Page 104


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10 revisions
Marie Richards at Oct 11, 2022 07:26 PM

Page 104

[image: Title: Division of the earth
Form: Diagrams, 9 lines (top) and 6 lines (bottom)
Text: Chi commence la seconde partie de che present liure et declaire comment la terre est devisee et quelle part elle poeut estre habitee
Top left diagram inscribed top center clockwise: "paradis / terrestre / terre / Midis / Occident / Mars / Septentrion"; the diagram below has the corners above inscribed: "Ori / ant," and the corners below: "Occi / dant"]

Ches quatre par
ties que je vous
declaire qui sont assi
ses en ung quartier
de toute la terre du mon
de si doivent avoir ron
de fourme. Car raison
et nature donnent que
tout le monde soit re
ond. Et pour che entendez de cest quartier aussi com
me sil fust tout arreondi. Or faisons doncques
de cest quartier ung cercle qui soit tout reond et
tout entier et le mettons ou milieu de celle ligne
qui enseigneront orient et occident pour metter
les parties a leur droit que
ceste figure chi contre vous
enseigne. Sicomme vous le
povez veoir sans quelque def
APres soit chascune
partie tournee vers son nom en terre dont chascune


These four parts
that I have described for you, which
are all located in
one quarter of the world's landmass,
ought to all be round in form. For reason
and nature show that the whole
world is round. So think of this quarter
as being round as well. So let us make
a completely round circle out of this
quarter and put it in the middle
of that line that links east and west,
so as to properly align the parts,
as this figure in front of you shows.
And you can see it plainly.
Then, let each part be turned
towards its name [i.e. north, south, east, or west,]
of which each

Page 104

[image: Title: Division of the earth
Form: Diagrams, 9 lines (top) and 6 lines (bottom)
Text: Chi commence la seconde partie de che present liure et declaire comment la terre est devisee et quelle part elle poeut estre habitee
Top left diagram inscribed top center clockwise: "paradis / terrestre / terre / Midis / Occident / Mars / Septentrion"; the diagram below has the corners above inscribed: "Ori / ant," and the corners below: "Occi / dant"]

Ches quatre par
ties que je vous
declaire qui sont assi
ses en ung quartier
de toute la terre du mon
de si doivent avoir ron
de fourme. Car raison
et nature donnent que
tout le monde soit re
ond. Et pour che entendez de cest quartier aussi com
me sil fust tout arreondi. Or faisons doncques
de cest quartier ung cercle qui soit tout reond et
tout entier et le mettons ou milieu de celle ligne
qui enseigneront orient et occident pour metter
les parties a leur droit que
ceste figure chi contre vous
enseigne. Sicomme vous le
povez veoir sans quelque def
APres soit chascune
partie tournee vers son nom en terre dont chascune


These four parts
that I have described for you, which
are all located in
one quarter of the world's landmass,
ought to all be round in form. For reason
and nature show that the whole
world is round. So think of this quarter
as being round as well. So let us make
a completely round circle out of this
quarter and put it in the middle
of that line that links east and west,
so as to properly align the parts,
as this figure in front of you shows.
And you can see it plainly.
Then, let each part be turned
towards its name [i.e. north, south, east west,]
of which each