1846-12 Trustee Committee Report Investigating Charges Against Gatekeeper, 1831.034.006






The Comee appointed to inquire into the charges made by Wm Ward Esq against Mr Hyde the Gate Keeper at the Mt Auburn, have had on hearing of the parties & beg leave to report

That in relation to the first charge of the refusal to admit Mr Wards carriage, Mr Ward seemed to be aware that he was not entitled to enter the grounds with his carriage, & complained, not so much of his ex clusion, as of the manner in which it was done. It apeared in evidence that Mr Ward represented the hack as a carriage belonging to Mr. Henshaw, but [their?] no ticket, & on being refused entrance, threatened that he "would make trouble" for Mr Hyde, for present & past offences. Mr Ward had no right to drive into the gates, & was very properly excluded. It is not improbable that Mr Hyde finding that an imposition was aoaut to be practiced upon him, & supposing that Mr Ward would order the carriage to be driven in, shut the gate with, what appeared to Mr Ward, an "offensive allacrity," but it does not appear to your committee that it was done "in a manner rude, cruel & uncalled for "or that any blame attached to Mr Hyde on that occasion

Last edit 11 months ago by gbenoit



The next charge is in the opinion of your Comee one of a more serious character. Mr Ward states that he had from time to time given the gate keeper money, on leaving the cemetery. This Mr Hyde does not deny but says that not infrequently money is thrown to him by persons leaving the grounds, but denies that he ever ever received money for admission. In the opinion of your Comee the receiving of money at the gate at any time, is highly improper, & should be discontinued. Mr Ward however is the last person who should complain "that he does not come into court with clean hands," he attempted a bribery & then complains that it has not succeeded, & that he did not succeed is an evidence of the honesty of the gate Keeper. This practice your Comee are of opinion should be discontinued & have recommended to Mr Hyde to pay over to Mr Howe any money so received, which recommendation your Comee propose should be confirmed by the Trustees. Mr Hyde states that the money thrown to him by persons passing out amounts to about $10 - annual.

The third charge viz. the refusal to allow the daughter of Mr Henshaw to carry in flowers to place upon the grave of their mother, does not appear to apply to Mr Hyde if done at all, it must have been done by some one in the temporary custody of the gate. Mr Hyde had no

Last edit 11 months ago by gbenoit



recollection of any such occurance. In conclusion your Comee believe Mr Hyde, though an [?] person, & [too right?] perhaps to take offence unnessarily at the treatment he some times receives, to be a faithful & honest Keeper of the Gate & they ask to be discharged from any further considera tion of the charages against him.

In relation to the Rules & Regulatiosn your Comee have no alteration to propse, but they would recom mend that they should be published with the signature of the Secretary in three of the news papers printed in Boston, for the information of the Public.

Your Comeedeem this a favourable oppor tunity to draw the attention of the Trustees to the the Branch Rail Road now in the process of con struction to Watertown. Your Comeeare informed that it is the intention of the proprietors to establish a station nearthe N. W. corner of the cemetery & not far from the gates, for the accommodation of the great concourse of visitors which it is anticipated will thus be brought to Mt Auburn. It is to be feared that the grounds will be overrun by crowds of persons, who will make it a [?place] resort for pleasure & amusement, & thus disturb the the sacred quiet of the place. Your Comee are not prepared, nor is it any part of their duty, to recommend any

Last edit 11 months ago by gbenoit


Report as to charges against the Gate Keeper December. 1846

[written down left fold] particular course to be persued by the Trustees. but they are satisfied that a serious injury will result from the establishment of a station [?] near the gate of the Cemetery which will re quire some decided action on the part of the Trustees or of the Proprietors.

for the Comee M. Brimmer chairmn

Last edit 11 months ago by gbenoit
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