made during last year, the expenditure will neces-
sarily be, in future, considerably greater."
"With regard to the general condition and
prospects of the College the Board are happy to state
that, this session, there has been a very material
increase of Students. In 1848-49 the number was
thirty-two, -in 1849-50 thirty five and the num-
ber this Session is forty one, of whom 39 are re-
gularly pursing their curriculum. Of the whole
number 9 have entered the Hall, of whom 8 are
regularly matriculated Students of Theology, and
the number of those studying with a view to the
Ministry in connexion with the Church of Scotland
is 19."
"With regard to the state of the College
Library the Board have recently made some
additions to it. But from the manner in which
it was in a great measure at first formed it is
of a somewhat miscellaneous description, and
is yet far from being so complete in standard
works of reference in the different depart-
ments as the wants of the Institution required."
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