




[left column] Sheppard's Song Restorer - Per bottle 25c; by mail........... 35 VEGETABLE PLANTS AND ROOTS. Prices quoted are at store. No charge for packing or boxes. Subject to change of market. Artichokes--Peck, $1.00; bushel, $3.00. Asparagus Roots--Two years old, per 100, 75c; per 1,000, $6.00. Cabbage Plants--Early varieties, per 100, 50c; per 1,000, $4.00. Cabbage Plants--Late varieties, per 100, 35c; per 1,000, $2.50. Cauliflower Plants--Per doz., 15c; per 100, 85c; per 1,000, $6.00. Celery Plants--Per 100, 75c; per 1,000, $5.00. Egg Plants--Per doz., 20c; per 100, $1.00. Garlic Sets--Per lb, 35c Horse Radish Sets--Per 100, 75c; per 1,000, $6.00. Onion Sets--Per qt., 25c; per pk., $1.60; per bu, $6.00. Pepper Plants--Per doz., 20c; per 100, $1.00. Rhubarb Roots--Per doz., $1.00; per 100, $7.00. Sweet Potato Plants--Per 1,000, $3.00. Tomato Plants--Best varieties, per 100, 75c; per 1,000, $5.00.

[right column] POTATOES Any variety per pound by mail, 40c. See last year's Catalogue for description.

..................................................PK. BU. BBL. Early Ohio......................50c $1.50 $3.50 Early Beauty of Hebron...50c 1.50 3.50 Late Beauty of Hebron.....50c 1.50 3.50 Parson's Prolific...............65c 2.00 4.50 We introduced this splendid potato to the public in 1882. In the official report of the Iowa Agricultural Farm Experiments, the Parson's Prolific is recorded as having produced the heaviest yield of any of the sixtyfour prominent varieties tested. It is medium late, white, smooth, nearly round and of the best quality. White Star................50c 1.50 3.50 Telephone................50c 1.50 3.50 Mammoth Pearl........50c 1.50 3.50 --Early Maine--Earlier, smoother, better quality and more productive than Early Rose. 1 lb 50c; 3 lbs $1.00; pk 75c; bush $2.00. --Amo--Grows even in size, white, slightly russeted, smooth, nearly round, fine quality, medium late, the best cropper and decidedly the best keeper of any we have tried. 1 lb 50c; 3 lbs $1 00; pk 75c; bush$2 00. Write for prices on other varieties. Sweet Potatoes--Price on application.

[end columns--text centered over page]


We make the following splendid offer: 40 Mulberry Trees, 4 to 6 inch; 100 Silk Worm Eggs; Complete Text Book, and the Racine Agriculturist, a splendid monthly paper, for one year, all fully prepaid to any address for $2.00. This offer is made to encourage the new American industry, by giving all the needed information and materials at a trifling expense.


An unequalled opportunity to secure the Farm and Garden, one of the best live, wide-awake farmers' papers in America, for one year, and a supply of choice seeds at a trifling cost as an inducement to try them. We are bound to introduce them into thousands of new homes, and believe the best way to do this, is by sending you this sample package, at an exceedingly small price. We are willing to abide by the results of your trial of our seeds, and trust in your future orders for our profits. Order at once and take advantage of the best offer ever made. Send your address with 50 cents, postal notes or stamps, and recieve the seeds by return mail, and the paper one year, all fully prepaid. The Farm and Garden alone is worthy many times the price of the entire package. The package contains one packet each of Chase's Excelsior Cabbage, Boston Market Celery, Boston Market Cucumber, Long Orange Carrot, Green Fringed Lettuce, Bay View Musk Melon, Cuban Queen Water Melon, Red Wethersfield Onion, Long Sugar Parsnip, Long Scarlet Radish, New Favorite Tomato and Purple Top Turnip.


The Farm and Garden one year, and one sample packet each of the following kinds of Choice "Flower Seeds: Aster, choice, mixed; Balsam, double mixed; Candytuft, fine mixed, and Verbena, extra choice mixed, at the same price as package "F." The packages are put up ready for mailing, and cannot be broken or changed; but will be sent to any address, with the paper one year, all fully prepaid, by mail, on receipt of price. There is no discount on these packages, no matter how many are ordered. Old customers may avail themselves of the offer if they wish. If you are already a subscriber for the paper, order the Seeds for yourself and have the paper sent to some friend. _____________________________________________________________________________ If You want any Genuine HOME CROWN NURSERY STOCK, Send for Price List to C. L. WATROUS, Capital City Nurseries, DES MOINES, IOWA.

Last edit over 1 year ago by mschrist
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