(seq. 10)




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was bro't upon the carpet: no [objection?]
offered & no other person named.
But as [?] did not require
a choice, it was postponed.
I returned, & in company w Wheaten
as far as Walpole, who said he was
engaged at Providence for 3 weeks.
Mr Sanger was ordained this day
at Duxbury. Mr Williams at {the}
baptist meeting, [west?] part of [?].

July 6. Sat.
Went down to Clapboardtrees, & put up
at Mr Gay's. Mr. J. Eliot changed with
me (for I supplied Little Cambridge) & left
his compliments with information that he
had {the} honor of preaching his father's
sermons & I of Mr Bean's, which he
thought was very good. I thought so too.
I found that {the} small [po?] was [going?] thro
Boston by licence. That none {were}
to be innoculated after is [inst?].

July. 7. Sab.
All day at Clapboard-trees. Harvard College
was [liken?] to break up. That large num-
ber {were} dismissed to have {the} small pox.

July 8. Monday.
Over to Medfield & home. Told Mr
Bean I would go to Boston etc. with him.

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