Queensland State Archives Colonial Secretary's Office Inwards Correspondence 01 Jan 1860 - 31 Dec 1860 S 5253 ITM846732 Dept No. 151 The legibility of this item may be reduced due to the following factors: Minimal Impression Faded Ink Iron Gall ink halo and lacing Discoloured paper Torn or creased pages
Digitised at Queensland State Archives, Brisbane, Australia Queensland Government
[In red at top of page: "60/151....(8th?) February 1860]
The Bench of Magistrates , Dalby. to the Hon'ble The Colonial Secretary, reporting on the complaint of William Parrington
No 60/6 Police Office - Dalby 31st January 1860 [marginal note: "Ack receipt and confirm (?) "]
[marginal note: "11. January 1860 No 60/26"]
Acknowledging the receipt of your letter, as per margin, with enclosure. We do ourselves the honor to state in reply that we have every reasobn to believe that the circumstances detailed by Parrington are correct.
We regret that any person should have reason to complain of the difficulty of obtaining justice but we are at the same time quite
[marginal note at left bottom of page-adressee: "The Hon'ble The Colonial Secretary"]
quite unable to meet the difficulty or to prevent a frequent similar occurrence.
There are but two gentlemen in the Commission of the Peace resident in the Dalby district - Messrs.( ?J.L.) White and A.W. Manning However willing these gentlemen may be to devote a fair portion of their time to the duties of their office, it cannot be expected that they shall attend regularly at the Dalby Police Office - one riding a distance of Thirty Two miles, the other a distance of Twenty Six miles. It thus often happens that for many weeks the Court House is closed - or if open'd at all
[inn red upside down at foot of page: "The Bench of Magistrates Dalby. 15 February 1860"] [Footnote sideways at foot of page : "Seen GFB (?????)"]
it is merely on the occasion of a chance visit from a magistrate who may happen to travel through Dalby, and who perhaps is able by himself to dispose of one out of many cases awaiting a competent Bench.
The evil is (?notorious?) - the remedy lies either in the appointing of a Stipendiary Magistrate or in placing more persons in the Commission of the Peace - We are unable to recommend any for the Commission unless it be John Broadbent (?) of Jimbone.
We have the honor to be Sir Your Most Obedient Servants A.W. Manning JP. J.C. White JP
[in red at top of page: "60-22 7th January. 1860 W. Parrington. Complaining of non-payment of wages."]
Dalby 3rd Jan'ry 1860 Hon'ble Sir
I humbly submit to your Honour inconvenience I am put too (*) for want of Magistrates on the Bench at this Town -
Consequently I am desirous of your Honour's advice what steps to pursue in the affairs.
My business with the Bench of this Town is for a settlement of wages. I was engaged with a Mr. H.B. Fitz of Pillon - Drayton (*) for the term of six months from the 10th June 1859 and to serve my time upon any of his sheep stations one of which he has at Warra Warra one hundred miles distance from Pilton. My service ended at the Warra Warra Station and the Superintendant - wished me to remain about ten days more my answer to this request was that if my six months wages were settled honourably and the terms of my future wages complied with I would