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4 revisions | Carolebar at Sep 02, 2024 03:11 PM p.3.
that that is all he has to do to be lifted out. I have my
breakfast cooked in the Sgts Mess, just across the road, & brought
across to my bedroom at 8-0 o'clock. I also have my tea in
my room, & keep my own beer down here too. So I have
a very pleasant self contained little existence- & just go up
to the Mess for lunch & dinner. I am writing to you from
the office now, with my bedroom door open and Peter asleep,
at last, in his box. I don't really want to talk to the
officers at all, & all this suits me very well. If I want
to talk to anyone, I talk to Peter. And apart from him, the
Sergeant Major and Colour Sergeant live in the same house, &
I find them much more interesting, & amusing to talk to
than any of my officers - except Ben-Arzi.
Peter is still a grand little dog, & I am now very fond
of him. His growth is phenomenal - at least 100% in 2
weeks. He is very playful, but inclined to destruction, I'm
afraid, & seems to be most intelligent. He now follows me
about quite happily, & will walk along on the lead.
But he is quite the most self willed little sod I
have ever met, & gets really angry when he is made
to do something he does not want to do. And he looks
furiously at me when I slap him. I must have his
photograph taken soon, so as you can see what he
looks like, together with me and my crown.
The numbers of my letters have suddenly reached
significant figures, according to my rather superstitious
mind - and I feel sure something is going to happen -
3. that that is all he has to do to be lifted out. I have my Peter is still a grand little dog, & I am now very fond p.3.
that that is all he has to do to be lited out. I have my
breakfast cooked in the Sgts Mess, just across the road, & brought
across to my bedroom at 8-0 o'clock. I also have my tea in
my room, & keep my own beer down here too. So I have
a very pleasant self contained little existence- & just go up
to the Mess for lunch & dinner. I am writing to you from
the office now, with my bedroom door open and Peter asleep,
at last, in his box. I don't really want to talk to the
officers at all, & all this suits me very well. If I want
to talk to anyone, I talk to Peter. And apart from him, the
Sergeant Major and Colour Sergeant live in the same house, &
I find them much more interesting, & amusing to talk to
than any of my officers - except Ben-Arzi.
Peter is still a grand little dog, & I am now very fond
of him. His growth is phenomenal - at least 100% in 2
weeks. He is very playful, but inclined to destruction, I'm
afraid, & seems to be most intelligent. He now follows me
about quite happily, & will walk along on the lead.
But he is quite the most self willed little sod I
have ever met, & gets really angry when he is made
to do something he does not want to do. And he looks
furiously at me when I slap him. I must have his
photograph taken soon, so as you can see what he
looks like, together with me and my crown.
The numbers of my letters have suddenly reached
significant figures, according to my rather superstitious
mind - and I feel sure something is going to happen -
3. that that is all he has to do to be lited out. I have my Peter is still a grand little dog, & I am now very fond |