



Status: Needs Review

Page Four; THE SLATER NEWS; March 20, 1947

[Column 1]

Mr. and Mrs Eugene Cody of
Cleveland are receiving con-
gratulations on the birth of a
son, Richard Marlin, at the
Wood Memorial Clinic on
March 1. The baby weighed
7 1/2 lb. at birth.

Mrs. Cody is the former Miss
Ruby Rollins of Greer.

Mr. Cody is connected with
the Georgia Hardwood Com-
pany at Cleveland.

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thornton
announce the arrival of a
daughter at the Wood Mem-
orial Clinic on March 4. At
birth, the little girl weighed 8
lb. 14 oz.

Mrs. Thornton is the former
Miss Ruby Mae Wyatt of

Mr. Thornton is connected
with the Standard Coffee Com-

Mr. and Mrs Dayton Lee
Tyler of Marietta are the proud
parents of a little son, born at
the Wood Memorial Clinic on
March 5. The little boy weigh-
ed 10 lb. 4 oz. at birth.

Mrs. Tyler is the former Miss
Annie Robinson of Marietta.

Mr. Tyler operates a grocery
store in the Marietta vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Coggins
of Marietta are being extended
congratulations on the birth of
a baby daughter at the Wood
Memorial Clinic on March 6.
The little girl, who has been
named Carolyn Diana, weigh-
ed 6 lb. 4 oz. at birth.

Mrs. Coggins is the former
Miss Dorothy Mae Lee of Mari-

Some Hints
(Con't. from page 3, col. 4)

use them for garnishes too.

Here's a suggestion for the
inevitable hamburger to give it
a new lift.
1/2 pound ground round steak
1 tablespoon moist bread
1/8 teaspoon salt
Dash pepper
1 tablespoon prepared
1 tablespoon fine dry bread

Combine meat, bread crumbs,
water, salt and pepper. Shape
lightly into two outlet forms.
Spread each side with mustard.
Dip in dry bread crumbs. Sear
on both sides under broiler,
turn heat low, and cook 5 min-
utes longer on each side.

Everyone Needs
Self Confidence
(Courtesy ''SHE'')

''How can I gain self-confi
dence?'' Day in and day out
hundreds of people ask psy-
chiatrists this question.

What these people are asking
is, ''How can I learn to have
faith in myself and the things
I do, to meet people and life
with self-assurance and trust?''
And what they want most

[Column 2]

[Picture spans column 2-3]
Miss Peggy Scarce, attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
L. T. Scarce of Slater, who recently received a gold medal given
by the Slater Baptist Church for perfect attendance at Sunday
School during the year 1946. Congratulations, Peggy!

earnestly to know is, ''Can it
be done?''

''Yes,'' says psychiatry. By
learning to see themselves
realistically, the unconfident
can turn the trick of believing
in themselves. Seeing yourself
realistically simply means see-
ing yourself as you are - count-
ing your good points as well as
your demerits, your accom-
plishments as well as your fail-
ures. And if you can tke this
prescription, you'll be taking
psychic vitamins.

The unconfident neede the
psychic vitamin of realism, for
they have no clear vision of
themselves. They know their
lacks well, but not their virtues.
They are expert at scorning,
belittling, disparaging and un-
derrating themselves - but not
at valuing themselves. Their
talents aren't spectacular
enough, they think. Their
achievements are nothing. To
their good qualities, they're
blind. People may think well
of them. The evidence may be
stacked high in their favor.
But they don't budge their self-
respect from its same low level.

[Column 3]
Let's say their job pays off
with a fat check at the end of
the week. They still insist it's
an ''unimportant'' job. Friends
say their party was gay. They
say it should have been gayer.
If they're praised, praise rolls
off their minds. If they're call-
ed attractive, they feel it is
flattery. They've lost the knack
of believing good things about

''I know I don't think very
much of myself,'' said a young
man to a psychiatrist. ''I know
I always think other people are


We take no
chances when we
prepare your pre-
scription. Our dou-
ble-check system
guarantees accu-
racy . . . just as
your doctor or-


Slater, S. C.

[Column 4]

Mr. A. D. Beard of Columbia
was a visitor in the home of
his cousin, Mr. F. J. Brannon,
Jr., last week.

Mrs. Thelma Bledsoe and
family visited relatives in Spar-
tanburg, S. C. Sunday.

Miss Clarissa Camden attend-
ed a birthday dinner in Trav-
elers Rest Sunday, which was
given in honor of her great-
grandfather, Mr. Stephen Gold-
smith, who is 98 years old.

Miss Elizabeth Ammons spent
the week-end as the guest of
her brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Toby, of
Hawthorne Lane in Greenville.

Mrs. Cecil Ross, of the In-
dustrial Relations Department,
celebrated her first wedding
anniversary on Sunday, March

superior to me. But I can't
seem to help it . . . it's a habit.''

It's a habit, all right - one of
deflating ourselves while we in-
flate others. And it's a disas-
trous habit calculated to send
anyone's self-confidence into a
depression, to make any of us
feel small and inadequate and
unworthy and unwanted. But,
fortunately, it's a habit that
can be changed. And the best
way to change it is by culti-
vating a policy of thinking well
of ourselves, of putting to-
gether again the opinion of our-
selves that we've torn to shreds.

Take a good look at your as-
sets, says the psychiatrist, in-
stead of forever harping on
your faults. In other words,
instead of always thinking
about what they've got that
you haven't got, start thinking
about what you've got.

''But what are my assets?''
many ask in bewilderment. ''I
didn't know I had any.'' Assets
aren't world-shaking things re-
served for the great and the
mighty. All of us have them.
They are everything - little or
big - that we do in the course
of a day or a year, and that we
do well. These things that we
do well are the evidence in our
favor. They can be our credit
sheet in life. The reason so
many of us pass them up is that
we're so busy staring at other
people's glory and at our own

So here are few to remind
you. Maybe you're well-read
or well-informed. Maybe you
have a pleasing personality, do
nice things for others, get
along swimmingly with people.
Maybe you keep your home in
apple-pie order, though you
haven't remarked it to your-
self lately. Maybe that job of
yours is ''responsible'' or ''in-
teresting'' as everyone says it
is, though you yourself talk it
down. And maybe there are
lost of other jobs you do well
that you count as mere
nothings. Maybe, in other
words, you've been seeing your-
self lopsidely - your good
points and accomplishments in
a haze, your failings in bold re-
lief. To see yourself realistical-
ly, on the other hand, means to
see yourself whole, to let your
good qualities get a grip on
your thinking. And when they
get that grip - when you earn-
estly believe in them - you'll
have all the confidence you

William James, the great
psychologist, spoke of a per-

[Column 5]
son's ''inner atmosphere.'' It's
the feeling tone our criss-cross-
ing thoughts and emotions
create deep inside of us. It
may be a nice, warm, cozy feel-
ing of self-content, of knowing
that we are good enough for
life. Or it may be just the
opposite. We, ourselves, make
it the one or the other.

If we are ridden with doubt
and mistrust, if our self-respect
is shabby then the prevailing
message we send to our hearts
daily is one of self-disapproval
and sick despair. But if, on
the other hand, our prevailing
message is that we are as good
as the next fellow and can
tackle our life job as well, then
our inner mood glows with sat-
isfaction and vitality and hope.
We feel equal to ''anything
that may turn up,'' as James

This emotion-warming con-
viction that we are equal to
life is the healthy inner glow
that self-confidence creates.
- Stella K. Newman


Crepe Black Satin
Bemberg Prints
Bemberg Satin
White Eyelet
Spun Rayons
Spun and Acetate
White Broadcloth
Cotton Prints
Curtain Material
Dress Goods Available
Baby Gifts
Nylon Hose
Lace and Trimmings
Bath Towels
Sheets and Pillow
Dish Towels
Ladies' Pajamas
Men's Shorts


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