Norman Cary 1865





wardness. Mr. Dwight is out of town until Sat even Mr. Smith returns this evening at 7 p.m. I am without a hat but have enough money to but one, am unhappy. I don't know how soon I may be hazed. I write you the particulars that you may know how I feel + with no one to rely upon but my Savior who thanks be to God has not deserted me yet. I cant be loved although I should like to be or even respected. My present suit of clothes can't stand this ducking + roughing system very long. But I will fight bravely + boldly. I should succeed much better if I could keep my tears in before company + my anger before foes. But you know I have been brought up with girls all my life + this will prepare me for college experience. I received a letter from Uncle Louis + Gertie yesterday. Also from Percy Lewis who will call at your house in a few days for a book of his called Bryant + Stratton's bookkeeping. The rest of this letter is in reply to yours dated Sept. 8.

I said I had written till my hand not my head ached. I have engaged my mood and my stories in

Last edit 20 days ago by hannahb25


Andover Mass Sept. 20

Dear Mother, You must excuse this writing as I have a hang-nail upon my little finger which is painful in writing. I received your letter in the 4 P.M. mail. Yours written Sept 15 arrived on the 18th in the 8:30 a.m mail. Yours of Sept 15 P.M. arrived at the same time as the above one. I think that I will buy my suit in Boston when I go home next vacation (Nov.28) I will not need any before. You ask if the boys trouble Seymore much they have not touched him at all. You say dont mind the hard seats in church, but if you were here [&] enjoyed the luxury of a seat uncushioned straight backed [&] with you feet so high above the floor that they dangle or else you can put them on cross[???] on the front of the pew which is just as uncomfortable you would sing another tune.

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Last edit about 2 months ago by EllaDeer


To one who has been used to cushioned seats } a curved back accommodated to the curve of the spine it is rather an uncomfortable change. You say "Do not take time from sleep to write." I never do. I am too lazy. "Do you fail in relation." I have not been called up to recite more than a dozen times but I haven't failed yet. You say 5 hours is too much time for study our of school. We have no school only re-citation of 1 1/2 hours each Yours of Sat. evng arrived Tuesday morning I wish you would not call my classmates rowdys I am keeping a journal which you can read at the next Vacation Yours of Sat. Aft. [&] Monday evening arrived Wed. even'g. It generally takes nearly two days for letters to go or come. Let me know the name of the young ladies that are in your school now. Don't be alarmed about me at all for I shall telegraph you if anything happens [&] it is necessary PRIVATE

Last edit 20 days ago by hannahb25


Answers to remarks in letter. I will buy the atlas but not as a birthday present for all the furniture etc. are birthday presents I thank Alice for the gold pen gift but hesitate about accepting it. I expect to pass my 16th. birthday in the cellar of Latin Common No 4. splitting + sawing wood. By referring to the Almanac I see that it comes on Sunday so I retract. The [Equinortial?] storm raged here from Monday morning until Tuesday noon. Monday morning it was 48[degrees] with rain + NE wind + cold. At noon 48[degrees]

Last edit 20 days ago by hannahb25
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