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New Triumph Radish.
A BEAUTIFUL and valuable new variety of radish which is a decided novelty, being both unique and valuable. It is of the shape shown in our illustration, round, with white skin striped bright scarlet, being decidedly ornamental when placed on the table. It is very early, maturing in three weeks, has very small top, thus adapting it to cultivation in hotbeds. The flesh is white, crisp, tender and of as good flavor as any radish grown. It being a sport some of the roots are always of solid color, not variegated. It will please everyone for family use. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 60c.

Sweet Corn, Peep O'Day.
Of Minnesota origin and has been offered in the market five to seven days earlier than any other well-known kind in the trade. Ears five inches long, perfectly formed, well filled. The corn is tender and sweet. We are very positive of the earliness of this variety, and that our customers will make no mistake in planting some of it for first early. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 45c, postpaid. By freight, 1/2 pk. 60c, pk. $1.00.

Peerless or No. 57 Tomato.
Last spring we gave away to our customers several thousand packets of this new tomato, and they were greatly pleased with it. It is of immense size, of solid, meaty quality, bright red color, and very productive. We are sure that our customers will be pleased with this grand new sort. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c.

Quick-Sure Tomato.
The originator claims that the above name describes this variety, as it is very quick to mature and a sure cropper in any soil or climate. On our home farm where we had it growing the past season, it proved to be quite productive, but the fruits were large and rough and not equal to some other sorts. We believe that it would better on poorer soil however. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c.

Scarlet Gem Radish
AN extremely early variety which has matured fit for the table in 17 to 20 days from time of sowing the seed and is fully grown in less than 4 weeks. It is also one of the handsomest and best early sorts that we know of. It is of perfect globe or ball shape, and of bright rich scarlet color, tipped with white, thus making it particularly handsome on the table. It has few leaves and is therefore excellent for forcing, and gardeners will find it an excellent seller on the market. Quality unsurpassed, tender, crisp and appetizing. We advise everyone to try it, both for outdoor and hotbed culture. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c.

Ostrich Plume Mustard.
Ornamental as well as useful. The leaves are long, ruffled and frilled, and curved as gracefully as an ostrich plume. For salad it is better than any variety, and for boiling it is superior to spinach. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 65c.



New Icicle Radish.
A MAGNIFICENT novelty from Germany which receives its name from the almost transparent whiteness of the root which has no comparison among all cultivated radishes. The shape is well shown in our illustration. It is of the best flavor, very crisp and brittle. It vies in earliness with the earliest forcing sorts producing nice roots in 22 days from date of sowing and it continues in prime condition for a longer period than any other variety, so that from one sowing of seed nice, crisp radishes may be had from early in spring until mid-summer. This adds greatly to its value for the family garden. It is one of the best European novelties which has been introduced for several years and should become very popular. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c.

Louisiana Creole Onion.
IN MANY parts of the south the ordinary varieties of onion seed either will not produce a bulb or the bulbs are so soft as to be unmarketable. This year we have secured seed of the noted Creole Onion which is said to be the only variety really desirable for southern planting. Yellow-red in color, the bulbs are medium size of flat shape and excellent quality. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c, lb. $2.50.

Golden Butter Cress.
A desirable new variety of handsome yellow color. Rich flavor. Very desirable in salads. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c.

European and African Muskmelons Mixed.
WE GROW large quantities of melon seed and when in Europe last year we tried to make arrangements to supply the dealers there, but they would not purchase as they liked their native varieties better. Personally we do not think that they equal the American sorts, but some of our customers may think differently, and we would like to have you compare them. We secured seed from various parts of Europe and Africa and offer them in one grand mixture, which includes many curious sorts, one of which is shown. Per pkt. 10c.


New Golden Globe Onion.
ONE of our seed growers in northern Iowa has been at work for several years past improving the Yellow Globe Onion, and he has now secured a variety which is the handsomest shaped and best keeping sort that we know of. Our cut, made from a photograph illustrates a crate filled with these onions, which throughout the crop were uniform in size and of perfect shape, there being no off shape bulbs in the lot. They are also one of the best keeping varieties that we know of, as we have kept specimens in a warm, steam heated office room for several months without their showing any sign of sprouting, while ordinary onions beside them sprouted badly and became so soft as to be of little value. We most highly recommend this new variety for private family use as well as for market gardeners, and believe that they will prove to be the most profitable variety on the market as well as the handsomest, most prolific, best keepers and easiest sellers, making them in all respects the most desirable variety that we know of. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c, lb. $2.00.



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