p. 130


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emilyfarrell at Apr 05, 2022 09:04 PM

p. 130

We sailed at about 5o'clock [5 o'clock] and before getting up time the next day the shouts of the crowd of boatmen, quarreling with each other for places near the ship announced the fact of our arrival before Mombasa.
This is said to be the hottest place on earth, and we had dreaded coming here for we must stay three days at this port.
It was hot indeednin [indeed in] our close cabins during the dressing.
When we could get out upon the deck we found it not so uncomfortable but unmistakenly hot.
The anchorage is between the island of Mombasa and the mainland.
Upon one side a few buildings are to be seen; on another the shore is thickly covered with cocoanuts [coconuts] and shrubs, making a very tropical scene.
I felt tired and Miss Cameron and I determined not to go ashore that day.
I wrote on this record, mended a little, read a little and so the day passed.
The moon is now full and the night view of the palm decked land reflected in the blue waters, over which in all direction the little boats were plying offered amusement enough.
Mrs[.] B[.] and Dr. J. went ashore in the afternoon and again in the evening spending mose of the time with their consul.
The same kind of a trolly, run by Natives carries the passengers from the shore to Mombasa which is out of sight from our anchorage.
The ladies are going again to-day [today] and the Dutch Consul has kindly invited us Americans to join them but Miss C. and I conclude to remain quietly on board.
I am now bringing my record up to date.
Tomorrow we shall take in the town and come back dripping.
This is the port which leads to the growing town of Nairobi.
It was here Mr. Roosevelt entered and at Nairobi that he was given a reception.
A game preserve containing all sorts of wild game is now carefully guarded.
Those who go up to N. may see elephants, lions, many kinds of antelopes, and especially giraffes en route from [our windows?] [.]
When this road was built, some man eating lions appeared and before they were caught, they killed 29 white men and at least 200 Natives and Indians.
Finally the men refused to work, and for some weeks the work stoppedf [stopped] - in fact it remained at a standstill until the two man eaters were shot.
This country has been developed under tragic difficulties.
The road to Beira over which we contemplated reaching the coast, is said to have lost a white man for every mile-375- and a Native for every sleeper laid.
The chief cause was malaria.
It is a mistake to say that the Native is immune from malaria.
Here in Mombasa, the tsetse fly does its deadly work, and no horses or mules or imported cattle can live.
The native cattle are immune.
A similar fly in another district causes the sleeping sickness.
Scorpions, tarantulas, and many kinds of horrors besides snakes add to the difficulties of life.

I must here record a few things I wish to rememb [remember].
Some of my friends may think I have neglected them in the matter of letters.
This record might be offered as a sort of defense.
After reaching Durban I made a resume of our doings and at the reception offered some portion of it to the delegates that they might know what we had done in S. A.
We were in SOUTH African eleven weeks.
The trip from Southampton to Cape Town and up the East Coast, cost about 1800 dollars-more rather than less.
We travelled 4000 miles by road and 11000 by ship and visited nine chief Cities where we went for suffrage work and where we went to hotels of.
These were Cape Town, Pt. Elizabeth, Grahamstown, Bloemfontein, Kimberley, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Pietersmaritzburg, and Durban; [.]
We visited two suburbswith [suburbs with] public meetings where we did not take hotels-Uitenhage and Benoni.
We "did" Bulawayo while passing through and visited Victoria Falls for pleasure.
This makes 13 towns visited, including the capitols of the four provinces composing the Union of S. A. and two places in Rhodesia.
I conducted the entire correspondence arranging for the trip, engaging hotels etc and wrote many letters concerning the convention held in Durban.
Several towns invited us to visit them and these invitations I had to decline.
I think this part of the work was morearduous [more arduous] than any of the party comprehend.
The statistics which follow apply to myself alone as the program followed was not quite the same for any two of us.
I made 13 public-speeches, each exceeding one hour; I made 22 additional speeches, none shorter than 10 minutes and several varying from 40 minutes to one hour.
[ffFx--the?] total 35 speeches.
There were 7 receptions; 18 luncheons, three being given by Mayoressof [Mayoress of] Pretoria, Johannesburg, and Durban, one by Mrs.

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