(seq. 143)
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11 revisions | Ardilla at Apr 21, 2023 08:07 PM (seq. 143)Parakynanche
This is an Inflamation
of the External Muscles of
the Larynx.
This is a sort of a
Quinzey which see
This is a Shortness
of the Prepuce as
when it cant Cover
the Yard also a narrowness
and Contraction
of the Womb.
Emollients are
proper & Mercurials
if the Case is Ven.
This is a Madness
accompanied with
a Continual Fever.
This is cured as is
the Pleurisy. which
This is a Palsy
seizing all the
Pares of the Body
below the Head.
See Palsy. Parakynanche This is an Inflamation This is a sort of a Paraphimosis This is a Shortness Emollients are Paraphrenitis This is a Madness This is cured as is Paraplegia This is a Palsy See Palsy. (seq. 143)Parakynanche
This is an Inflamation
of the External Muscles of
the Larynx.
This is a sort of a
Quinzey which see
This is a Shortness
of the Prepuce as
when it cant Cover
the Yard also a narrowness
and Contraction
of the Womb.
Emollients are
proper & Mercurials
if the Case is Ven.
This is a Madness
accompanied with
a Continual Fever.
This is cured as is
the Pleurisy. which
This is a Palsy
seizing all the
Pares of the Body
below die Head.
See Palsy. Parakynanche This is an Inflamation This is a sort of a Paraphimosis This is a Shortness Emollients are Paraphrenitis This is a Madness This is cured as is Paraplegia This is a Palsy See Palsy. |