Pages That Need Review
Guild, Benjamin, 1749-1792. Diaries of Benjamin Guild, 1776, 1778. HUG 1439.5, Harvard University Archives.
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To Col Cor[y's?] where I drank tea with Mr Temple and a large round of ladies, and gentlemen. Mr. Hudson, a member of Congress ws there, who gave me an invitation to go to a [parish?] in South Carolina. He said my expenses there would be delayed; that the living[?] would be a plantation with 29 negroes & might be estimated at about 2000L this currency. I took it under consideration and was to give an answer at General Hancock’s the next Thursday. Monday. Mr Hall began to send his furniture to [Cosco?] Bay, where he meant to retire and marry as soon as possible. Tuesday. Dined with a Corporation. Th. Left of Dr Eliot ws severely full and affectionately mentioned. But I heard no new member [tathed?] of. The corporation made each of the Tutors a grant of 200 L & 1 other governor in proportion. Wednesday. I have so happily removed the use of my eye as to say aside my glases[?].
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Coer since last vacation. But I have been obliged to avoid bright sunshine or candle light. Sometimes I am pained & unable to read. Thursday. Waited upon Mr Hudson & {General} Hancock and told him I could not go to the parish he mentioned. He urged my going in the spring. Said he would write to them; [?] what I might depend upon and expect a determinate answer from me at Philadelphia, where he should be till next April. & from whence I should set off with him, should I accept [the?] proposal. Thus the matter ws left: no obligations on either side— Dined at Mr Wendell’s and set off with Mrs Sally Wendell soon after dinner. Had an agreeable ride to Cambridge & spent the evening at Mrs Wendell’s. Fryday. Supped at Mr Lewell’s with Mr [Spurague?] who is to be married soon. Last week, after Thursday lecture, he stept in to see Mrs Hannah Fitch, without any particular appointment or dates.
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mination, but the matter being proposed (either by him or her) was fully agreed upon before 4 o'clock and all the preliminaries settled. They were published at Boston {the} next Sabbath and all the necessary steps taken for a speedy conclusion of {the} matter. Saturday. My class exhibited compositions; but very few, however, were sufficiently sensible of the imporance of [N to?] comply with my requistion. Addison's observation is too true "That invention is {the} most painful opperation of {the} mind." I [?] a letter from a French gentleman, giving an account of {the} engagement of 1 [British?] fleet; but as it was wrote badly and incorrectly, I could not understand the whole of it. Sunday. Oct. 4. Preached at Little Cambridge. Told {the} committee I ought to have 6 £ instead of 4 £ an article, had [?] since my engagement Dined with a gentleman from Boston
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whose wife, during his imprisonment by {the} Britons, had conducted in such a manner as to be confined in Boston's gaol. He refuses to see her & and not without reason. O! Hymen, withhold thy bonds when discord will make them galing, or when inconstancy may change them into shackles of misery. Drank tea with Mr. Wellington at {Esquire} Sparhawks & returned to club. Monday. The [?] {Regiment} marched for [Rutland?] One {Regiment} of Britons only is left at Cambridge. Our guard are be few. I have been informed that the time has been when we could not [pass?] Sentries at our [?] and that the Britons themselves have solicited & obtained leave to patrol and keep their men in order thro' the night. Tuesday. Drank tea at Mr. Gannett with ladies from Medford. Spent a sociable afternoon A young preacher was presented with his wife; but altho' they appear to be very happy in each other, I am far from being convinced that {the} pleasures
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Of a conjugal connection, in an unsettled state of life, one not overbalanced by the anxiety and disadvantages that attend it. This afternoon complaint ws made to me from Lit. [Canb?] that [peaches?] & geese were mising & probably by some of the students. I advised the owners to get the best evidence & told ym If it was necesary for government to interpose they should be rectified. [Prince?] slept with me, who has at Mr [Porter's?] at Watertown upon free cost. Wednesday. Mr. Derry of Windsor & his son breakfasted with me & several other gentlemen. Studied a little while, but company &e detained me chief of the day, as it frequently does. Thursday. Heard Mr Wight preach {the} Lecture [?] was but 20 minutes in sermon, & that was of a peculiar nature. Dined with Mr Newcomb. Walked with him & conversed upon friendship, {the} world &e. He is just upon being sworn into count, and looking out for a settlement in life. Bought a piece of Fresh linen, and
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Altho’ not very fine it cost me 6 dollars per yd. Drank tea at Mr Eliot’s. Sally ws married to {Captain} Squire last Monday evening about 10. The weding was gloomy, Mr Latthrop, who married them has lately left his wife. The family, however, I found in better spirits than heretofore. Took my grant of 200L. Fryday. Attended Dr Appleton’s lecture. After preaching it the Dr walked home almost as spry as a young man. He observed however, there ws some difference between 30 & 85. Spent {the} evening at my chamber with a large college company. Some noises in the entry obliged me to get up & go out for the first time since I have been at college. Saturday. To Boston. Got a certificate of the Townclerk for Mr Serague, which is generally done by some friend. Heard no news of consequence. Saw last week’s [Nothsore?] paper, but it contained nothing new. Our situation was exhibited in a very different light from what might be
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Collected from our own papers: the states & {the} congres divided: the money [?] to nothing and the high oft colourings put upon every appearance of our different[?]. Saw Mr Sprague set out for Dublin with his intended partner [?] H. Fitch of Boston. The carried chief of her furniture with her in the chaise. He appeared too torpid & indiscretionate respecting a livelihood: but she appeared different, sensible & resolute. Sunday Oct. 11. Rode over to Little Cambridge in a violent storm; but my carriage kept me perfectly dry. Attended prayers; but the President did not paraphrase as usual. For several years past he has generally paraphrased some part of the new testament instead of repeating part of the sermon, or of having the heads of it repeated. But his exercises have been so long, and tedious as to this the Chapel very much. Sunday evening before last chief of the students absented
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themselves by combination. The matter being [mentioned?] before the corporation he ws [?] to have them as sparingly as might be. It ws hinted to the [?] that a regular attendance in future might [?] all purposes. They attended. Monday. Attended College exercises & went over to Medford. Miss Cory had not returned from Boston. Spent the evening at Willis Hall. Tuesday. Spent [the?] evening at my [number?] with Mr Eliot of [Fairfield?] and had a good college session till near midnight. Wednesday. After dinner set out for Wrentham - Slept at Mr Badger's and spent a sociable evening. Thursday. Dined at Mr Prentiss's with Mr Badger & Miss Salley on their way from Providence, where one continental regiment is encamped over the bridge. The Miss [Townsendes?] dined with us. Attempted to Barter, with Mr. J. Adams, some
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books I carried up, but he had none I wanted. Left 13 volumes with him : and arrived at Wrentham in the [?]. Found the family well and engaged in manufacturing instead of trading as heretofore. My father had been gone to Keene near a fortnight. Friday. Read some in [?] a [French?] author upon certain tenets of [?]; but found nothing very ingenious in him. Visiting Mr Bean and found him in [?] quo. My father returned in the evening with [?]. I sat chatting till midnight. He sold his place at Keene for a thousand pounds and meant, either to enlarge his form at home or put his money into the loan office. Saturday. Called upon my my quondam chum [Fisher?], who has been for some time in [?]. but who appeared nearly as heretofore. After dinner to Natick. Mr Badger went to Little Cambridge.
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Sunday. {October} 18. Preached all day at Natick. Read a late Thursday Lecture Sermon by Dr [Channey?], upon oppresion. He ws plain and bore hard upon government in [oppression] , widows & orphans, as well as [salarymen?]. Drank tea with Mr Welles & returned to Cambridge. [Broit?] the air plant from Mr Badger's to be deposited in the museum; a vegetable that grows by the air alone. Dr Winthrop, whom I left very ill, was much better. Monday. Last Thursday the remaining British regiment marched for Rutland. - Last Friyday Mr Hall took his leave of College and set out for Falmouth. He was married last summer vacation but kept it a secret till he was about to resign. The steward resigned a few weeks past, so that a secretary to the board of overseers, two members of the corporation, a tutor and a steward are