(seq. 17)




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2 Q. What are those good things that God fills the hungry with?
An. They are spiritual good things. It is out of his
heavenly treasure & spiritual store that God supplyes
them. They are the good things of communion with
God in Christ wherewith he fills them. The good
things which God bestowes upon hungry souls that
are truely longing after real durable good are such
as these. C

1. Pardon of sin & the sense of it. This God gives to
poor hungry, empty, needy souls that are seeking for
it. Psal. 32. 5. Forgivenes of sin is a great bene-
fit that sinful Man enjoyes through the Redemption
that is in Christ. Ephes. 1. 7.

2. Justification & acceptance in the blood of Christ &
the sense of it.

3. Washing & cleansing from Sin. Deliverance from the
stain, pollution & power of Sin.

4. Spiritual refreshment & enlargements. Isai. 41. 17, 18. &
44. 3.

5. Sense of the love of God. Isai. 57. 15.

6. Peace & quietnes of Soul.

7. Consolation & joy. Ps. 126. 5, 6.

8. Grace & holines. Prov. 3. 34.

9. Strength to do the will of God. Isai. 40. 29.

3. Q. How or after what manner doth God fill the hungry
souls with his good things?

An. 1. Negatively. (1) He does not give a perfect & compleat
fulnes of all good things to ye souls of his servants
in this life. Fulnes of joy is reserved to another
place, to the more immediate fruition of Gods pru-
dence in heaven. Ps. 16. 11.

(2) God doth not so fill the souls of his servants, but
that there still remains a desire of more in them.
Yea the more they are filled, the more earnest is this
desire after more. And if at any time they are so
filled with the incomes of God to them, as that they are
fain to cry to God to hold, yet even then there is
something which they want & desire from God, as [illegible]
& ability to bear more of his presence, or the like.
1. Pet. 2. 2, 3.

(3) God doth not fill ye hungry alwayes equally or a-
like with his good things. He gives sometimes more
sometimes less as he sees meet, in various measures
& degrees.

(4) God does not alwasy fill ye hungry at All, when they
come before him. Sometimes & it may be many times

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