



Status: Complete

[drawing of a building]
Old Slater Mill
EST. 1790
Slater, S. C., March 20, 1947 No. 28
[drawing of buildings]
Slater Mill
SLATER, SO. Carolina

New Building is Given Boy Scouts
When Camp Old Indian, the
camp for the Boy Scouts of the
Blue Ridge council, opens its
summer season June 18, among
the new additions available for
campers will be a handicraft
building, given to the camp by
H. N. Slater of New York, pres-
ident of the Slater Manufac-
turing Co., Inc. and a director
of J. P. Stevens and Company,
Horace S. Williamson, local
scout executive, announced yes-
This building will house
equipment needed in teaching
crafts and skills, among which
are blacksmithing, wood work,
wood turning, leathercraft and
sheet metal work. Its facilities
include a large work shop and
tool room for storing equip-
ment, situated near the en-
trance to the camp, it is the
first building to be seen after
coming through the gateway.
Mr. Slater has been interest-
ed in the welfare of the boys for a
long time and has given val-
uable assistance to scouting,
both in New York and in this
area, Mr. Williamson said.
Another important addition
to Camp Old Indian is the new
camp kitchen. This structure,
which has been built onto the
present dining hall, will include
a dish-washing room, a large
kitchen, a vegetable prepara-
tion room, a walk-in cooler and
a storage pantry. Plans are
being made to enlarge the pres-
ent dining hall and increase its
capacity from 200 to 250 camp-
(Con't. on page 2, col. 1)

Last week's chapel program
was presented to the students
of the Slater-Marietta Grammar
School by Miss Betty Watkins'
section of the third grade. The
students presented "Mother
Goose Health Land."
The scripture was read by
Dorothy Smith, while several
members of the class sang the
Morning Prayer. Carlene Ed-
wards announced the name and
participants of the program.
The cast of the play was com-
posed of the class members,
who represented the health
children of Mother Goose.
These members were as follows:
Mother Goose--Peggy Scarce;
Jack Nimble--Dennis Garrett;
Mary Quite Contrary--Nancy
Barnett; Old Woman--Violette
Ross; Little Girl -- Louise
Bruce; Jack Horner--Myron
Tilghman; Market Boy--Jim-
my Barnett; Jack and Jill--
Alvin Burdett and Doris Bur
dett; Little Miss Muffet--Marie
Capps; Bo-Peep--Judy Cox;
Little Lady--Mary Alice Me-
Combs; Handy Spandy --
Charles Vaughan; and Dr. Fos-
ter--Kenneth Garland.

[picture of women and children]
Above are shown the entire group taking part in the Coronation Services at the Slater Baptist
Church, when six girls were crowned by the G. A. In so far as it can be ascertained, this is
the largest group ever to receive this honor in the North Greenville Association.

Library patrons who enjoy
"mystery" or "murder" stories
will be happy to learn that Mr.
Harry R. Burnette has donated
to the library five books of this
nature, all of which are pocket
These titles are as follows:
"The Benson Murder Case"
(Van Dine); "Death on the
Aisle" (Lockridge); "A Pinch
of Poison" (Lockridge); "The
Case of the Missing Corpse"
(Langer); and "First Come,
First Kill" (Allan).
(Con't. on page 2, col. 4)

Senior Class To
Give Play Soon
The senior class of the Slater-
Marietta High School will pre-
sent their annual senior class
play at the Slater Hall on Thurs-
day night, March 27, at 7:30
"For Pete's Sake," a face in
three acts, is a "scream." Peter
Pepperdine is a young college
"kick" who has exceptional
ability in "lying." When his
exasperated aunt, Miss Sarah
Pepperdine, tries to discipline
(Con't. on page 3, col. 1)

Miss Ethel Davis, British Ex-
change Teacher in the Pinck-
ney Street School in Greenville,
was guest speaker at the reg-
ular monthly meeting of the
Slater-Marietta Civic Club on
the night of February 27.
Miss Davis arrived in Slater
during the afternoon so that
she could visit the plant, the
Employment Office and Li-
brary, the Cafe and Drug Store,
and the Slater Community As-
sociation office and Cloth Shop.
(Con't. on page 3, col. 4)

[picture of a building]
The Boy Scout Camp at Camp Old Indian is proud of the new handicraft building donated
by Commander H. N. Slater. The building is practically completed, and when camp opens in the
summer, it will afford much pleasure to the boys attending from this section of the state.

Red Cross Drive
Successful Here
The annual Red Cross drive
for funds at the Slater Manu-
facturing Co., Inc. was very
successful, officials of the Com-
pany have announced.
A goal of $1200.00 was set for
the plant, and this figure has
been exceeded by a comfortable
margin. Total results of the
drive cannot be announced at
this time, as it takes over a
week for all employees of the
Company to be contacted.
The drive for funds began on
March 12, 1947, and by Tues-
day, March 18, 1947, was prac-
tically complete but, as already
explained, will not be officially
ended until every employee has
been given a chance to give.
Overseer L. T. Scarce of the
Cloth Room was the first to re-
port in the drive. This depart-
ment was asked to contribute
$100.00, and did so when
$100.25 was contributed.
Other departments reaching
their quotas were the Mainten-
ance Department, under Over-
seer George B. Gossett, which
was asked to contribute $35
and reported $36.15; the Ware-
house Department under Over-
seer Cecil G. Hyer raised their
quota of $35; and the quota of
E. W. Sanford of Job No. 1,
Weave Room No. 1, third shift,
was set at $50, but this depart-
ment reported $68 to top all
departments in oversubscribing
their quota.
Also oversubscribing their
quota of $35, with a total of
$37 contributed, was the sec-
ond shift on Job No. 3 in
Weave Room No. 1 under Over-
seer W. W. Stephenson. The
third shift on the same job
under Overseer J. B. Martin
(Con't. on page 2, col. 2)

Bobby Addington, member
of the Boys' Library Club, re-
cently donated to the library
a copy of "Robinson Crusoe,"
Although this title has been
a favorite for several genera-
tions, it is still a fascinating
story for readers of today. This
strange tale of a ship-wrecked
mariner, who spent twenty-
eight years on a desert island
off the east coast of South
America, is classified as juve-
nile fiction. However, many
adults have read this title with
a great deal of interest, enjoy-
ing the strange, captivating
story as much as when they
were children.
The librarian takes this op-
portunity to publicly thank
Bobby for his kindness in giv-
ing to the library this copy of
"Robinson Crusoe." The li-
brary already has one copy of
this book, and the addition of
a second copy makes it possi-
ble to accommodate a larger
number of readers.

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