


Status: Translated
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And the said lord lieutenant [judge] ordered the opposing party, the said Peter Huguet, to be summoned the following day at the hour of vespers by one of the criers of the present the court so as to proceed with the trial at hand, and furthmore and also for appraising the said Magdalena since he asserts [her] to be his own slave, and established in his servitude, lest the rights of the court on account of [???] be violated in any way.

Anno quo supra die veneris octava mensis Julii coram memorato domino vicevicario
In the year as above on Friday the 8th of July before the aforementioned lord, vicevicario

pro tribunali sedente comparuit dictus Petrus Huguet citra revocationem
...in front of the sitting tribunal there appeared the said Peter Huguet having first revoked

procuratorum suorum aprecians dictam sclavam ad viginti quinque florenos salva
his procurators, and appraised the said slave at 25 florins saving any

iudiciali taxatione. Et nichilominus petit in omnibus et per omnia prout supra petiit et requisivit et
any judicial provision. And likewise he pleaded in everything and through everything just as above he pleaded and required
protestatur de dampno interesse et expensis.
and protested about the damage, the interest, and the expenses.

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Dan Smail

A procedure is initiated for assessing Magdalena's value.

Dan Smail

Petrs assesses her value at 25 florins.