Manuscript Cookbook 205






beef gravy: bake it one hour and half, then cut off the lid, pour in more gravy, add oysters, and send it to table, with or without the lid. If no oysters, put anchovy in the gravy. The brain shou'd be boiled, chopt fine and mixed into the gravy.


Skin two small chicken, cut them in pieces, a veal sweetbread or two sliced with them, season them very high with pepper and salt; put puff-paste round the dish, and a little forcemeat in the bottom, then half the chicken etc. a few truffles and morelles, some artichoke bottoms sliced; thin the rest of the meat with forcemeat balls, hard eggs etc. - fresh mushrooms, tops of asparagus, and cocks-combs may be added: put in a little water, and when it is baked, pour in a strong gravy thicked with butter and flour.

Last edit over 3 years ago by pedroc



Beef Olives.

Cut thin slices of beef from the rump, or inside of the sirloin, about six inches long, four or five broad, beat them a little; strew on bread-crumbs, suet, thyme parsley, lemon-peel, pepper, salt and egg to wet it: roll them up tight, skewer and fry them in butter 'till half done; then stew them in beef gravy 'till tender; put in catchup, port-wine, and lemon juice, thick with butter; and add if liked, mushrooms, hard eggs, and force-meat balls.

Fillet of Beef.

A fillet of beef is the inside of the sirloin; it must be cleared from skin and fat, cut open to lie flat, strewed with seasoning, rolled close and tied, roasted and basted with milk or beer. The seasoning and sauce to be the

Last edit over 3 years ago by pedroc



the same as for the beef olives. The gravy must be drawn with butter, and seasoned with onion, thyme, parsley, pepper and salt.

Breast of Veal stewed white. [p.e.?]

Take about eight pounds of a breast of veal, make a stuffing of a quarter of a pound of bread, the same of suet, thyme, parsley, lemon peel, pepper and salt, a few oysters, or two anchovies; put it under the skin, and lay the sweetbread in the thin part on the bones; flour and boil it in a cloth one hour and quarter, in milk and water. Make gravy of the neck end of the breast, seasoned with onion, herbs, pepper and salt; put to it half a pint of oysters, or two anchovies, two spoon fuls of white wine; and a little cream; thicken with butter rolled in flour: pour it on the meat.

Last edit about 3 years ago by CaitlinRomero
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