony,
Garlic, Lavend.
Pellitory of Spain
Rosemary, Rues
Sage, Cardam. Seeds
Sassafras, Asa fetid.
Camph. Golden
Sulph of Antimo.
aq. Antihesterie
Comp. Horse Radish
water, Scorbutic
Juices, Decoct. Wood,
Ol. C. C. Spt. lav. C.
Externally. pulv
Cephalica. Bals.
Turpint. Sapon.
Bals. Linement.
Anodyn. Ung.
Nerv. Paralytic
Ointm. Warm
Plaister, Blistering

Pannus è ye Eye

This is a fleshy Excressena
which first which appears
in die greater Angle of
the Eye it expands till
it covers like a Wing.
over the Conjunctive Coat

Sacch. Cand. Mel. Vin.
alb. Ossa of Cuttle Fish
C. C. C. Calcind. Egg shells
Waters of Eye Bright. [greater?]
Celandine Fenicul.

In Obstinate Cases
use ye following Collyrium
Rx. Lapid. Hematit. ppt.
Dss. Vit. alb gr xv. Myrrh
Croci. aa gr. v. Sacch.
Cand. alb. Dj. M. F. Pulvis
m. this with Aq. Ros.
Eye Bright Fenic aa.
Let none of this come
to the Pupil of the Eye