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3 revisions
Stittches at Nov 04, 2023 02:05 PM


and add sugar and raspberry juice. Cook
until apples are soft and mushy. Measure
and allow 1 Tbsp of gelatine soaked in ¼ C
cold to 2 C applesauce. Add soaked
gelatine to hot sauce and stir until dis-
solved. Pour into individual molds and
chill. Serve with cream or [...] milk.

Graham Apple Pie

10 Ct box Graham crackers
¾ C butter
2 C apple sauce

Crumb graham crackers and work
butter into crumbs with the tips of
fingers or a fork. Butter a baking dish
and put one half of the crumbs on the
bottom of the dish and press down. Add
a layer of apple sauce on top of this and
then the remaining crumbs on the apple
sauce. Bake in a moderate oven ½ hr.
Serve hot. Delicious when served with whipped cream.


and add sugarand raspberry juice. Cook until apples are soft and mushy. Measure and allow 1 Tbsp of gelatine soaked in 1/4 C cold to 2 C applesauce. Add gelatine to hot sauce and stir until dissolved. Pour into individual molds and chill. Serve with cream or tsp milk.

Graham Apple Pie

10 Ct box Graham crackers
3/4 C butter
2 C apple sauce

Crumb graham crackers and work butter into crumbs with the tips of finders or a fork. Butter a baking dish and put one half of the crumbs on the bottom of the dish and press down. Add a layer of apple sauce on top of this and then the remaining crumbs on the apple sauce. Bake in a moderate oven 1/2 hr. Serve hot. Delicious when served with whipped cream.