Phillips Family Papers Box 2





Boston 15th Feb 1786 My dearest Friend,

I am greatly obliged by the repeated favours received by Mr. White and honest Smith; — Such is my anxiety for the state of things at home, that every intimation of the situation of them, affords relief; -- Mr French's attention deserves a very grateful notice; — The intimation you give of the P-f-d gentleman, at first surprized me, — but the character & disposition of the man will I think very much depend upon the manner in which those things were said. — the questions, "what have you got here?" and "what's all this?" spoke in one manner, would be indicative of a disposition which I pray we may be ever preserved from, but in another manner, might discover an agreable surprize; -- I must confess his

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Tintern


his reply to the question, how he [underscored] managed, looks too much in favor of yr. former construction! — What shall we do?— my expectations were considerably raised by the account received from Mr. P-b--n, - and I believe Mr B--. has taken some measures to know whether it will be agreable to him to engage, for a year, without mention'g my name, or any other inducement, than the friendship which he bears to him: — to what question does your mind now incline? — As Mr. B - will not incline to tarry - the sooner he can be released, the more his benefit will be subserved; — who else is there upon the lists, besides Mr S ---ns of L--c--n, Mr S--th of B-st-n, & our Rev.d Friend of N--b--y; — The former I am told is indolent, - this, in addition to former accounts, settles the question, in my mind, against him; — the Second has more things in his favor than the first; — he is disposd to be industrious & the goodness of his heart is allowed on all hands: — it is true, his manner is not agreable; - he is too much

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Tintern


inclined to be absenta - and I fear some of his politics religious Sentiments would be disagreable to say the least: — our clerical friend comes next to view, — he has, undoubtedly, an excellent heart, & a great friend of useful knowledge, - his talent for Instruction & Government, need to be enquired into; and the practicability of obtaining him, is not cer-tain; — he would give a Reputation (so far as per-sonal worth, & public performances would give it) beyond any man I am acquainted with: _ Mr F___h's dullness about that matter, is a difficulty; - what can be the cause of it? — you objected to the plan, I hinted at respecting him, as being too com-plicated; — but don't form a judgement till you have considered it well; — a man of his piety & abilities is wanted for the purpose of moral & religious Instruction; - that is the most essential design of the Institution, and ought not this to be sought after, & insisted on obtained if possible, even, tho' other needful qualifications should be wanting; — can't the latter be much more easily obtained by assistants, then the for-mer? — and ought not a man of his rare qualifications to

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Tintern


To be placed in a situation where they may have an extensive effect? — I am not sure but with the advantages he might have, he bids as fair to approval towards the character of a Doddridge as any man of his standing in this State, — is it right that a man, who has such a foundation, should be so much engrossed by the duties of a small Parish? — I am confident you wont answer readily in the affirmative; — neither do I think it would be right that he should be engrossed by the exercises of the Academy; — if he should act as an instructor to Students in divinity, his sphere of usefulness would be greatly enlarged, and he might have from time to time, Some of the best characters that are coming upon the Stage, whose example would have an happy Influence, & who might be amused & profitted by assisting an hour or two in a day, in the instrution of the Scholars of the Acady; — and I concieve that our Revd Friend - Mr F--- he is peculiarly calculated to serve & benefit young Candidates, by his knowledge of

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To the Hon: & Revd. the Trustees of Phillips Academy Gentlemen--

During my residence with Madam Phillips, of nine years & upwards, she copied out from the favorite Authors, which she read for her own edification, a multitude of extracts, which she, in various ways, passed to me, for my use. I do not know how to dispose of these papers, as the time approaches when they must pass into other hands, better than to tender them to your acceptance & care, to be preserved as a memorial of the Religious Taste & Doctrinal partialities of one of the Founders of the Theological Institution.

I also place in the Trunk, with the above mentioned papers, a little book, the Choice Drop of Honey from the Rock Christ, which she carried in her pocket many years, for ready & convenient use, that she might have something at hand to occupy her mind, & give her thoughts a profitable direction, whenever she found herself unoccupied. At the close of her life she gave this copy to me.

I also take the liberty to add another small book, (now in a new edition) which was, for a long time, held by her in high estimation. The Contemplations & Letters of Henry Dorney she had, in an old edition, which came down to her from her pious ancestors. It was on her table next to her Bible & Hymn Book. The high value, in which she held it, may be perceived by the very large extracts she made from it for my use. The high value, in which she held it, may be perceived

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