



Status: Complete


you would be happy to live in London on L5 a week
but you thought about my ambition too - & so did I.
Now, I would be quite willing to live in London
or anywhere else within reason, on L5 a week,
provided I could also work for Socialism, & work
hard & usefully & well, & get on, both financially &
actively. I feel very much less concerned about money
now than I did before - I want a home very badly,
& the things which go with & in a home, & then
enough money for some clothes, & some pretty ones
for you, & some records & books, & some beer &
sometimes some gin, & the cinema & theatre,
& one or two holidays a year. We must be prepared
for some sacrifice in order to achieve the Socialist
state - but once achieved, all the above things
will be within everybody's reach - & special
work & ability, which I hope we have, will be
rewarded by extra comforts & privileges. But
that is all another story - & which I am sure to
come to sooner or later in one of my letters.

I think that our interests & ambitions are very
identical except on one point. You want London
- & I must admit that I am not anxious to
leave the north & the work & the people with
whom I have worked since 1925.

Which brings me to a question. Don't you think
it is wrong that the real artistic life of the

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