"The number of Bursaries this Session
at the disposal of the Senatus has been ten, one
of £ 12. 10. 10 from Hugh Allan Esq. Montreal,
three from the Lay Association of Montreal of £10.
each, one from the Principal, one of £ 12. 10. 0. from
the Professors, one from friends of our Church in
Toronto of £ 12. 10. 0, One from the University
Missionery Association of £ 15, which has been
divided into two, and one from the Aberdeen
University Missionery Association of £ 7. 10. 0. -
Only one of these can be regarded as permanent,
being that of £ 12. 10. 0 founded by Mr. Allan,
and all of them must be regarded rather as
aids, than as sufficient to enable a student
to support himself at College during the Session
by means of his Bursary alone, which would
require for this purpose to be of the amount
of £15, at least. All, with two exceptions, are
for those who are studying with a view
to the Ministry of our Church, and have
subscribed a written declaration to this
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