




. . . . . .
Oz. 1/4 lb. lb.
Extra Curled - Well known salad $0.10 $0.25 $0.75
True Water - Sow along the border of running water: cover slightly; packet, 10 cents $0.25 $0.85
Early Russian - The earliest, small, but very productive $0.10 $0.35 $1.25
White Spine or Boston Market - Bright green, the best $0.10 $0.30 $1.00
Early Cluster - Very productive and early $0.10 $0.30 $1.00
Early Frame or Short Green - Good for pickles or table use $0.10 $0.30 $1.00
Green Prolific - Very uniform; bright green, a great producer $0.10 $0.30 $1.00
Boston or Jersey Pickling - A very desirable sort for pickles $0.10 $0.30 $1.00
Perfection Pickllng - New; excellent for slicing and pickles $0.10 $0.35 $1.25
Improved Long Green - An old standard sort; one of the best $0.10 $0.30 $1.00
Tailby's Hybrid - Handsome, very large and productive $0.10 $0.30 $1.00
London Long Green - Very long and handsome $0.10 $0.30 $1.00
Gherkin or Burr - For pickles only; very small oval shape $0.20 $0.75
Early Long Purple - Hardy and productive $0.30 $1.00
Improved New York - Very large, nearly round; packet 10 cents $0.50 $1.50
Black Pekin - A large Chinese sort of peculiarly fine flavor; packet 10 cents $0.50 $1.50
Extra Curled - A fine fall salad $0.20 $0.75
Dish Cloth - Sugar Trough - Nest Egg and Dipper - Each per packet 10 cents $0.25 $0.85
Dwarf German Green - $0.10 $0.35 $1.20
Tall Curled Scotch - $0.10 $0.35 $1.20
Early White Vienna - $0.20 $0.65 $2.00
Early Purple Vienna - $0.20 $0.65 $2.00
London Flag - Standard sort $0.15 $0.50 $1.50
Musselberg - Extra large size $0.20 $0.65 $2.25
Early Curled Silesia - Early, crisp, fine $0.15 $0.40 $1.25
Passion - A good summer sort $0.20 $0.60 $2.00
Golden Stone - Heads compact; very early; good for forcing $0.20 $0.60 $2.00
Early Curled Simpson - Dark green; large loose wrinkled hoads $0.15 $0.40 $1.25
Newport - Fine forcing variety; desirable for tbe family garden $0.15 $0.50 $1.50
Perpetual - Stands summer heat; extra fine quality $0.15 $0.50 $1.50
Tennis Ball or Boston Market - An old favorite; one of the best $0.15 $0.40 $1.35
Ice Drumhead - Large close heading; stands heat well $0.15 $0.40 $1.25
Boston Curled - A handsome frilled dark green lettuce; fine fiavor $0.15 $0.40 $1.25
Victoria Cabbage - Desirable for early sowing; very hardy $0.15 $0.40 $1.25
Black Seeded Simpson - A beautifully fringed lettuce; best quality $0.15 $0.50 $1.50
Green Fringed - A favorite for table decoration $0.15 $0.40 $1.25
Red Fringed - Differs from above only in color $0.15 $0.50 $1.50
Improved Head - Attains large size, good through the entire season $0.15 $0.40 $1.25
Hanson_ - A favorite with the market gardener; holds its crispness $0.15 $0.40 $1.25
Curled lndia - Large size; heads uniform and stands heat well $0.15 $0.50 $1.50
Hubbard's Market - Medium size, light green, solid heads $0.15 $0.50 $1.50
Salamander - Good summer sort; standing drouth remarkably well $0.20 $0.60 $2.00
Golden Spotted - Strikingly handsome; good quality $0.30 $1.00
Paris White Cos - Tender and mild flavored $0.15 $0.50 $1.50
The seed pod is used for pickles $0.25 $0.75
Green Citron - Medium size, flesh green, fine flavor $0.10 $0.30 $1.00
Green Nutmeg - An old favorite $0.10 $0.30 $1.00
Skillman's Fine Netted - Flesh green, very thick and delicious $0.10 $0.30 $1.00
Silver Netted - Color of rind dark green, with silver white netting $0.15 $0.50 $1.75
Last edit almost 3 years ago by heidimarie



White Japan - Early. thick, sweet; flesh and skin creamy.................10 20 1 00 Jenny Lind - Small, early, green fleshed, flattened at the ends.........10 30 1 00 Golden Netted Gem - New, round, netted golden flesh, luscious .....15 50 1 50 Casaba - A large green fleshed melon of fine quality .................... .10 30 1 00 Improved Cantelope - Large, light green flesh, excellent ........... ....10 25 85 Surprise - Flesh salmon color, very thick and sweet .......................10 80 1 00 Hackensack or Turk's Cap - A very productive melon; delicious. .....10 30 1 00 California Citron - Very 1arge, orange fleshed sort ................. .......10 30 1 00 Orange Christiana - A small but most delicious melon. Try it .. ...... 10 35 1 25 Honey Dew - Shape oblong; color of flesh light green; delicious .... .15 50 1 50 Bay View - Large and handsome, superb quality, flesh deep green ..10 35 85 Montreal Market - A very large, thick fleshed valuable market sort..10 30 1 00 Pine Apple - Medium size, flesh firm, sweet and finest flavor ... ......10 80 1 00

MELON-WATER. Scaly Bark - Very large, sweet and melting, rind thin but tough..... 10 80 1 15 Phinney's Early - Medium size, a great cropper, flesh crimson..... . 10 80 1 00 Gipsey or Rattlesnake - Flesh scarlet, sweet; a good shipper..........10 30 1 00 Vick's Early - Bright pink, sweet and fine; very early, but not large .10 30 1 00 Mountain Sprout - Mountain Sweet and Black Spanish - each........ 10 30 1 00 Orange - When fully ripe the flesh separates from the rind....... .. ..10 25 90 Haskell’s Excelsior—A very large round melon, bright red flesh.....10 30 1 00 Cuban Queen—Large, bright red fleshed melon, very productive...10 30 1 00 Peerless—Medium size, bright scarlet flesh, sweet and luscious.. ..10 30 1 00 Chinese Sculptured Seeded—Flesh cream color, very sweet........ ..10 35 1 20 New Italian—An improvement on the old Black Spanish............ ...15 40 1 40 Landreth’s Boss—One of the finest melons in cultivation. Try it... .15 50 1 50 Mammoth Iron Clad, New—An extra large and solid melon........ ..15 50 1 50 Citron—Grown exclusively for preserves.................................. ...15 30 1 00

MUSTARD. White English - Brown or Black - each ........................................10 20 60

NASTURTIUM OR INDIAN CRESS. Tall or Dwarf-............................................................................15 50 1 75

OKRA OR GUMBO. Dwarf White - ...........................................................................10 25 75 New Improved Dwarf- Grows but 14 inches high, very productive.10 80 1 00

ONION. Extra Early Bloomsdale Pearl—Grows nearly as quick as a radish..50 1 75 6 00 Extra Early Red—Two weeks earlier than Wethersfield ................ 15 50 1 50 Large Red Wethersfield —A standard sort, good keeper.. ..............10 30 1 00 Wellow Globe Danvers—Produces very heavy crops of handsome onions. The best keeper.............................................................10 30 1 00 Large Yellow Dutch—Fine grained and mild flavored; hardy ........10 30 1 00 White Portagal—Mild flavored, handsome, not a good keeper...... 20 75 2 50 Large White Globe—Handsome, mild flavored; a good keeper.... ..20 75 2 50 Red Globe—Yields a heavy crop, a desirable market sort............ . 10 30 1 00 Small White Silverskin—For pickling ........................................ .15 85 3 00

IMPORTED VARIETIES. New Queen—Mild flavor, and a fair keeper..................................25 85 3 00 Giant Rocca—Very large, mild, fine for fall market.......................25 75 2 50 Marzagole—An early large flat silvery onion................................25 75 2 50 Large Red Tripoli—Large and good flavored................................ 25 75 2 50 Onion Sets—(See list of Vegetable Plants and Roots.)

PARSLEY. Fern Leaved - very handsome.....................................................15 50 1 50 Covent Garden - Fine for garnishing............................................10 30 1 00 Plain Leaved - Hardy; best for flavoring.......................................10 25 85

PARSNIPS. Long Sugar or Hollow Crown - Roots long, white, smooth, sugary .10 25 75 Long White Dutch - Fine for garnishing.......................................10 30 1 00 Sutton's Student - Does not grow so long as the above, fine flavored.10 30 1 00

PEAS - Early Varieties. Twenty-five cents per quart must be added to pay postage when peas are ordered by mail. *Wrinkled Varieties. Cleveland's Rural New Yorker - New, early, superb quality...............40 2 50 9 00 *Bliss' American Wonder - Dwarf, strong growers, delicious...........35 2 00 7 00 Telegraph - Second early, strong grower, wonderful producer.........40 2 10 8 00

Last edit over 2 years ago by Megan Liem





American Racer--Early, productive finest quality............ 40 $2.95 $ 8.00 Extra Early Challenge--Selection from Extra Early Philadelphia.............................................................................35 2.00 7.00 McBeth's Pride--An improvement on Kentish Invicta.......45 2.00 7.00 Landreth's Extra Early--One of the best.......................... 30 1.75 6.00 *Day's Early Sunrise--A first early, pods large and well filled.........................................................................................35 2.00 7.00 *Telephone--Early, immensely productive, strong grower...................................................................................... 35 2.00 7.00 Carter's First Crop--An old standard................................ 20 1.25 4.50 *Laxton's Alpha--First early; finest quality; productive..... 35 2.00 7.00 Philadelphia Extra Early--A favorite with market gardeners................................................................................. 20 1.25 4.50 *McLean's Little Gem--A superb dwarf; early sort........... 30 1.75 6.00 *Premium Gem--Said to be an improvement on Little Gem......................................................................................... 30 1.75 6.00 Early Kent and Improved Dan. O'Rourke--Each..... ......... 20 1.25 4.50 Tom Thumb--Very dwarf; nine inches; a good bearer...... 35 2.00 7.00 Kentish Invicta--First early; productive and of finest quality...................................................................................... 25 1.75 6.00 McLean's Blue Peter--Similar to Tom Thumb; better quality...................................................................................... 35 2.00 7.00

Late Varieties.

*Laxton's Marvel--Second early; pods long and well filled.. 40 2.10 8.00 *Stratagem--One of the best for second early... ................. 40 2.25 8.50 Dwarf White Marrow--Much like the tall variety, but earlier......................................................................................... 25 1.50 5.50 *Champion of England--One of the richest and finest; a favorite....................................................................................... 25 1.75 6.00 Large White Marrowfat--A favorite old sort; late................ 15 85 3.00 Black Eyed Marrowfat--Hardy and productive.................... 15 85 3.00 Dwarf Blue Imperial--Among the best; large well filled pods............................................................................................ 20 1.50 5.50 *McLean's Advancer--A fine wrinkled marrow; one of the best............................................................................................. 30 1.75 6.00 Yorkshire Hero--A strong grower and an excellent late.........35 1.75 6.00 Dwarf Sugar--Edible pods; used like snap beans...................40 2.50 Field Peas--See field seeds.

PEPPER. OZ. 1/4lb. lb.

Large Bell or Bull'Nose--Early variety; used for stuffed pickles........................................................................................25 85 3.00 Sweet Mountain or Mammoth--Similar to above, but a little larger......................................................................................... 25 85 3.00 Cherry Red--A dwarf variety; small, round and very strong........................................................................................ 30 1.00 Squash or Tomato Shape--Flesh thick mild and pleasing....30 1.00 Red Cayenne--Long, tapering, bright red; hot................... 25 85 8.00 Long Red--Three to four inches long................................ 30 1.00 Chili--Pods about two inches long and very piquant.......... 30 1.00 Golden Dawn Mango--Large; free from firey taste of other peppers...................................................................................... 30 1.00


Connecticut Field--Fine for table use or stock.................... 10 20 50 Black Jack--Thick meat of fine flavor; hard shell, good keeper......................................................................................... 15 50 1.50 Large Cheese--Very desirable for table use......................... 10 25 75 Cushaw--Resembles Winter Crookneck squash in shape..... 10 30 1.00 Sweet Pumpkin--A favorite table sort................................. 10 25 75 Mammoth Etampes--Early, productive, thick flesh, good qualities....................................................................................... 20 60 2.00 Passum Nose--Rivals the Hubbard squash in cooking quality..........................................................................................20 60 2.00


Early Scarlet White Tip--Turnip shaped, quick grower........ 10 25 75 Early Scarlet Turnip--Very early, rich colored, crisp and tender......................................................................................... 10 25 75 Early White Turnip--Same as above only in color............... 10 25 75 Scarlet Olive ShapeBetween the turnip shaped and long in size............................................................................................. 10 25 75 White Olive--Same as above except in color....................... 10 25 75 French Breakfast--A white tipped, scarlet olive shape; very early........................................................................................... 10 25 75 Wood's Early Frame--A little shorter than long scarlet........ 10 30 1.00 Early Long Scarlet, Short Top--Very tender; best for family use.............................................................................. ............... 10 25 75 Covent Garden Long Scarlet--An improved long scarlet...... 10 25 75 Long White Naples--A fine late variety; crisp and tender..... 10 25 90 Golden Globe--Fine for summer; not affected by the hottest weather....................................................................................... 10 30 1.00 White Summer--For summer use...................................... 10 30 1.00 Giant White Stutgart--A valuable, large, new summer radish......................................................................................... 10 35 1.25 White Strasburg Summer--Stands the heat remarkably well; a fine summer sort; crisp and transparent...................................... 15 50 1.50 Chinese Rose Winter--For winter use same as turnips....... 10 30 1.00 Black Spanish Winter--.................................................... 10 25 75 Mammoth White Winter--Very large and fine.................... 15 50 1.50


Victoria or Mammoth--Very large and fine......................... 20 60 2.00 Rhubarb Roots--(See list of Vegetable Plants and Roots.)


Round--Leaves thick and fleshy........................................ 10 20 50 Flanders--Large broad leaves........................................... 10 20 50 Savoy Leaved--Leaves wrinkled like savoy cabbage........ ... 10 20 50

Last edit over 1 year ago by mschrist



OZ. 1/4 lb. lb.

Brickley--Hardy; the favorite for fall sowing......................... 10 20 50 Viroflay--Leaves large, broad and thick.................................10 20 50 Long Standing--Leaves thick, slow in running to seed........... 10 20 65


A delicious substitute for oysters in soups........................................ 15 50 1 50


Early White Bush Scolloped--Very early, flat scolloped edges..10 30 1 00 Early Yellow Bush Scolloped--Like above, except in color.......10 30 1 00 Early Bush Crookneck--Bright yellow, productive. One of the best............................................................................................... 10 30 1 00 New Golden Bush--Larger, thicker flesh. Finest summer squash.......................................................................................... 10 35 1 25 Perfect Gem--Small, but excellent for summer and winter... 15 50 1 50 Little Cocoanut--Handsome fall variety, fine grain, delicious....................................................................................... 10 30 1 00 Boston Marrow--A fall variety, keeping well into winter, sweet........................................................................................... 10 25 90 Hubbard--The standard winter sort. None better................. 10 25 90 Winter Crookneck--Productive, excellent quality................. 10 30 1 00 American Turban--Fine grained, dry, sweet and delicious flavor............................................................................................ 10 30 1 00 Marblehead--Dry and sweet, a rival of the famous Hubbard....................................................................................... 10 30 1 00 Essex Hybrid--Hard shell, thick, dry and sweet flesh, good keeper.......................................................................................... 10 30 1 00 Mammoth ChiliImmense size, valuable for feeding............. 20 75 2 50


Connecticut Seed Leaf--Valuable for Middle and Northern States........................................................................................... 25 75 White Burley--Fine for cigars..............................................40 Havana--Imported............................................................. 50


Livingston's Perfection, Favorite, Paragon and Acme--Each...20 70 2 25 Cardinal, Mayflower, Essex Early Hybrid, Trophy, Climax--Each..............................................................................................25 80 2 75 Early Conqueror, Canada Victor, Gen. Grant, Hathaway's Excelsior Imp. Fegee--Each................................................................... 15 50 1 75 Golden Acme, Golden Trophy, Golden Queen, Green Gage--.................................................................................................... 40 1 25 4 00 Plum, Red Currant, Cherry--Each....................................... 30 1 00 3 00 Strawberry or Ground Cherry--Fine for preserves................ 50


Extra Early Purple Top Munich--The earliest; fine flavored.... 10 25 75 White Dutch and White Egg--Very white; tender and early.............................................................................................. 10 25 75 Purple Top Strap Leaved--Round flat and sweet.................... 10 25 75 Purple Top Globe--Similar to Strap Leaved except in shape............................................................................................. 10 25 75 Jersey Navet--White; shape something like the parsnip; sweet............................................................................................. 10 25 75 Cowhorn--Long like carrot; tender and of fine flavor............. 10 30 1 00 White German--Large, oval, mild, solid, sweet; a good keeper........................................................................................... 10 35 1 25 Large White Globe--Large, oval, mild, solid, sweet; a good keeper........................................................................................... 10 25 75 White Tankard, Yellow Aberdeen, Large White Norfolk and Yellow Stone--All good yielders; good keepers; good for feeding...........10 20 65 Golden Ball or Orange Jelly--Medium size; solid, fine grain, brittle............................................................................................ 10 25 85


Carter's Improved Hardy Swede--Large size and fine quality........................................................................................... 10 20 65 East Lothian--Large, solid; one of the best........................... 10 25 75 Improved American--Good for table use or stock................. 10 25 75 Laing's Improved--One of the earliest of the Swedes; good keeper........................................................................................... 10 25 75 Skirving's Purple Top--Large yielder and good keeper........... 10 25 75 Sweet German--Solid and sweet; an excellent keeper............ 10 25 75


Moore's Cream--Of the squash family...................................15 50 1 50

[left column]

HERBS. Per packet five cents. oz.

Anise.....................................10 Balm......................................25 Borage...................................15 Caraway.................................10 Catnip...................................40 Coriander..............................10 Dandelion.............................30 Dill.......................................10 Horehound...........................50 Hyssop.................................25 Lavender..............................25 Rosemary.............................40 Rue......................................20 Saffon...................................15 Sage, 1 lb. $2.50; 1/4 lb. 75c.....25 Sweet Basil............................25 Sweet Fennel.........................10

[right column]

Sweet Marjoram.....................25 Summer Savory......................20 Tansy.....................................40 Thyme...................................40 Wormwood............................30

Russian Mulberry Trees. Price list by mail postpaid. 2 to 4 in. high, 40 for $1; 100 for $2 4 to 6 in. high, 25 for $1; 100 for $3 6 to 12 in. high, 15 for $1; 100 for $4 12 to 18 in. high, 12 for $1; 100 for $5 Price list by express or freight. 6 to 12 in. per 1,000, $20, 12 to 24 inches high, per 1,000, $35 3 to 5 feet high, per 100, $35 Silk worm eggs, best varieties, per 1,000, 50c; 1/2 oz., $3; oz., $5. Complete text book on silk culture, 25c.

Last edit over 1 year ago by mschrist





Our Flower Seed is from the most reliable American and European. sources, and is unsurpassed in quality. The varieties have been selected with the greatest care, all being discarded except the best and most popular, and our customers will find that there is not one unworthy or undesirable variety included.


Under this heading we include not only the true Annuals, that is those which grow from seed, blossom and die the same season, but also some Biennials and Perennials, such as Pansies and Daisies, that flower the first season, and then live on a year or more.

The figures at right of column show price of seeds per packet.

[left column] [table] Abronia, Umbelatta--A handsome trailing plant; rosy lilac; white eye. 5. Adonis--Fine graceful foliage and brilliant scarlet flowers; a continual bloomer. 5. Ageratum--Very desirable for bouquets; blooms throughout summer. 5. --Mexicanum--Flowers light blue. 5. Agrostema--Mixed colors. 5. Alonzoa--Constant bloomer; scarlet. 5. Alyssum Sweet--A favorite flower with every one, for bedding, bouquets and all kinds of flower-work. Has pretty, fragrant, white flowers. 5. Amaranthus, Caudatus--(Love lies Bleeding)--Very brilliant flowers. 5. --Tricolor--(Joseph's Coat). 5. --Salicifolius (Fountain Plant)--One of the best foliage plants for centre of bed. 10. Anagalis--Pretty for rockries, etc. --All Colors Mixed- 10. Antirrahinum (Snapdragon)--One of the most desirable of flowers for its great variety of color and succession of bloom. --Tall--Mixed Colors. 5. --Dwarf--Mixed Colors. 5. Argemone (Prickly Poppy)-- 5. Asperula--A small flower well adapted for button-hole bouquets; color light blue. 5. Asters--Universal favorites, and stand in the first rank, for their variety of form and color, and great profusion of flowers. --New Rose--Mixed colors. 10. --Truffant's Peony-flowered Perfection--Magificent large flowers, many colors. 15. --New Crown--Center of flower pure white, outer petal of bright colors. 15. --German Quilled--Mixed colors. 5. --Dwarf Pyramidal Bouquet--The foliage is sometimes completely hidden by flowers. 10. --Mixed Varieties and Colors. 5. Balsam--Produces gorgeous masses of beautiful flowers rivaling the Rose and Camelia in beauty. When grown on rich soil which has some clay mixed with it the flowers will be mostly very double and the colors more brilliant. --Camelia-Flowered, White--Much used by florists. 10. --Solferino--Striped and spotted. 10. --Double Fine Mixed. 5. Bartonia Aurea--Flowers brilliant yellow. 5. Belvidere--Fine for Cemeteries. 5.

[right column]

Brachycome (Swan River Daisy). 10. Browallia--This is one of the prettiest and most attractive flowers on our list. Flowers blue and white. 10. Cacalia (Tassel Flower)--Mixed colors. 5. Calandrina--Mixed colors. 5. Calendula (Pot Marigold)--Nankeen color. 5. --Officinalis Meteor--Light striped with intense golden orange. 10. Calliopsis (Coreopsis)--Border plant. 6. --Mixed Colors--Many shades. 5. Campanula, Speculum (Venus' Looking Glass). 5. --Medium (Canterbury Bells)--Mixed. 10. --CarpaticaMixed colors. 5. Candytuft--A very pretty useful border plant producing an abundance of bloom. Fine for bouquets; fragrant. --White. 5. --Sweet Scented. 5. --Mixed Colors. 5. --Hybrid Dwarf. 10. Callirhoe--Produces masses of beautiful flowers during the entire season. --Involucrata--Crimson and purple. 5. --Pedata--Purple crimson, 2 feet. 5. --Pedata Nana--Violet crimson, 1 ft. 5. Canna (Shot Plant)--Ornamental foliage plant. 5. Catchfly--Showy plant for borders. 5. Celosia, New Japan Cockscomb--Best of all the Cockscombs; bright scarlet heads of bloom delicately laced or fringed. 10. --Mixed Varieties and Colors. 5. Centaurea, Cyanus (Bach. Button). 5. --Moscata (Sweet Sultan). 5. --Candidissima--Silvery-leaved. 25. Centranthus--Many colors. 5. Chrysanthemum--For late autumn blooming in the house, there is no flower to take the place of this. It blooms just a a time when there are but few other flowers, and furnishes several hundred flowers on each plant. --Burridgeanum--White. 5. --Japonicum--A new distinct sort. 25. Cineraria-Maritima,--Silver leaf. 10. Clarkia--Free growing and profuse bloomer. --Elegans--Mixed colors, 2 1/2 feet. 5. --Tom Thumb--Dwarf rose, 1 foot. 5. Collinsia--Mixed colors. 5. Convolvulus Minor (Dwarf). 5. --Mixed Colors. 5. Crepis (Hawkweed)--Mixed colors. 5. Cuphea, Purpurea--Ornamental little plant, sometimes known as "Cigar plant". 10.

Last edit over 1 year ago by lelfrank
Displaying pages 6 - 10 of 16 in total