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effect. None of the Presbyteries, almost all of the
Congregations of which have considerable exertions
to make to meet the demands connected with
their own place of worship, and to provide for the
maintenance of religious ordinances among them-
selves, and that in a country which is yet com-
paratively poor in pecuniary means, can be
expected to found Bursaries. So far from this
being to be looked for, the whole amount of the
annual contributions from all the congregations
of the Synod for the Minister's Widows' and
Orphan's fund, a scheme which may reasonably
be supposed to call forth the sympathy and
liberality of the people in a high degree, has never
amounted to £ 200, a sum which would only
found one Bursary of £ 12 per annum. Each
Presbytery however might annually grant a bur-
sary of £ 10. The Board may mention in connec-
tion with the subject, that the Synod, at its last
meeting, appointed the support of Queen's College
to be one of the permanent schemes of the Church,
in aid of which collections should be an-


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