acknowledged fit & proper, that is, agreeable
to the law of nature, & the principles or
laws of any community whereby the [exer-?]
of such authority is warranted, must be admitted to be just.
To support the general Idea of slavery therefore in opposition to the principle
of natural equality, in opposition to the
it will be necessary only to enquire
whether this in any case actually takes
place; for wherever this appears, there must
be acknowledged a natural foundation
for authority & inbordination , & the prin-
-ciple of universal quality must fall.
And of this on one I think can remain
a moment undetermined who reflects with
the least degree of attention on the vast
inequality observable between different individuals
of the human species in point of qualifi-
-cation for the proper direction of conduct. Now,
whether this inequality be considered as
arising from difference in natural capa-
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