fol. 1r
April 24th Easter Monday
Two of our young workmen James Waddoch
& Tom Corbally went off early simply leaving
a message in the yard to the effect that they
were obliged to obey orders & go. We little knew
the signifigance of this. We heard afterwards
that when first order was given them to go, they
did not obey but a couple of hours later on
reception of a sealed envelope both left.
At 12.30 Mother General went
to town to pay a short visit to each of our Convents,
half an hour after this, most astounding
news came through telephone - an insurrection
in Dublin, Post Office taken by Sinn
Feiners, who had hoisted Irish Republican
flag over it. Stephen's Green, Jacob's
Factory, College of Surgeons also taken
possession of. Mother General 'phoned to say
she was returning immediately, the cab
man drove them home a round-about way,
and to our joy she arrived safely, a little
after 2.30 p.m. Nuns who were spending the
day here could not return to town - they were
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