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Laura K. Morreale LLC at Feb 28, 2021 04:35 AM

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Cest li escriz des choses le conte vendues ⋅

?: Ce sunt les choses que Messires Eras de Valeri a achete des choses le conte

? Premierement por lasne a tot le harnois xvi b̸ ⋅ et por xl gelines viii b̸ et xiiii b̸ por busche ⋅
por ⋅ i ⋅ fer de glaive ⋅ et iii paire desperons et i ⋅ coutel ⋅ vi b̸ demi ⋅
por ⋅ C ⋅ muis dorge C b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ lxi ⋅ quanne de napes ⋅ xxx b̸ ⋅ et por ⋅ iii ⋅ xiines de toailles
a mains ⋅ vi b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ toile x quannes vi b̸ ⋅ por le for de fer et i pot de cuivre et une chaudiere
et ⋅ i ⋅ paelle et ⋅ i ⋅ graill et ⋅ i ⋅ trepie et une forchete et une paellete percie ⋅ xvi b̸ ⋅
por iiii quarriaus ii b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ v ⋅ paire de dras nues ⋅ xxv b̸ ⋅ por i siffle et por ⋅ x
paire de petiz ganz ⋅ ii b̸ ⋅ et por ii paire de barriz ⋅ ii b̸ ⋅
por ⋅ iii ⋅ quannes de saie ⋅ xv b̸ ⋅ por xv botes de vin iicc xix b̸ quart moins ⋅
et por x lez de char salee x b̸

-- Somme ⋅ de ces choses ⋅ iiiic ⋅ lxxvii b̸ ⋅ vi quarrobles ⋅

Item ⋅ por ⋅ xviii ⋅ escuelles ⋅ dargent ⋅ et xii enas et ii grans plateaus qui poisent ⋅ xliii mars
et demi ⋅ iii ⋅ estellins ⋅ moins ⋅ qui valent ⋅ iiic liii b̸ et vi quarrobles ⋅ le marc vendu viii b̸ et iiii quarobles au marc dAcre

--Somme de tot ⋅ viic ⋅ et xxxi b̸ demi sor mon segnor Erart de Valeri

? Ce est ceu que messire Joffroiz de Sergignes li peres acheta ⋅
por ⋅ iii ⋅ chaudieres et ii paelles ⋅ sol xviii b̸ ⋅ et iiii b̸ por les ⋅ ii ⋅ botiaus de cur a vin ⋅
por xl lez de char salee ⋅ xli b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ iiii paire de barriz vi b̸
por ⋅ xvii ⋅ botes de vin ⋅ iic ⋅ xxx b̸ x quarrobles ⋅
--Somme ⋅ sor mon segnor Joffroi ⋅ iiic ⋅ b̸ xiiii ⋅ quarrobles moins

?Messire Hugues de la Baume ⋅ por ⋅ ii ⋅ fracoires ⋅ ii b̸ ⋅ et por ⋅ i ⋅ coutel ⋅ iii b̸
por frains ⋅ et por trumelieres de fer x b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ xx ⋅ pieces de toile ⋅ et por x pieces de napes
et de toailles ⋅ vc ⋅ lxxvi b̸ demi et demi b̸ ⋅ por testieies a cheval ⋅
por xii culliers ⋅ xvi b̸ ⋅

Somme sor mon segnor Hugues ⋅ vic ⋅ viii b̸

? por C ⋅ muis dorge venduz ⋅ c b̸ por i⋅ mulet iiiixx⋅ x b̸⋅ vendu a mon segnor Hue de Mont Cornet

? por ii⋅ napes et⋅ iiii petites toailles ii b̸⋅ iii quarrobles
? por une male et i⋅ bahu xx [ſ ]tornois au chapelein⋅ por⋅ i⋅ mille de busche⋅ x b̸⋅
? por ⋅ c ⋅ et lv⋅ gelines vendues ⋅ xxxi b̸ ⋅ por vi et por froment vi b̸ demi ⋅
? Item por ⋅ viiixx ⋅ et x ⋅ muis de froment ⋅ iiic lxxiiii b̸ ⋅ et por I bote de vin ⋅ iiii b̸ demi
? por le mouton ⋅ x b̸ ⋅ Por les ii coffres de larmeure vi b̸ ⋅
? por le ganbaison le conte et le bacinet ⋅ xxxvi b̸ ⋅
? por ⋅ i covertor noir et ⋅ i ⋅ covertor blanc ovre x b̸ et por ⋅ iii quannes de raie ⋅ xxi b̸ ⋅
? por ⋅ vii ⋅ verz et ii ⋅ raiez ⋅ iiiic ⋅ l b̸ et por iii quannes de saie xv b̸
? por ⋅ iiii paire ⋅ desperons ⋅ et ⋅ i ⋅ coutel ⋅ vi b̸ ⋅ et por une macete et i petit coutel ⋅ iiii b̸
? por i ⋅ coutel de tartais ⋅ xxs ẝ deniers torn ⋅ por ⋅ ii ⋅ boqueranz ⋅ vii ⋅ b̸ et demi
? por uns cuissiaus ⋅ vi b̸ ⋅ et iiiiẝ torn por ⋅ i ⋅ coutel a trenchier ⋅ por ⋅ i ⋅ fer de glaive xsolz torn
? Item ⋅ por i ⋅ fer de glaive ⋅ et por ⋅ ii ⋅ orfras et por ⋅ i ⋅ eschaquier et les eschas vendu ensemble ix b̸ ⋅
? Item ⋅ por ⋅ iii ⋅ paire despeons ⋅ ii b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ i coutel i b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ i fer de glaive i ⋅ b̸ ⋅
? por ⋅ i ⋅ petit ganbaison ⋅ et ii paire de chauces xvii t
? item por iiii paire de chauces xxiiiis t
? Por unes covertures a cheval blanche ⋅ xii b̸ ⋅ por i gorgiere et ii ⋅ barnieres viez ⋅ iii b̸
? por i barniee nueuve ⋅ ii b̸: por i ⋅ boquerant ⋅ iii b̸ et demi ⋅
? Por une corroie dargent ⋅ x b̸ ⋅ et por ii ⋅ corroies dor lune viez
et lautre nueve ⋅ xxxvi b̸ ⋅ et por ⋅ i ⋅ drap de tartais ⋅ xii b̸ ⋅
Item por ii ⋅ dras de tartais ⋅ xl b ⋅ por xvi quannes de toile ⋅ xii b̸ ⋅
? Por xl quannes de napes et po une ⋅ xiine de toailles ⋅ xxviii b̸ ⋅
? Por sorcengles ⋅ por ⋅ iiii ⋅ paire de braies et de chemises feites et por iii ⋅ paire de ganz doblez ⋅ v b̸ ⋅
? et por autres ⋅ iiii ⋅ paire de braies et de chemises feites ⋅ iiii b̸ ⋅
et por ⋅ iiii ⋅ paire de solles nues ⋅ viiis torn et por unes hueuses ⋅ nueves ⋅ i b̸ et demi ⋅
? Por une coute pointe vermoille ⋅ v b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ ii ⋅ curs de dain ⋅ ii b̸ ⋅
? Po ii ⋅ pannes de gros vair ⋅ et une autre panne roige et une foreure a chapeon
de vair viii ⋅ ẝ tornois ⋅ Por les coffres de cur boli ⋅ ou la chapelle estoit xvi b̸
? Por ⋅ ii ⋅ males et ii bahuz et iii ⋅ baz ⋅ lxx ẝ tornois et x ẝ tornois por coffres nueuves ⋅
? Item por iiii baz ⋅ xl ẝ tornois Por ii coffres x b̸
? Por ii chameloz xvi b̸ Por la viez chapelle vendue ⋅ xlviii b̸
? Por i ⋅ pot dargent vendu par soi ⋅ xvi b̸
? Item por xxii escuelles dargent et iiii ⋅ granz bacins ⋅ vii henas ⋅ et ⋅ i ⋅pot dargent /
qui pese̾nt ⋅ lxiiii ⋅ mars et xxx ⋅ estellins⋅ le marc vendu ⋅ viii b̸ ⋅ iiii quarrobles
somme ⋅ vc xxiiiibes⋅ vquarrobl ⋅ a marcheanz ⋅
? Por une tyreteinne ⋅ lxvi b̸ ⋅ por xxix queuvrechies ⋅ vi b̸
? por quarraus et pilez ⋅ ix b̸ et x quarrobles ⋅
? Por les ⋅ ii ⋅ palefroiz et les ⋅ ii ⋅ mulaces vc
Por le cheval ⋅ grile c b̸ ⋅

Ceste somme sanz iii les iii ⋅
premiers ⋅ iim ⋅ vic iiiixx ix b̸
vi quarrolbes
et xix lb ix ẝ tornois

⋅ Ce sunt les choses vendues au Temple ⋅
? Por ⋅ i ⋅ pot dor et une cope cuvesclee dor qui poisent vii ⋅ mars moins ⋅ xxxii estellins
le marc lxx b̸ vendu ⋅ somme ⋅ iiiic ⋅ lxxvi b̸
? Item por ii ⋅ poz dargent qui poisent ix mars ⋅ et xxxv estellins le marc vendu ix b̸
somme por ces poz iiiixx iii b̸ ii quarrobles moins
Item ⋅ por ⋅ ii ⋅ barriz dargent qui poisent xiii mars moins v estellins ⋅ moins ⋅ a x b̸ le mars
somme por les barriz ⋅ C ⋅ et xxx b̸ ⋅ tierz moins ⋅
Item por une cope dargent doree a cuvescle ⋅ qui poise iiii ⋅ mars et demi moins c estellins ?
a ⋅ xii b̸ le marc ⋅ somme ⋅ po la cope ⋅ liii b̸ xv quarrobles
⋅ Somme de tot sor le temple ⋅ viic ⋅ xlii b̸ v quarrobles

⋅ Somme de tot cet escrit ⋅ vm C ⋅ lxxi b̸ ix quarrobles
et dautre part ⋅ xxlb ix ẝ tornois ⋅ Cilz compes fu feiz lan de main de
feste Sainte-Coiz en septembre ⋅ au Temple ⋅ par devant le maistre du Temple
et monsegnor Erartde Valei et mon segnor Joffroi de Sergignes le juenne
Item por iiii cullers dargent a dragiee ii b̸ et xxxiii ẝ tornois por ⋅ xi eniaus dou Pui
Item por le drap de emenant des esprevers ⋅ vi b̸ ⋅

Somme de tot escrit ⋅ iiiim ⋅ iiiic ⋅ xxix b̸ iiii quarrobles sanz le Temple ⋅
Somme de tot vm ⋅ c ⋅ lxxxi b̸ ⋅ ix quarrobles
et xix b̸ ix ẝ tornois et iceus xxxiii ẝ


Here are written the things the count sold.

These are the things that my lord Erard of Valery purchased from the things of the count

Firstly, for the donkey, for all of the equipment, 16 b̸, and for 40 chickens 8 b̸, and 14 b̸ for wood,
and 1 iron blades, and 3 pair of spurs, and 1 dagger, 6 and one half b̸,
for 100 measures of barley, 100 b̸, for 61 cane-lengths of tablecovering, 30 b̸ and for 3 dozen
hand towels, 6 b̸, and for 10 cane-lengths of linen, 6 b̸. The the covered iron pot, and one copper pot, and one cauldron,
and 1 pan, and 1 grill, and 1 tripod, and a fork and a perforated pan, 16b.
For 4 quarrels 2 b̸. For 5 pairs of unadorned fabric 25 b̸. For 1 whistle, and for 10
pair of small gloves, 2b. And for 2 pairs of barrels, 2 b̸.
For 3 cane-lengths of serge, 15 b̸. For 15 butts of wine, 219 b̸ less a quarter.
And for 10 sides of salted meat, 10 b̸.

---The total of all these things, 477 b̸ 6 quarobles.

Likewise, for 18 silver saucers and 12 goblets and 2 large platters that weight 43 and half marks
less 3 sterling, and are valued at 354 b̸ and 6 quarrobles the mark sold for 8b and 4 quarroble to the mark of Acre.

--The total of all, 831 and one half b̸, [charged] on my lord Erart of Valery.

--This is what my lord Jeffrey of Sergines the elder bought
For 3 cauldrons and 2 pans, sol 18 b̸, and 4 b̸ for the 2 bottles to age wine;
For the 40 sides of salted meat, 41 b̸. For the 4 pairs of barrels, 6 b̸, For the 17 butts of wine, 230 b̸ and 10 quarrobles.
The total for my lord Jeffrey is 300 bezants, less 14 quarrobles.

My lord Hughes de la Baume for 2 frying pans 2 b̸; and for 1 knife, 3 b̸;
for brakes and for iron leg protectors 10 b̸, for 20 pieces of linen and for
10 pieces of cloth
and towels 576 and one half b̸; and one half bezant for horse bridles, for 12
spoons, 16 b̸.

The total for my lord Hugon: 608 b̸.

For 100 measures of barley, which were sold, 100 b̸
For the mule, 90 b̸, sold to my lord Hue de Mont-Cornet.

For 2 cloths and 4 small hand towels, 2 b̸ 3 quarrobles.
For a case and a chest, 20 tournois sous. To the chaplain for 1 [thousand?] of wood, 10 b̸.
For the sale of 155 chickens, 31 b̸. For wine and wheat 6 and one half b̸.
Likewise for 170 measures of wheat 374 b̸. and for 1 bottle of wine 4 and one half b̸;
for the sheep, 10 b̸. For the 2 cases: for the armor, 6 b̸, for
the Count's gambeson and casque, 36 b̸.
For 1 black coverlet and 1 white worked coverlet, 10 b̸. and for 3 cane-lengths of striped [fabric] 21 b̸.
For 7 green and for 2 striped 450 b̸ and for 3 cane-lengths of serge, 15 b̸.
For 4 pair of spurs, and one knife, 6 b̸ and for one small mace and one small knife, 4 b̸.
For 1 [bundle of?] Tartar [cloth?] 20 ẝ 1 d̷ tournois For 2 Boukhara [fabrics] 7 b̸
and one half.
For one pair of leg protectors 6 b̸, and 4 ẝ tournois for 1 carving knife. For 1 iron blade 10 ẝ tournois.
Likewise for 1 iron blade and for 2 orphrey [pieces of gold cloth] , and for 1 chessboard and chess pieces sold together, 9 b̸.
Likewise for 3 pair of spurs 2 b̸, for 1 knife 1 b̸, for one iron blade
1 b̸,
for a small gambeson and 2 pair of shin protectors, 17 ẝ tournois,
likewise for 4 pair of shin protectors.
For one white horse blanket 12 b̸, for 1 gorget [neck protector], and 2 two old banners 3 b̸;
for 1 new banner 2 b̸. For 1 Boukhara cloth 3 and one half b̸,
for a silver belt 10 b̸, and for 2 gold belts, one
old and one new, 36 b; and for 1 Tartar cloth 12 b̸.
Likewise for 2 Tartar cloths 40 b̸. For 16 cane-lengths of linen 12 b̸,
for 40 lengths of fabric and for one dozen handtowels 27 b̸.
For sashes and 4 pair of undergarments and finished blouses, and for
3 pair of lined gloves 5 b̸,
and for another 4
pair of undergarments and finished blouses 4, and for 4
pair of plain shoes 8 ẝ tournois, and for one pair of
new leggings one and one half b̸. For one vermillion
quilt, 5 b̸, For 2 suedeskins 2 b̸. For 2
panels of grovair, and another red panel, and
one fur cape of vair, 8 £t. For
the boiled-leather chests where the chapel was 16 b̸.
For the 2 cases and 2 domed trunks, and 4 flat trunks 70 ẝ tournois and 10 ẝ tournois for 2
new cases.
Likewise for 4 flat 40 ẝ tournois. For 2 cases 10 b̸.
For 2 camelins [cloth] 16 b̸. For the old chapel, sold for 48 b̸.
For 1 silver pot sold on its own 16 b̸.
Likewise for 22 silver saucers and 4 large basins, 7 goblets, and 1 silver pot
that weights 64 marks and 30 sterlings, the mark trading at
8 b̸ 4 quarrobles,
totaling 524 b̸ 5 q at market.
For a tiretaine 66 b̸; for 29 head-coverings 6 b̸;
for quarrels and arrows 9 b̸ and 10 quarrobles.
For the 2 palfreys and the 2 mules 500 b̸.
For the grey horse 100 b̸.

This total without 3the first 3,
2,690 b̸
6 q and
19 £9 ẝ tournois.

These are the things sold to the Temple.
For 1 gold pot and a covered gold cup which are worth 7 marks less 32 sterlings, the mark valued at 70 b̸, for a total of 476 b̸.
Likewise for the 2 silver pots that are worth 9 marks and 35 sterlings, the mark valued at 9 b;
--Total for these two pots, 83 b̸ less 2 quarobles
Likewise for 2 silver containers that are worth 13 marks less 5 sterlings, at 10 b̸ to the mark,
the total for the vat 130 b̸ less one third.
Likewise for a silver gilded cup, with a cover, that is worth 4 and one half marks less 100 sterling,
at 12 b̸ the mark, the total for the cup is 53 b̸ 15 quarrobles.
--The total for all at the Temple, 742 b̸ 5 quarrolbes.

--The total of all written here, 5171 b̸ 9 q, and
for the other part 20 l 9 ẝ tournois. These accounts were made the day after the feast of the Holy Cross in September, at the Temple, before the master of the Temple,
and my lord Erard of Valery, and my lord Jeffrey of Sergines the younger.
Likewise for 4 silver spice spoons 2 b̸.; and 33 ẝ tournois for 11
rings from Puy.
Likewise for the remaining cloth from the bedding, 6 b̸.

--The total for all that is written: 4429 b̸ 4 quarobles without the Temple.
The overall total 5181 b̸ 9 quarobles
and 29 b̸ 9 ẝ tournois and those 33 ẝ

Roll 1D front

Cest li escriz des choses le conte vendues ⋅

?: Ce sunt les choses que Messires Eras de Valeri a achete des choses le conte

? Premierement por lasne a tot le harnois xvi b̸ ⋅ et por xl gelines viii b̸ et xiiii b̸ por busche ⋅
por ⋅ i ⋅ fer de glaive ⋅ et iii paire desperons et i ⋅ coutel ⋅ vi b̸ demi ⋅
por ⋅ C ⋅ muis dorge C b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ lxi ⋅ quanne de napes ⋅ xxx b̸ ⋅ et por ⋅ iii ⋅ xiines de toailles
a mains ⋅ vi b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ toile x quannes vi b̸ ⋅ por le for de fer et i pot de cuivre et une chaudiere
et ⋅ i ⋅ paelle et ⋅ i ⋅ graill et ⋅ i ⋅ trepie et une forchete et une paellete percie ⋅ xvi b̸ ⋅
por iiii quarriaus ii b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ v ⋅ paire de dras nues ⋅ xxv b̸ ⋅ por i siffle et por ⋅ x
paire de petiz ganz ⋅ ii b̸ ⋅ et por ii paire de barriz ⋅ ii b̸ ⋅
por ⋅ iii ⋅ quannes de saie ⋅ xv b̸ ⋅ por xv botes de vin iicc xix b̸ quart moins ⋅
et por x lez de char salee x b̸

-- Somme ⋅ de ces choses ⋅ iiiic ⋅ lxxvii b̸ ⋅ vi quarrobles ⋅

Item ⋅ por ⋅ xviii ⋅ escuelles ⋅ dargent ⋅ et xii enas et ii grans plateaus qui poisent ⋅ xliii mars
et demi ⋅ iii ⋅ estellins ⋅ moins ⋅ qui valent ⋅ iiic liii b̸ et vi quarrobles ⋅ le marc vendu viii b̸ et iiii quarobles au marc dAcre

--Somme de tot ⋅ viic ⋅ et xxxi b̸ demi sor mon segnor Erart de Valeri

? Ce est ceu que messire Joffroiz de Sergignes li peres acheta ⋅
por ⋅ iii ⋅ chaudieres et ii paelles ⋅ sol xviii b̸ ⋅ et iiii b̸ por les ⋅ ii ⋅ botiaus de cur a vin ⋅
por xl lez de char salee ⋅ xli b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ iiii paire de barriz vi b̸
por ⋅ xvii ⋅ botes de vin ⋅ iic ⋅ xxx b̸ x quarrobles ⋅
--Somme ⋅ sor mon segnor Joffroi ⋅ iiic ⋅ b̸ xiiii ⋅ quarrobles moins

?Messire Hugues de la Baume ⋅ por ⋅ ii ⋅ fracoires ⋅ ii b̸ ⋅ et por ⋅ i ⋅ coutel ⋅ iii b̸
por frains ⋅ et por trumelieres de fer x b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ xx ⋅ pieces de toile ⋅ et por x pieces de napes
et de toailles ⋅ vc ⋅ lxxvi b̸ demi et demi b̸ ⋅ por testieies a cheval ⋅
por xii culliers ⋅ xvi b̸ ⋅

Somme sor mon segnor Hugues ⋅ vic ⋅ viii b̸

? por C ⋅ muis dorge venduz ⋅ c b̸ por i⋅ mulet iiiixx⋅ x b̸⋅ vendu a mon segnor Hue de Mont Cornet

? por ii⋅ napes et⋅ iiii petites toailles ii b̸⋅ iii quarrobles
? por une male et i⋅ bahu xx [ſ ]tornois au chapelein⋅ por⋅ i⋅ mille de busche⋅ x b̸⋅
? por ⋅ c ⋅ et lv⋅ gelines vendues ⋅ xxxi b̸ ⋅ por vi et por froment vi b̸ demi ⋅
? Item por ⋅ viiixx ⋅ et x ⋅ muis de froment ⋅ iiic lxxiiii b̸ ⋅ et por I bote de vin ⋅ iiii b̸ demi
? por le mouton ⋅ x b̸ ⋅ Por les ii coffres de larmeure vi b̸ ⋅
? por le ganbaison le conte et le bacinet ⋅ xxxvi b̸ ⋅
? por ⋅ i covertor noir et ⋅ i ⋅ covertor blanc ovre x b̸ et por ⋅ iii quannes de raie ⋅ xxi b̸ ⋅
? por ⋅ vii ⋅ verz et ii ⋅ raiez ⋅ iiiic ⋅ l b̸ et por iii quannes de saie xv b̸
? por ⋅ iiii paire ⋅ desperons ⋅ et ⋅ i ⋅ coutel ⋅ vi b̸ ⋅ et por une macete et i petit coutel ⋅ iiii b̸
? por i ⋅ coutel de tartais ⋅ xxs ẝ deniers torn ⋅ por ⋅ ii ⋅ boqueranz ⋅ vii ⋅ b̸ et demi
? por uns cuissiaus ⋅ vi b̸ ⋅ et iiiiẝ torn por ⋅ i ⋅ coutel a trenchier ⋅ por ⋅ i ⋅ fer de glaive xsolz torn
? Item ⋅ por i ⋅ fer de glaive ⋅ et por ⋅ ii ⋅ orfras et por ⋅ i ⋅ eschaquier et les eschas vendu ensemble ix b̸ ⋅
? Item ⋅ por ⋅ iii ⋅ paire despeons ⋅ ii b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ i coutel i b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ i fer de glaive i ⋅ b̸ ⋅
? por ⋅ i ⋅ petit ganbaison ⋅ et ii paire de chauces xvii t
? item por iiii paire de chauces xxiiiis t
? Por unes covertures a cheval blanche ⋅ xii b̸ ⋅ por i gorgiere et ii ⋅ barnieres viez ⋅ iii b̸
? por i barniee nueuve ⋅ ii b̸: por i ⋅ boquerant ⋅ iii b̸ et demi ⋅
? Por une corroie dargent ⋅ x b̸ ⋅ et por ii ⋅ corroies dor lune viez
et lautre nueve ⋅ xxxvi b̸ ⋅ et por ⋅ i ⋅ drap de tartais ⋅ xii b̸ ⋅
Item por ii ⋅ dras de tartais ⋅ xl b ⋅ por xvi quannes de toile ⋅ xii b̸ ⋅
? Por xl quannes de napes et po une ⋅ xiine de toailles ⋅ xxviii b̸ ⋅
? Por sorcengles ⋅ por ⋅ iiii ⋅ paire de braies et de chemises feites et por iii ⋅ paire de ganz doblez ⋅ v b̸ ⋅
? et por autres ⋅ iiii ⋅ paire de braies et de chemises feites ⋅ iiii b̸ ⋅
et por ⋅ iiii ⋅ paire de solles nues ⋅ viiis torn et por unes hueuses ⋅ nueves ⋅ i b̸ et demi ⋅
? Por une coute pointe vermoille ⋅ v b̸ ⋅ por ⋅ ii ⋅ curs de dain ⋅ ii b̸ ⋅
? Po ii ⋅ pannes de gros vair ⋅ et une autre panne roige et une foreure a chapeon
de vair viii ⋅ ẝ tornois ⋅ Por les coffres de cur boli ⋅ ou la chapelle estoit xvi b̸
? Por ⋅ ii ⋅ males et ii bahuz et iii ⋅ baz ⋅ lxx ẝ tornois et x ẝ tornois por coffres nueuves ⋅
? Item por iiii baz ⋅ xl ẝ tornois Por ii coffres x b̸
? Por ii chameloz xvi b̸ Por la viez chapelle vendue ⋅ xlviii b̸
? Por i ⋅ pot dargent vendu par soi ⋅ xvi b̸
? Item por xxii escuelles dargent et iiii ⋅ granz bacins ⋅ vii henas ⋅ et ⋅ i ⋅pot dargent /
qui pese̾nt ⋅ lxiiii ⋅ mars et xxx ⋅ estellins⋅ le marc vendu ⋅ viii b̸ ⋅ iiii quarrobles
somme ⋅ vc xxiiiibes⋅ vquarrobl ⋅ a marcheanz ⋅
? Por une tyreteinne ⋅ lxvi b̸ ⋅ por xxix queuvrechies ⋅ vi b̸
? por quarraus et pilez ⋅ ix b̸ et x quarrobles ⋅
? Por les ⋅ ii ⋅ palefroiz et les ⋅ ii ⋅ mulaces vc
Por le cheval ⋅ grile c b̸ ⋅

Ceste somme sanz iii les iii ⋅
premiers ⋅ iim ⋅ vic iiiixx ix b̸
vi quarrolbes
et xix lb ix ẝ tornois

⋅ Ce sunt les choses vendues au Temple ⋅
? Por ⋅ i ⋅ pot dor et une cope cuvesclee dor qui poisent vii ⋅ mars moins ⋅ xxxii estellins
le marc lxx b̸ vendu ⋅ somme ⋅ iiiic ⋅ lxxvi b̸
? Item por ii ⋅ poz dargent qui poisent ix mars ⋅ et xxxv estellins le marc vendu ix b̸
somme por ces poz iiiixx iii b̸ ii quarrobles moins
Item ⋅ por ⋅ ii ⋅ barriz dargent qui poisent xiii mars moins v estellins ⋅ moins ⋅ a x b̸ le mars
somme por les barriz ⋅ C ⋅ et xxx b̸ ⋅ tierz moins ⋅
Item por une cope dargent doree a cuvescle ⋅ qui poise iiii ⋅ mars et demi moins c estellins ?
a ⋅ xii b̸ le marc ⋅ somme ⋅ po la cope ⋅ liii b̸ xv quarrobles
⋅ Somme de tot sor le temple ⋅ viic ⋅ xlii b̸ v quarrobles

⋅ Somme de tot cet escrit ⋅ vm C ⋅ lxxi b̸ ix quarrobles
et dautre part ⋅ xxlb ix ẝ tornois ⋅ Cilz compes fu feiz lan de main de
feste Sainte-Coiz en septembre ⋅ au Temple ⋅ par devant le maistre du Temple
et monsegnor Erartde Valei et mon segnor Joffroi de Sergignes le juenne
Item por iiii cullers dargent a dragiee ii b̸ et xxxiii ẝ tornois por ⋅ xi eniaus dou Pui
Item por le drap de emenant des esprevers ⋅ vi b̸ ⋅

Somme de tot escrit ⋅ iiiim ⋅ iiiic ⋅ xxix b̸ iiii quarrobles sanz le Temple ⋅
Somme de tot vm ⋅ c ⋅ lxxxi b̸ ⋅ ix quarrobles
et xix b̸ ix ẝ tornois et iceus xxxiii ẝ


Here are written the things the count sold.

These are the things that my lord Erard of Valery purchased from the things of the count

Firstly, for the donkey, for all of the equipment, 16 b̸, and for 40 chickens 8 b̸, and 14 b̸ for wood,
and 1 iron blades, and 3 pair of spurs, and 1 dagger, 6 and one half b̸,
for 100 measures of barley, 100 b̸, for 61 cane-lengths of tablecovering, 30 b̸ and for 3 dozen
hand towels, 6 b̸, and for 10 cane-lengths of linen, 6 b̸. The the covered iron pot, and one copper pot, and one cauldron,
and 1 pan, and 1 grill, and 1 tripod, and a fork and a perforated pan, 16b.
For 4 quarrels 2 b̸. For 5 pairs of unadorned fabric 25 b̸. For 1 whistle, and for 10
pair of small gloves, 2b. And for 2 pairs of barrels, 2 b̸.
For 3 cane-lengths of serge, 15 b̸. For 15 butts of wine, 219 b̸ less a quarter.
And for 10 sides of salted meat, 10 b̸.

---The total of all these things, 477 b̸ 6 quarobles.

Likewise, for 18 silver saucers and 12 goblets and 2 large platters that weight 43 and half marks
less 3 sterling, and are valued at 354 b̸ and 6 quarrobles the mark sold for 8b and 4 quarroble to the mark of Acre.

--The total of all, 831 and one half b̸, [charged] on my lord Erart of Valery.

--This is what my lord Jeffrey of Sergines the elder bought
For 3 cauldrons and 2 pans, sol 18 b̸, and 4 b̸ for the 2 bottles to age wine;
For the 40 sides of salted meat, 41 b̸. For the 4 pairs of barrels, 6 b̸, For the 17 butts of wine, 230 b̸ and 10 quarrobles.
The total for my lord Jeffrey is 300 bezants, less 14 quarrobles.

My lord Hughes de la Baume for 2 frying pans 2 b̸; and for 1 knife, 3 b̸;
for brakes and for iron leg protectors 10 b̸, for 20 pieces of linen and for
10 pieces of cloth
and towels 576 and one half b̸; and one half bezant for horse bridles, for 12
spoons, 16 b̸.

The total for my lord Hugon: 608 b̸.

For 100 measures of barley, which were sold, 100 b̸
For the mule, 90 b̸, sold to my lord Hue de Mont-Cornet.

For 2 cloths and 4 small hand towels, 2 b̸ 3 quarrobles.
For a case and a chest, 20 tournois sous. To the chaplain for 1 [thousand?] of wood, 10 b̸.
For the sale of 155 chickens, 31 b̸. For wine and wheat 6 and one half b̸.
Likewise for 170 measures of wheat 374 b̸. and for 1 bottle of wine 4 and one half b̸;
for the sheep, 10 b̸. For the 2 cases: for the armor, 6 b̸, for
the Count's gambeson and casque, 36 b̸.
For 1 black coverlet and 1 white worked coverlet, 10 b̸. and for 3 cane-lengths of striped [fabric] 21 b̸.
For 7 green and for 2 striped 450 b̸ and for 3 cane-lengths of serge, 15 b̸.
For 4 pair of spurs, and one knife, 6 b̸ and for one small mace and one small knife, 4 b̸.
For 1 [bundle of?] Tartar [cloth?] 20 ẝ 1 d tournois For 2 Boukhara [fabrics] 7 bezants
and one half. For one pair of leg protectors 6 b̸, and 4 ẝ tournois for
1 carving knife.

For 1 iron blade 10 ẝ tournois. Likewise for 1 iron
blade and for 2 orphrey [pieces of gold cloth] , and for 1 chessboard
and chess pieces sold together, 9 b̸. Likewise for 3 pair
of spurs 2 b̸, for 1 knife 1 b̸, for one iron blade
1 b̸, for a small gambeson and 2 pair of shin protectors,
17 ẝ tournois, likewise for 4 pair of shin protectors. For
one white horse blanket 12 b̸, for 1
gorget [neck protector], and 2 two old banners 3 b; for 1 new
banner 2 b̸. For 1 Boukhara cloth 3 and one half b̸, for a
silver belt 10 b̸, and for 2 gold belts, one
old and one new, 36 b; and for 1 Tartar
cloth 12 b̸. Likewise for 2 Tartar cloths 40 b̸. For
16 cane-lengths of linen 12 b̸, for 40 lengths of fabric
and for one dozen handtowels 27 b̸. For sashes
and 4 pair of undergarments and finished blouses, and
for 3 pair of lined gloves 5 b̸, and for another 4
pair of undergarments and finished blouses 4, and for 4
pair of plain shoes 8 ẝ tournois, and for one pair of
new leggings one and one half b̸. For one vermillion
quilt, 5 b̸, For 2 suedeskins 2 b̸. For 2
panels of grovair, and another red panel, and
one fur cape of vair, 8 £t. For
the boiled-leather chests where the chapel was 16 b̸.
For the 2 cases and 2 domed trunks, and 4 flat trunks 70 ẝ tournois and 10 ẝ tournois for 2
new cases. Likewise for 4 flat 40 ẝ tournois. For 2
cases 10 b̸. For 2 camelins [cloth] 16 b̸. For the old
chapel, sold for 48 b̸. For 1 silver pot sold by
him 16b. Likewise for 22 silver saucers and
4 large basin, 7 goblets, and 1 silver pot that
weights 64 marks and 30 sterlings, the mark trading at
8 b̸ 4 quarrobles, totaling 524 b̸ 5 q at
For a blended-twill [cloth] 66 b; for 29 head-
coverings 6 b; for and quarrels and arrows 9 b̸ and 10 quarrobles.
For the 2 palfreys and the 2 mules 500 b̸. For the
grey horse 100 b̸.
This total without the first 3, 2,690 b
6 q and 19 £9 ẝ tournois.
VI. These are the things sold to the Temple.
For 1 gold pot and a covered gold cup which
are worth 7 marks less 32 sterlings, the mark
valued at 70 b̸, for a total of 476 b̸.
Likewise for the 2 silver pots that are worth 9 marks
and 35 sterlings, the mark valued at 9 b; for these two
pots, 83 b̸ less 2 q.
Likewise for 2 silver containers that are worth 13 marks
less 5 sterlings, at 10 b̸ to the mark, the total for the
vat 130 b̸ less one third.
Likewise for a silver gilded cup, with a cover, that
is worth 4 and one half marks less 5 sterling, at 12
bezants the mark, the total for the cup is 53 b̸ 15 quarrobles.
The total for all at the Temple, 742 b̸ 5 quarrolbes.
The total of all written here, 5171 b̸ 9 q, and
for the other part 20 l 9 ẝ tournois.
These accounts were made the day after the feast of
the Holy Cross in September, at the Temple,
before the master of the Temple, and my lord Erard
of Valery, and my lord Jeffrey of Sergines the younger.
Likewise for 4 silver spice spoons 2 b̸.; and
33 ẝ tournois for 11 rings from Puy.
Likewise for the remaining cloth from the bedding,
6 b̸.
The total for all that is written: 4429 b̸ 4 q
without the Temple.
The overall total 5181 b̸ 9 q and 29 £9 ẝ tournois and
those 33 ẝ tournois.