(seq. 44)
prisoner & some left [a?] table upon
her being at it. Ridiculous!
The junior began Terence instead
of reciting [Cosaris?] commentaries. I
had some symptoms of 1 dysentery.
Look physic.
Tuesday & Wednesday.
About this time Bedford ws burned
by that party who left New-York
to reinforce [Pigor?] upon [?].
Having found that our troops had
found a retreat from [?]
ya did not land, but anchored off
New-London; then proceeded to
Bedford when they destroyed 1
chief stores & about 15 or 20 houses.
Is this an indciation of humanity,
sound policy or a pacific disposition?
By gentlemen from Newport it is
said that 1 enemy in 1 late engagment
had between 1,000 & 1100 killed
wound & missing, & that thier officers
suffered very much. This
agrees with 1 most [judicious?] of our
army & is not altogether improbable.
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