


Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Henkle W. D. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Henkle Mrs. W. D. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Hinkley Mrs. H. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Hill Mary E. Kalamazoo Michigan 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Honey Professor E. O. Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana 1854 Indianapolis Professor of Wabash College
1876 Hadley Professor Atlas M. Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana 1854 Indianapolis Professor of Wabash College
1876 Hibbers Professor H. B. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1854 Indianapolis Professor Asbury University
1876 Harlan John Spartanburg Randolph Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Hatch W. T. Franklin Johnson Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Hatch Mrs. M. J. Franklin Johnson Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Hite W. T. Anderson Madison Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Hubbard E. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Haines Cyrus C. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Hoss Professor G. W. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis Teacher Indiana Female College 26 Ohio Ohio Greencastle University 1850 Muncie, Indiana 40 1800
1876 Higgins Mrs. Louisa M. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Higgins Mrs. Mary E. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Hoyt B. T. Lawrenceburg Dearborn Indiana 1854 Indianapolis Seminary Boston, Massachusetts New England Newbery Seminary & Middletown County Seminary & University Middletown County
1876 Herdman John R. Middletown Henry Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1881 Hurty Josiah Richmond Wayne Indiana 1855 Madison Superintendent City Schools 43 Lowville, New York German New York Clarkson Academy, New York Union College 1834 1835 Public School New York 10
1876 Husher J. W. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1855 Madison Common School
1876 Harvey C. W. Greensburg, New Castle Decatur, Henry Indiana 1868 Richmond Superintendent Greensburg School 30 Windsor, Vermont Vermont Windsor, Vermont Seminary 1846 Woodstock, Ohio 12 155
1876 Harmon Sarah D. Elkhart Elkhart Indiana 1874 Indianapolis High School Attica, Indiana 14 Warren, Ohio Vermont & Connecticut Painesville, Ohio Seminary 1857 Warren, Ohio 30 77
1876 Henry Annis Noblesville Hamilton Vermont 1870 Terre Haute Noblesville High School 15 North Adams, Massachusetts Massachusetts Brattleboro, Vermont Seminary 1861 Guilford Springs, Vermont
1876 Howe A. P. Westfield Hamilton Indiana 1856 Indianapolis High School Teacher 15 Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts Academy 1853 Massachusetts 21
1876 Hardin Tillie Danville Hendricks Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Cartersburg Graded School 6 Hendricks County Indiana 1870 Belleville 40 55
1876 Hardin Milda Danville Hendricks Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Ungraded School 2 Hendricks County Indiana 1875 Hendricks County 35 45
1876 Huron Jennie P. Avon Hendricks Indiana 1866 Lafayette Principal Plainfield School 10 Hendricks County Indiana Ohio Danville, Indiana Academy 1864 Hendricks County 20 60
1876 Holmes Charles Stilesville Hendricks Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Greencastle 4 Chambersburg, Indiana North Carolina Greencastle University 1867 Orange County 36 45
1876 Holton Celia Kokomo Howard Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Kokomo Primary School 10 Bush Hill, North Carolina North Carolina High School 1860 North Carolina 25 40
Last edit about 1 year ago by MABarber
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Holton Fannie Kokomo Howard Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Kokomo 1 Bush Hill, North Carolina North Carolina Kokomo, Indiana High School 1876 Kokomo 40 40
1876 Huff Francis M. Warren Huntington Indiana 1874 Indianapolis County Superintendent 8 Harrison County, Virginia Hillsboro Wayne County Common 1866 Wayne County 40 80
1876 Harding Mary E. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1874 Indianapolis 4 Near Indianapolis Indiana Terre Haute Normal 1871 Marion County 30 50
1876 Hatch W. H. Indianapolis Marion Indiana Teacher Indianapolis High School 8 Near Indianapolis Vermont & Ohio Minneapolis, Minnesota High 1868 Minneapolis 50 80
1876 Hobart Lucretia Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis District School
1876 Hancock Mary A. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Primary Indianapolis 4 1/2 Newcastle, England England Medway, Massachusetts High 1871 Three Rivers, Michigan 28 50
1876 Hopkins James I. Irvington Marion Indiana Instructor Elocution Kentucky University 11 Frankfort, Indiana Kentucky & Indiana Lexington, Kentucky University 1865 Frankfort, Indiana 145
1876 Hunter D. Eckley Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1856 Indianapolis Teacher in Academy 26 Princeton, Indiana American Bloomington University 1850 Gibson County Indiana 16 150
1876 Harbison M. P. Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Bloomington, Indiana American South Carolina
1876 Houghton Walter R. Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher in Prep. Indiana State University Indiana American Bloomington University
1876 Hoover Henry C. Stockwell Tippecanoe Indiana Teacher 6 Concord, Indiana Stockwell Academy 1864 Tippecanoe 40 50
1876 Howard Mary D. Waveland Montgomery Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Danville, Illinois Ohio & Illinois 1871 Covington 20 50
1876 Hughes Julia R. Rockville Park Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principal Rockville, Indiana High School 5 Bloomington, Indiana American Oxford, Ohio Seminary 1870 Logansport 50 60
1876 Hillis J. D. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1873 Indianapolis
1876 Henry J. O. Winamac Pulaski Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principal Winamac Schools 4 Centreville, Iowa English & Irish 1872 Indiana 32 80
1876 Hawkins William M. Versailles Ripley Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principal Versailles, Indiana Decatur County 1866 Decatur 50
1876 Hancock Allie M. Walkerton St. Joseph Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Primary Department Walkerton 4 Medway, Massachusetts English South Bend High 1872 Constantine, Michigan 16 40
1876 Hartford P. T. Vevay Switzerland Indiana
1876 Hart J. Robert Thorntown Switzerland Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principal Vevay High School 5 New York City Irish Moores Hill & Bloomington College & University 1870 Switzerland County 30 60
1876 Hanson F. E. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Assistant High School 5 Buxton, Maine Maine Brunswick, Maine College 1870 Maine 40 150
1876 Hill Martha J. Dayton Tippecanoe Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Ungraded Indiana American Oxford Seminary 1876 Tippecanoe County 35 35
1876 Hodgin Cyrus W. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1862 Indianapolis Teaching 11 Randolph County Indiana North Carolina Richmond, Indiana & Bloomington, Illinois Common & Normal 1861 Richmond, Indiana 20 150
1876 Humke Albert E. Laketon Wabash Indiana 1876 Indianapolis District School 4 Heidelbeck, Germany German Germany & United States Common & Normal 1872 Wabash County 35 48
1876 Hall James R. Cambridge City Wayne Indiana 1861 Indianapolis Superintendent Knightstown School 17 Rush County Indiana Virginia Dunlapsville Academy 1857 Rush County 20 166
1876 Hickey Rachel Castleton Reno Kansas 1875 Indianapolis Grammar Teacher 5 Springfield, Illinois Normal, Illinois Normal 1872 Illinois
1877 Hayward Emily A. Brookville Franklin Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Principal Brookville High School 10 Dublin, New Hampshire New York & New Hampshire Salem, Massachusetts & Antioch Springs, Ohio Normal 1864 Johnsonville, New York 20 80
1877 Hill H. B. Aurora Dearborn Indiana 5 Indiana Moores Hill College 1872 Clark County 50 80
1877 Hall J. S. Hartford Crawford Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Principal Graded Schools 12 Harrison County Indiana Louisville & New Albany High School 1865 Harrison County 30 70
1877 Hitt Jesse M. Delphi Carroll Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Principal High School 1 Martin County Indiana American Middletown County University 1876 Delphi, Indiana 66 66
Last edit about 1 year ago by MABarber
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Howard Melissa A. Jamestown Boone Indiana 1877 Indianapolis County School 12 Boone County Indiana Virginia Lebanon, Ohio Academy 1862 Boone County 28 45
1877 Hastings A. H. Hartford City Blackford Indiana 1862 Indianapolis District School 10 Henry County Indiana North Carolina Richmond, Indiana College 1862 Wayne County 20 85
1877 Haas J. G. Pendleton Madison Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Primary 9 Wurttemberg, Germany Germany Pendleton, Indiana Common 1868 Fortville, Indiana 40 55
1877 Hersberger Milton Pendleton Madison Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Primary 6 Baltimore, Maryland Maryland Pendleton & Anderson Common & Normal 1870 Madison County Indiana 40 55
1877 Hardy Thomas M. Pendleton Madison Indiana 12 Indiana Pennsylvania Pendleton & Anderson Common 1860 Near Pendleton Indiana 12 50
1877 Hogan Anna Brightwood Marion Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Southport, Indiana 6 New Jersey Irish Cambridge City, Indiana High School 1872 Wayne County Indiana 45 50
1877 Harrison Sallie Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher Public Schools 2 Indiana Indiana & Ohio Ohio & Indiana High School & Normal 1871 Hamilton County Indiana 30 45
1877 Hungate James B. Glenn's Valley Marion Indiana 1877 Indianapolis 4 Greenwood, Indiana American Valparaiso, Indiana Normal 1873 Johnson County Indiana 45 55
1877 Hoyt Lois L. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Indianapolis Schools 10 Jefferson County Indiana Vermont Jefferson County Common 1859 Jennings County Indiana 11 55
1877 Harlan Lea P. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Common Schools 7 Indianapolis American Indianapolis College 1870 Marion County Indiana 45 110
1877 Harper W. F. Ladoga Montgomery Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Principal Central Normal 8 Hendricks County Indiana American Lebanon, Ohio Normal 1869 Hendricks County Indiana 40 120
1877 Hunt Mrs. C. W. Spencer Owen Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Superintendent Spencer Schools 18 Rush County Indiana American Steubenville 1852 Rushville 16 70
1877 Hobart Homer Windfall Tipton Indiana Indianapolis
1877 Hobart Mary E. Windfall Tipton Indiana
1877 Huston David B. Dana Vermillion Indiana 1877 Indianapolis District School 1 Indiana Indiana Terre Haute Normal 1875 Scott County Indiana 35 55
1877 Hardy Oscar Fairmount Vermillion Illinois 1872 Indianapolis Principal 10 Cayuga County New York New England Lebanon, Ohio Normal 1850 Ohio 13 75
1877 Hunke Mrs. A. E. Wabash Wabash Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher Wabash Schools 2 Brooklyn, Indiana American Terre Haute Normal 1872 Brooklyn 35 40
1877 Henby Phoebe E. Dublin Wayne Indiana 1872 Logansport Teacher Wabash Schools 4 Dublin North Carolina Richmond College 1873 New London 40 50
1877 Hathaway Sade Dublin Wayne Indiana 1875 Indianapolis
1877 Harvey Miss Marion Noblesville Hamilton Indiana 1860 Indianapolis Public School Noblesville 15 Moorfield, West Virginia Virginia Yellow Springs, Ohio College & Normal 1853 Norwalk, Ohio 25 40
1877 Hopkins M. W. Brownsburg Hendricks Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher Common Schools 1 Brownsburg Brownsburg Academy 1876 Jamestown 40 43
1877 Hamblen Jennie Clayton Hendricks Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher Common Schools 10 Belleville, Indiana Kentucky & North Carolina Hendricks County Common & Normal 1867 Hendricks 35 50
1877 Huston Charles N. Renssalaer Jasper Indiana
1877 Holman Alma A. Huntington Huntington Indiana 4 Noblesville, Indiana Richmond, Indiana Greencastle University 1871 Noblesville 45 60
1877 Heckman George C. Hanover Jefferson Indiana 1876 Indianapolis President Hanover College 7 Easton, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Easton, Pennsylvania & Princeton, New Jersey College & Theological Seminary 1870 Hanover, Indiana
1877 Houghton George T. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Haskett Sophia A. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Hall Mrs. S. C. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Harris James W. Williamsburg Wayne Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
Last edit about 1 year ago by MABarber
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Hathaway Miss O. J. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1856 Lafayette
1877 Hopkins Jennie T. Salem Washington Indiana 1856 Lafayette
1877 Hawthorne W. T. Franklin Warren Ohio 1856 Lafayette
1877 Hadley Hiram Richmond Wayne Indiana 1856 Indianapolis Teacher Richmond 20 Clinton County Ohio North Carolina & Virginia Haverford College 1850 Wilmington, Ohio 18 19
1877 Hurty Alice E. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Hill William Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Hays Hamilton Perrysville Vermillion Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Henley Jemima D. Carthage Rush Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Hobbs B. C. Annapolis Parke Indiana 1856 Indianapolis Principal Bloomingdale Academy 23 Washington County Indiana North Carolina Cincinnati, Ohio College 1833 Bartholomew County 20
1877 Harvey Nathan Howard Parke Indiana
1877 Heilscher Theodore Indianapolis Marion Indiana Teacher Indianapolis
1877 Hinkley New Castle Henry Indiana
1877 Hollingsworth
1877 Holbrook Alfred Lebanon Warren Ohio 1857 Richmond President South Western Normal
1877 Humphreys E. W. Merom Sullivan Indiana
1877 Hogate C. F. Danville Hendricks Indiana
1877 Hacker Miss
1877 Hay Reverend L. G. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1859 Indianapolis
1877 Hay W. H. 1859 Indianapolis
1877 Harvey Marion 1859 Indianapolis
1877 Hougham J. S. Franklin Johnson Indiana Professor Franklin College
1877 Hiatt J. M. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Hayden Mrs. E. L. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Hoyt Laura Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Hubbard T. D. Mooresville Morgan Indiana
1877 Hadley James W. Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Huff R. B. Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Holden J. S. Dayton Montgomery Ohio
1877 Hamilton N. B. Hartsville Bartholomew Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
Last edit about 1 year ago by MABarber
Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Hunnicut W. P. Raysville Henry Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Horne A. C. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1862
1877 Hobart J. S. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Hoyt Clarinda Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Hashour S. K. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis Superintendent Public Instruction York County Pennsylvania 1803 New Market, Virginia Seminary
1877 Hobart Charlotte Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Hobart John Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Hastings Seth G. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1862 Indianapolis Teacher at Richmond 17 New Castle, Indiana Richmond Earlham College 1861 Wayne County 28 77.78
1877 Hastings Rebecca J. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Hubbard Emma Milton Wayne Indiana
1877 Hughes
1877 Hough Daniel New Garden Wayne Indiana 1864 Richmond Book Agent New Garden, Indiana American College Hill, Ohio Farmer's College Leesburg, Ohio
1877 Hoes Miss F. E. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Hoge Maggie V. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Hawley Miss A. S. Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana
1877 Hook Maria Hartford Vigo Indiana
1877 Harrison Mary Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Hunt James Dublin Wayne Indiana
1877 Henby Emma Dublin Wayne Indiana
1877 Hays Josie Lawrenceburg Dearborn Indiana
1877 Hutcheson M. Aurora Dearborn Indiana
1877 Hobbs Mary A. Annapolis Parke Indiana
1877 Hadley Jane Annapolis Parke Indiana
1877 Hadley Mary Bloomingdale Parke Indiana
1877 Heath C. L. Rockville Parke Indiana
1877 Harkley Julia A. Rockville Parke Indiana
1877 Hinshaw R. S. Lynn Randolph Indiana
1877 Hinshaw W. L. Lynn Randolph Indiana
1877 Hiatt Pleasant Winchester Randolph Indiana
Last edit about 1 year ago by MABarber
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 14 in total