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2 revisions | wsalvi at May 04, 2022 10:36 PM p.4Dr. C. W. Short of Louisville Ky., has
published in the Western Journal of Medicine for
March 1845, an account of his observations,
(made in Autumn) on the Flora of the
Prairies of Illinois. He traversed the
central portions of the state and returned
by a different route, which gave him an
opportunity of seeing and examining the
face of the country and its productions,
under a great variety of aspects. Being
an enthusiastic botanist, and traveling in a
light covered waggon, well prepared for making
extensive collections, his observations are
of great value, and add much to our
knowledge of the peculiar vegetation of
the central portions of the state. I
cannot resist the temptation to copy a
few of his graphic descriptions. Dr. C. W. Short of Louisville Ky., has p.4 |