





[left column] [table] Daisy--Best double, mixed colors. A charming little plant for edgings and borders; blooms the year round. 10. Datura--Double mixed. 5. Dianthus--Very popular hardy annuals; extremely brilliant and beautiful in beds. --Chinensis--Double mixed. 5. --Laciniatus. 5. --Heddewigii. 5. --Mixed Varieties. 5. Didiscus--Delicate sky-blue blossoms. 10. Digitalis (Fox Glove)--Quite showy. --GloxinoidesMixed colors. 10. --Purpurea--Purple spotted. 5. Eschscholtzia, Californica (California Poppy)--Brilliant yellow flowers. 5. Euphoria, Marginata-- 5. Eutoca--Showy, free flowering plants. 5. Fenzlia--Beautiful little plants; requires plenty of moisture. 5. Gaillardia--Blooms throughout the season. --Mixed colors-- 5. Gilia, Mixed Colors--For bouquets. 5. Godetia--Mixed varieties. 5. Gypsophila--Small fragrant flowers. --Mixed Colors-- 5. Ice Plant--A curious, attractive plant.. 5. Jacobaea--Best double varieties. 5. Kaulfussia--Mixed colors. 5. Larkspur--Very ornamental; pretty. 5. --Dwarf Rocket-- 5. --Tall Rocket-- 5. --Imperial Branching--Double; extra fine mixed. 10. --Mixed Varieties-- 5. Leptosiphon--Star shaped flowers. 10. Linum--(Crimson Flax). 5. Lobelia--Pretty and useful little trailing plants. --Erinus--Mixed colors. 10. Lupinus (Sun Dials)--Mixed Varieties. 5. Lychnis--Calcedonica--Mixed colors. 5. --Hyageana--Mixed hybrid flowers. 10. Malope--Mixed colors. 5. Marigold African--D'ble [Double] mixed colors. 5. --French--Double mixed colors. 5. --Mixed Varieties-- 5. Marvel of Peru (Four O'clock)-- 5. Mignonette--One of the best known and most popular flowers; fragrant. --Golden Queen--Very attractive. 10. --Miles' Hybrid Spiral--Fine bloomer. 10. --Parson's White-- 5. --Sweet Scented--An old favorite. 5. Matricaria (Feverfew)--D'ble ]Double] white. 5. Mimulus, Hybridus (Monkey flower). 5. --Moschatus (Musk Plant). 10. Myosotis (Forget-me-not). 10. Nasturtium Dwarf--Mixed colors. 5. Nemophila--Best varieties mixed. 5. Nigella (Love in a Mist)--Mixed col'rs [colors]. 5. Nolana--Beautiful free flowering plt's. 5. OEnothera (Evening Primrose). --Mixed Colors-- 5. Pansy, or Heartsease--We are making this our specialty and have searched Europe and America over, and spared neither pains nor money in making our stock as complete as it is, until now we are proud to say that


The Pansy flowers better during the summer if planted in a shady place. --Azure Blue--Very fine. 10. --Bronze--Reddish brown flowers. 10. --Pure White--Used for cemeteries. 10. --Pure Yellow--. 10.

[right column] [table] --Dark Purple-- 10. --Emperor William 10. --Odier, or Five Blotched--Beautiful variety each; petal distinctly spotted. 250. --King of the Blacks. 1. --Quadricolor--A new and beautiful variety; the remarkable blending of the colors of which cannot well be described. 15. --Snow Queen--Delicate satiny white. 25. --Large Stained--This is a truly fancy variety; very handsome. 25. --Choicest German Mixed--Magnificent variety of "Show Pansies," large size, circular shape, beautiful colors and shadings, and rich velvety appearance. 35. --Choice French Mixed--Larger than the above but more coarse. 20. --Choice English Mixed or Face. 15. The above fourteen varieties are really the "cream" of the Pansies, and will make an assortment of from 100 to 200 varieties. We will mail one full sized packet of each of them for only $1.50. --Fine Mixed--A good assortment. 10. --Good Mixed. 5. Perilla--Ornamental leaved plant. 5. Petunia--Splendid for display. --Grandiflora--Magnificent flowers. 15. --Countess of Ellesmere--Greatly liked. 5. --Finest Double Mixed--Choice. 25. --Hybrida--Extra fine, mixed colors. 10. --Single Varieties Mixed. 5. Phlox Drummondi--Is the principal rival of the Verbena as a bedding plant. We can furnish a large number of separate colors if wanted, at 10 cents per packet. --Pure White. 10. --Brilliant Scarlet. 10. --All Varieties Mixed. 5. Poppy Carnation--Double mixed. 5. --Opium. 5. --Mixed Varieties. 5. Portulaca (Rose Moss)--Well known. --Fine Single Mixed--All colors. 5. --Double Rose-flowered--Extra fine; many brilliant colors. Try it. 15. Ricinus (Castor Oil Bean)--Mixed. 10. --Sanguinus--Very ornamental. 10. Rocket Sweet--Mixed colors. 5. Salpiglossis--Best mixed. 10. Salvia--Profuse bloomer. --Coccinea--Common variety. 5. --Splendens--Best, bright scarlet. 15. Sanvitalia--Double. 10. Saponaria--Mixed colors. 5. Scabiosa (Mourning Bride)--Dwarf double. 5. Schizanthus--Mixed colors. 5. Sedum (Stonecrop)--Pretty for rockeries, baskets, etc. --Mixed Colors and Varieties. 10. Solanum (Jerusalem Cherry)--Fine mixed. 10. Stevia--Mixed colors, very pretty. 5. Sensitive Plant--Very pretty curious plant, the leaves of which fold together when touched. Is quite attractive and afford an almost endless source of amusement and study. 10. Stocks, Ten Weeks --German--Mixed colors. 10. --French Autumn. 10. --Brompton or Winter--Are great bloomers. 10. --Perpetual Blooming. 15. --Mixed Colors and Varieties. 10. Sunflower--Tall double yellow. 10.

Last edit over 1 year ago by lelfrank




[left column] [table] --Mammoth Russian--Very large. 5. --Globosus Fistulosus. 5. --Double Green Centered. 5. --Best Mixed Varieties. 5. --Common--Per lb., 50c; oz., 10c. 5. Tourenia Fournieri (New). 25. Verbena--Of all magnificent bedding plants this is the finest. It is unrivaled for fine variety, and dazzling brilliancy of colors, profuse and long continued bloom. --Pure White and Brilliant Scarlet--Each. 10. --Blue. 20. --Italian--Striped and variegated. 20. --Auricula-flowered. 20. --Very Choicest Hybrida Mixed. 20. --Fine Mixed. 5. Veronica Spicata--Very showy and pretty. 10. Vinca--Mixed colors. 10. Virginia Stocks--They are profuse bearing little plants, well suited for edgings or hanging vases. --Red, White and Mixed--Each. 5. Viscaria--Pretty free-flowering plants. --Mixed. 10. Whitlavia--Bell-shaped flowers. 5. Zinnia (Double)--Orange, white and mixed--Each. 5.


This list includes all the most desirable both of the delicate and vigorous growing varieties.

Adlumia--(Mt. Fringe). 5. Baloon Vine--Cardiospermum. 5. Calampelis--A beautiful climber, 15 ft. 10. Coboea Scandens--15 to 20 ft. 10. Convolvulus Major--(Morning Glory). --Mixed Colors--Per oz., 15 cents. 5. Clematis--Cirrhosa; great bloomer. 10. Cucumbers (Ornamental)--Mixed var. 10. Cypress Vine--Small star shaped flowers, thickly set in dark green foliage. --Scarlet, White and Mixed Colors. 5. Dolichos (Hyacinth Bean)--10 to 20 ft. 5. Gourds, Calabash or Dipper. 5. --Hercules Club-- 5. --Nest Egg-- 10. --Dish Cloth-- 10. --Sugar Trough-- 10. --All Varieties Mixed. 5. Impomea, Bona Nox (Good Night or Evening Glory)--Large blossoms 10 ft. 5. Maurandia--Mixed colors. 10. Loasa--Starlike, white flowers. 25. Nasturtium--Tall mixed colors; 6 ft. 5. --Spitfire--New dazzling scarlet; 6 ft. 5. Smilax--Nothing can excell this beautiful winter climber for beauty of foliage; 6 ft. 20. Sweet Peas--Delicate color and shades. --White, Scarlet and Mixed Colors--Each, per oz., 15 cents. 5. --Butterfly--White ground, delicately laced with lavender blue; fragrant. 10.


Retain color and form for years; excellent for making into winter bouquets. Aeroclinium--Mixed colors. 5. Amobium Pure White. 5. Gomphrena (Globe Amaranth)--All colors. 5. --Dwarf Compacta--New; mixed. 15. Hellehrysum--Mixed colors. 5.

[right column]

Rhodanthe--Mixed colors. 10. Statice--Indispensable, either fresh or dried, for bouquets and floral work. --Mixed Colors. 10. Xeranthemum--Mixed colors. 5. --Super bissimum--New, very beautiful double blue flowers. 15. Everlastings Mixed-- A mixture of such of the above varieties, as are suited to grow together. 5.


These are used with Everlasting Flowers for Winter decorations.

Agrostis Nebulosa--Fine and pretty. 5. Avena--(Animated or Live Oats). 5. Brixa, Maxima and Gracilis--Each. 5. Bromus, Brizaformus (Rattle Snake Grass). 5. Coix--(Job's Tears). 5. Erianthus--Resembles Pampas grass. 10. Gynerium (Pampas Grass)-The plumes are from 20 to 36 inches long and of a beautiful silvery white. Is not hardy in this latitude, but may be grown in a greenhouse. 10. Hordeum (Squirrel's Tail Grass)-- 5. Lagurus (Hare's Tail Grass). 5. Stipa (Feather Grass)--The most graceful of all grasses; useful for dried grass bouquets. 10. Mixed--A mixture of all of the above and many other varieties which are adapted to grow together. 10.


Aquilegia (Columbine)--Often called Wild Honeysuckle. 5. Aconitum--(Monk's Hood) White flo'r [flower]. 5. Carnation--Double Early Dwarf, Mixed colors. 10. Delphinum--(Perennial Larkspur). 5. Dahlia--Best double mixed. 15. Canterbury Bells--Double mixed. 5. Hibicus-- 5. Hollyhock--Some colors, especially the clear double white, are really beautiful. --Double--All colors mixed. 10. Ipomopsis--Elegans, Picia. 5. --Fine Mixed. 10. Lathyrus--(Everlasting Peas.) Mixed. 5. Oxalis--Rosea, rose colored. 10. Pyretherum, (Feverfew) Dbl. [Double] White. 5. --Golden Feather--For borders. 10. Picotee Pink--Similar to carnation. 15. --Extra Fine Mixed-- 15. --Fancy-----White, yellow and slate ground mixed. 40. Sweet William--Mixed colors. 5. Sweet Violet. 10. Wallflower--Single mixed. 5. --Double Mixed--Choice. 15. Wigandia--One of the finest foliage plants in cultivation. --Caracasana--Lilac. 25. --Vigieri--Superb glacous foliage. 25.


These are all choice imported seeds.

Abutilon--Mixed. 25. Begonia, Tuberous Rooted. 20. --Rex Hybrid. 25. Boston Smilax. 20. Calceolaria--Hybrida mixed. 25. Cineraria--Hybrida mixed. 25. Clinthus, Dampieri. 25. Coleus--Mixed from choicest sorts. 20.

Last edit over 1 year ago by lelfrank




[left column] [table] Cyclamen, Persicum. 25. Fuchsia--Choicest varieties mixed. 50. Fern Spores. (Seed)--Seed is slow to germinate and requires care and considerable heat. --Choice Mixed Varieties. 25. Gladiolus--Can be readily raised from seed, which is sure to produce new varieties. --Best Mixed Hybrid-- 25. --Common Mixed-- 10. Geranium, Zonale Mixed-- 25. --Apple Scented-- 25. Gloxinia--Hybrida-- 35. Heliotrope-- 10. Lantana, Best Mixed-- 15. Primula Sinensis (Chinese Primrose). --Splendid Mixed-- 25. --Best Double Mixed-- 50. --Fimbriata Mixed-- 40. --Elator (Polyanthus)-- 10. Vinca--Mixed colors-- 10. Viola (Violet)--They are profuse bloomers and exquisitely fragrant. --Czar--Mixed colors; very fragrant. 25. --Odorata--Com. sweet scented violet. 25.

Mixed Flower Seeds for the Wild Garden.

This is a mixture of a large number of hardy Flowers-seeds, principally annuals. We have carefully selected for this assortment only such kinds as will do well growing together, and we are sure you will be pleased if you try it. The soil on which this is planted should be a sandy loam and as free from weeds as possible. Per oz. 35c. 5.

FLOWER PLANTS AND BULBS. We have three well-stocked greenhouses, and are better prepared than ever before to supply the great demand for plants. Our plants are all grown for the mail trade, and are strong, healthy and vigorous. They are sent by mail post-paid at prices named. Where orders for plants and bulbs (except the Dollar collections) exceed $1.00, customers will be entitled to a discount of fifteen per cent. When plants are ordered to be sent by express, we not only send larger plants, but also put in enough extras to cover the express charges. [table] [column heading: EACH.] Abutilon (Flowering Maple)--Four varieties. 10. Achania--Scarlet flowers. 10. Achryanthes--Four sorts. Doz. 75c. 10. Ageratum--Well known favorites. 10. Alternanthera--Bright-leaved plant. 10. Aloysia--(Lemon Verbena)--Fragrant. 10. Alyssum, Sweet--Three varieties. 10. Aspedistra--A choice aquatic plant. 25. Agave (Century Plant)--Plain and variegated, small size. 25. Anthericum--Leaves variegated. 10. Begonia--Flowering; ten varieties. 10. " Rubra--Scarlet flowers. 15. " Rex--Ornamental-leaved. 20. Browalia-Elata--Blue flowers. 10. Bouvardia--Winter-blooming plants. 20. Calla Lilly--Large white flowers. 15. " " --Spotted or Richardia. 15. Cactus--A very large flowers. 25. Crasulas--Star-shaped flowers. 10. Carnations--Great variety. Doz. $1.00. 10. Cuphea Platacentra--Cigar Plant. 10. Centaurea (Dusty Miller)--Doz. $1.50. 15. Clabosia--Yellow-flowering shrub. 20. Chrysanthemum--Not excelled. 15.

[right column]

Coleus--Ornamental leaved bedding plants. We have a great variety. Per doz. 75c. 10. Cereus Grandiflorus--(Night-blooming Cereus). 15. Cereus Grandiflorus--Large size. 1.00. Cinerarias--White foliage; two sorts. 15. Cocoloba Plataclada--Flat stem. 10. Cyperius Alternifolius--Umbrella Plant. 20. Cyclamen Persicum--Winter sort. 15. Daisies, Double--All colors mixed. Per doz. 75c. 10. Euphorbia Splendens--Scarlet. 25. Echeveria--Useful for rockeries, etc. 15. Epiphylium--(Lobster-leaved Cactus). 15. Eupatorium--White winter blooming. 10. Euonymus--Evergreen; three vars. 15. Eucharis--Pure white, star-shaped. 50. Fabiania Imbricata. 15. Feverfew--Double white, well known. 10. --Golden Feather--For ribbon beds. 10. Fuchsia Avalanche. 10. --Black Prince--Rose corolla; waxy, carmine sepals. 10. --Carl Holt--White; corolla crimson-striped white. 10. --Earl of Beaconsfield--Single, carmine. 10. --Mad. Van Der Strass--Dble. [Double] white. 15. --Model--Pink sepals, double corolla. 15. --Speciosa--Best blooming variety. 10. Ficus Repens--A trailing plant. 15. Festuca--Ornamental grass. 10. Ferns--In variety. 15 to 50. Funkia Alba (Day Lily)--White. 25. Farfugium Grandes--Dark green, yellow spots. 35. Gloxinias--Summer-blooming. 50. Geraniums--We have a very large variety of the best single and double sorts, and can furnish any color desired at $1.00 per doz. 10. --Fancy Leaved Geraniums--Mad. Pollock and Sunset. 25. --Crystal Palace Gem, Mt. of Snow Happy Thought, Distinction, Freak of Nature, Mad. Salleroi, Magician, Golden Circle and Ivy Leaved,--each. 10. --Scented Geraniums--Balm, Rose, Nutmeg, Lemon, Skeleton Leaved and Mrs. Taylor,--each. 10. Goldfussia--Flowers very abundant. 10. Grass Pink. 10. Gazania Splendens. 15. Honeysuckle, Japanese--Fine for baskets. 15. Hoya (Wax Plant)--For house culture. 20. Hybiscus--Bloom freely in summer. 20. Heliotropes--Fragrant; two vars. 10. Hydrangea--White and Pink,--each. 15. Iberis, Sempervirens--Perennial candytuft. 10. Ice Plant, Variegated--For baskets. 10. Ivies--English. No vine excels this. 15. Ivies--German, Parlor, Kenilworth, and Ground.-- each. 10. Justicia--Carnea and Purpurea. 10. Jasminum--White and yellow flower very fragrant. 15. --Night-Blooming--Very desirable. 15. Lantanas--Summer bloomers. 15. Libonia--Winter-blooming, two vars. 10. Lobella--Splendid basket plant. 10. Lopesia Rosea--Winter-bloomer. 10. Lycopodium (or Selaginella)--Fernery plants. 15. Mahernia Odorata--Fragrant flowers. 10. Maurandia Vine--Pretty for baskets. 10. Mysotis (Forget-Me-Not)--Two vars. 10.

Last edit over 1 year ago by lelfrank




[left column] [table] Myrtle--Hardy running. 10. Moneywort. 10. Nierembergia--Lilac flowers. 10. Oleander--Double Pink, Single White. 20. Oxalis--Fine pot or basket plants. 10. Othonna--Good basket plants; flowers bright yellow. 10. Petunias, Double--Choice varieties. 15. Passiflora--Noted Passion vine. 15. Plumbago--Shades of blue flowers. 15. Pansies--Choice mixed varieties, doz. 50. --New German--Per dozen. 75. --Separate Colors--Per dozen. 75. Peristrophe Augustifola--For baskets. 20. Pilea Arborea (Artillery Plant)-- 10. Pomagranates-- 20. Primula (Chinese Primrose)-- 25. Polyanthus (English Primrose). 25. Pelargoniums (Lady Washington Geraniums)- 25. Palms--Eight good varieties, each. 50. Peperomia-- 25. Roses--We have discarded many of the varieties of roses which we have grown in past years and selected only the very best kinds for summer and winter blooming, of Teas, Hybrid Perpetual, Polyanthas and Climbing. In ordering name colors and varieties desired. Per dozen, $1.50. 15. Raxena, Humilis-- 10. Russelia--Splendid basket plant. 20. Salvia--Scarlet and white; each. 10. Saxafraga Sarmentosa--Strawberry Geranium. 10. Santalina Tomentosa-- White foliage. 10. Solanum, Jasminoides--Vine; white flowers. 15. Stevia--Winter blooming plant; white flowers. 10. --Variegata--Very desirable. 10. Sedum or Stone Crop--For baskets. 10. Smilax--Prettiest vine in cultivation. 10. Sea Onions-- 10. Tradescantia or Wandering Jew-- 15. Veronicas-- 10. Vincas--In variety. 15. Violets, Sweet Scented. 15.

To meet the very popular demand for $1.00 collections we have arranged the following: These collections cannot be divided or changed, but will be mailed on receipt of price. Price, $1.00 for each collection. Six collections for $5.00 or any thirteen for $10. No discount.

For description of varieties see general list.

Col. 1--15 Choice Plants, for hanging baskets or vases; different sorts. Col. 2--16 Choice Coleus; a variety. Col. 3--30 choice transplanted mixed pansies. Col. 4--20 Splendid Verbenas; 10 different varieties. Col. 5--15 Geraniums, double, single, etc. Col. 6--2 Begonias, (flowering) 2 Fuchsias, 3 Geraniums, 2 Heliotropes, 6 Pansies. Col. 7--12 Pansies, 6 Verbenas and 4 Geraniums. A good bedding collection. Col. 8--4 Tea Roses, 1 Abutlion and 3 Salvias; all different sorts. Col. 10--Our selection of 15 different house plants. This selection always gives satisfaction. Col. 11--Our selection of 15 splendid bedding plants: all different. Col. 12.--Our selection of 15 splendid

[right column]

foliage plants; consists of 8 Coleus, 3 Achyranthes, 2 Alternantheras, 1 Centaurea, 1 Cineraria. Col. 13--8 Hybrid perpetual roses; 8 sorts.

Bulbs for Spring Planting. [table] Amaryllis-- --Formosissima--Dark velvety crimson. 40. --Atamasco--Pink and White. 25. --Vitata--Red striped with white. 1 25. --Johnsoni--Scarlet striped white. 1 00. Caladium, Esculentum--25 and. 50. Canna--Beautiful foliage; good mixed. 25. Dahlias--Mixed colors; dry bulbs per dozen, $1.50. 15. Gladiollus--Beautiful; tall spikes. --Fine Mixed Varieties--Many shades of red, per dozen, 50 cents. 5. --Fine Mixed Varieties--All colors mixed, per 100, $3; per dozen, 50 cts. 10. Maderia Vine--Small roots pr doz, 50c. 5. --Large Roots--Per dozen, $1. 10. Double Tuberoses --Delightfully fragrant, pure white, wax like double flowers. --Flowering roots, pr 100, $4; per doz 75c. 10. --Extra Large Size--Per 100, $6; per dozen, $1.00. 10. --New Double Dwarf Pearl--Per 100 $6; per dozen, $1.00. 10.

FALL BULBS, Ready Oct. 1.

Hyacinths--Double or Single Red, Blue and White and Single Yellow, per dozen, $2.00. 20. --Double Yellow--Per dozen, $2.50. 25. --Mixed Colors--Double or Single per dozen, $1.50. 15. --Early Romans--Per dozen, $1.50. 15. Tulips--Dbl. mixed colors, per doz. 50c. 5. Single mixed colors per doz. 50c. 5. Parrot mixed colors per doz. 50c. 5. Crocus--Mixed colors, per dozen, 20c.


Prices in this department subject to change in market. Quotations cheerfully made on application. SHIPPING.--Everything quoted by the pound or less will be sent postpaid; larger quantities will be sent by freight or express. No charge for bags at this price. [table] [column headings: lb. PK. 1 BU. 2 BU.] Corn--The Profit. 50. $ 75. $2 50. $4 00. --Farmer's Favorite. 40. 65. 2 00. 3 75. --Golden Beauty. 40. 65. 2 00. 3 75. --Lemning. 35. 50. 1 50. 2 50. --Pride of the North. 40. 50. 1 75. 3 00. --Blount's Wt. Prolific. 35. 60. 2 00. 3 50. --Compton's Early Yellow Flint. 35. 50. 1 50. 3 50. --Sweet Corn--Fodder. 50. 1 50. 2 50. Broom Corn--Black Spanish. 50. 1 00. 3 00. --California Golden. 40. 75. 2 50. --Tail Evergreen. 40. 75. 2 50. --Dwarf Evergreen. 45. 90. 2 75. --Wilson's Improved Evergreen. 50. 1 00. 3 00. Buckwheat--Gray or Black. 35. 50. 1 50. --Silver Hull. 50. 75. 2 00. Field Beans--Navy. 1 00. 3 00. --California Branch or Mexican Tree. 1 25. 4 00.

Last edit over 1 year ago by lelfrank




..................................................lb.....PK....1 BU Sun Flower--Mammoth Russian.............................. 50 --Ten lbs or more by express, 15 cents per lb. Wild Rice...................... 50...1 25 Clover--Mammoth or Large Red......................... 40...2 50.....8 50 --Medium or Common... 40...2 25.....8 00 --Alsike......................... 50...2 75.....10 00 --Crimson Trefoil........... 65...4 00.....15 00 --White Dutch................ 65...3 50.....13 00 --Alfalfa......................... 65...3 50.....13 00 Timothy......................... 40.....75......2 50 Red Top.......................... 40....50......1 50 Orchard Grass................. 40....75......2 50 Fowl Meadow Grass......... 50...1 00....3 50 Wood.."........"................... 50...1 25....4 00 Tall....."..Oat Grass. 50..1 00....3 50 Sweet Vernal Grass........... 75...2 00...7 00 Kentucky Blue Grass (Fancy Clean).............................. 50......75...2 00 Kentucky Blue Grass (Extra Clean)............................... 40......50...1 75 English Blue Grass............ 50....1 00...3 50 Common Millet................ 30......50...1 50 German or Golden Millet................................... 40......60...1 75 Hungarian........................ 30......50...1 50 Extra Fine Mixed Lawn Grass........................... 50....1 00...3 00 Johnson Grass................... 50....2 00...6 00 Durra--Oz. 10 cents............ 50 Flax--Clean for Seed........... 40.....65....2 00 Oats--Am. Triumph..40.....50....1 50 --Welcome.......................... 40.....50....1 50 --White Russian.................. 35.....35....1 00 Wheat--Pringle's Green Mountain..................... 50....1 00...3 50 --White Russian.................. 35.....50....1 75 --Velvet Chaff...................... 50.....90....3 00 --French Imparial................ 50.....90....3 00 --Landreth's--(Winter).......... 50....1 00...3 50 Barley--Imperial.................. 50....1 00...3 50 Sugar Cane--Early Minnesota Amber.................... 40 10 lbs. or more, 15 cts. per lb.

Tree and Hedge Seeds. Sent by mail post paid.

......................................................OZ.....1/4 lb.....lb. Alder, European...................10..$..35......$1 25 Ash, American White...........10......30.......1 00 Arbor Vitae, American..........30......90......3 00 Beech, American.................10.......30......1 00 --European...........................10.......30.....1 00 Birch, Yellow........................25.......85.....2 50 Box Elder.............................10.......25.......75 Catalpa Speciosa(or Hardy Catalpa)..........................................20.......50.....1 00 Elm, European.....................25........75.....2 00 Larch, European..................20.........50.....1 75 Lime (or Linden)..................10........35.....1 25 Maple, Sugar........................20........50.....1 50 --Soft--(Ready June 1st)..........10........30.....1 00 Mulberry, Russian.................50......1 75....5 00 Plane (or Sycamore)...............10.......30.....1 00 Pine, Austrian........................20.......50.....1 50 --Scotch.................................25.......85.....2 50 --White..................................30.....1 00.....3 50 Spruce, Hemlock....................50.....1 50.....4 50 --Norway................................10.......35.....1 25 Tree of Heaven.......................25.......85.....2 50

Hedge Seeds.

Osage Orange--Bu. $6.00.............................. 50 Honey Locust--Ten lbs or over, per lb 35c...................................................... 60 Osage Hedge Plants--Per 1,000 $2.00

[right column]

Implements and Miscellaneous Articles.

We are not bound to any manufacturer to push their special line of goods; therefore our customers can depend upon it, that we will give them our unbiased opinion on the subject. Our aim is to furnish those tools best suited to purposes of our customers, and all correspondence in reference to those that we catalogue, or any others, will be cheerfully answered. All tools will be delivered at express or freight offices, at the prices named.

Planet, Jr--No. 2 drill...................$10 00 Planet, Jr--Combined drill, wheel, hoe, wheel cultivator and wheel plow..................................................... 12 00 Planet, Jr--Double wheel hoe, wheel cultivator and wheel plow.............. 8 00 Planet, Jr--Single wheel hoe, wheel cultivator and wheel plow.........................6 00 Fire Fly--Double wheel hoe............ 5 00 Fire Fly--Single wheel hoe, cultivator and plow combined...................4 50 Fire Fly--Wheel garden plow............3 00 Planet, Jr--Combined horse hoe, cultivator and plow...................................12 00

A full illustrated descriptive catalogue of all above goods sent on application.

Comstock's Seed Sower--Only.......$ 8 00 --Hand cultivator and weeder combined...... ..........................................7 00 --Seed sower, hand cultivator and weeder combined...................................12 00 --Scuffle hoe.............................................. 1 25

Complete illustrated circular sent on application.

Ruhlman's Improved Wheel Hoe..................................................$ 4 50 Waters' Improved Tree Pruner Length of pole 4 ft, weight 2 1/4 lbs............2 00 ....."........"....."....6....."..........2 3/4 "...............2 25 ....."........"....."....8....."..........3 1/2 "...............2 50 .....".......,"....."...10...."...........4 1/4 "...............2 75 --Extra knives, pre-paid.................................35 Excelsior Weeding Hook--25c; mailed for...................................................30 Hazeltine's Hand Weeder--30c; mailed for...................................................35 Lang's Hand Weeder--25c; mailed for...................................................30 Garden Trowels--Two sizes, 20c, 25c; mailed for..............................25c,........30 Lawn Mowers--14-inch...................10 00

Send for illustrated circular.

Fanning Mills--Centennial, farm size..........................................................18 00 Plain and Ornamental Pots, Hanging Baskets, Vases, etc-- in great variety. Write for circular and prices. Fruit Boxes--Circular and price on application. Bowker's Lawn Dressing--5 lbs 35c; 10 lbs................................................. 50 Bowker's Food for Flowers-- By mail, per package.................................. 50 Pure Ground Bone--10 lbs 75c; 100 lbs......................................................5 00 Palmer's Plant and Vine Protecter 1 lb box 25c, by mail 40c; 2 1/4 lb box 50c: by mail................................................80 Imperial Egg Food--By mail, per package......................................................50 Mocking Bird Food--1 lb 35c; by mail...........................................................50

Last edit over 1 year ago by mschrist
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 16 in total