



Status: Complete

Page Four THE SLATER NEWS May 1, 1947

Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Styles of
Travelers Rest are receiving
congratulations on the arrival of a son, James Claud, at the
Wood Memorial Clinic on April
13. The little boy weighed al-
most 9 lbs. at birth.
Mrs. Styles is the former
Miss Myrtle Pace of Taylors.
Mr. Styles is an employee of
Southern Bleachery at Taylors.

Mr. And Mrs. Clifton Eugene
Taylor of Marietta announce
the birth of a son at the Wood
Memorial Clinic on April 12.
The baby has been named Carl
Mrs. Taylor is the former
Kiss Kathleen Moore of Spar-

Announcements have been re-
ceived here from Mr. and Mrs.
J. Woodrow Cunningham of
Darlington, S. C. of the birth
of a daughter on March 3. The
little girl has been named Elea-
nor Marie and weighed 7lb. 4
oz. at birth.
Mrs. Cunningham is the form-
er Miss Louise McMullan of
Slater and is the daughter of
Mrs. Lucile McMullan.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Henson
announce the birth of a daugh-
ter, Mary Elizabeth on April
12 at Coleman's Hospital in
Travelers Rest. The little girl
weighed approximately 7lb. at
Before her marriage, Mrs.
Henson was Miss Edna Davis.
Mr. Henson is employed as a
cloth doffer in the Weaving De-
partment of our plant.

Preparation News
(Con't. from page 2, col. 5)
land received his honorable dis-
charge from the Army on April 20.
Mrs. Norman Bowles tells us
Meadows' Tulip Farm is very
beautiful and furnishes a love-
ly scene on the way to work.
Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Raxter
visited relatives in N. C. recent-
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Rice must
really have the air of spring.
We have seen them working in
their flower garden a lot re-
Miss Margie Bolt spent the
week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. O. Bolt, in West-
minister, S. C., returning to
Slater under the watchvare of
the Army.
Much curiosity was shown in
the quilling department recent-
ly when one of the fixers imi-
tated an ostrich by sticking his
head in every can or box he
came to, and a faint noise could
be heard coming out of the box
like "Papa." All of this came to
light, though, when Mr. and
Mrs. Henry McCarson announc-
ed the arrival of a 7 1-2 lb. girl
born April 14. She was named
Linda Gale. Mrs. McCarson be-
fore marriage was Miss Eliza-
beth Poole and a quiller hand
on the third shaft.
Mrs. Janie Madden spent the
week end with her sister in
Miss Jessie Tate and sister,
Sue, had the pleasure of seeing
the picture, "The Best Years of
Our Lives," in Greenville

[a photo of a girl, Katherine Guest]
Winner of first place in the district oral interpretation con-
test held recently at Simpsonville, S. C. was Miss Katherine
Guest, the young lady pictured above. She is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Guest of Marietta, S. C. Her father is employed
in the Cloth Room of his plant and is the official photographer
for The Slater News.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Foster of
Marietta announce the marri-
age of their daughter, Sarah
Gwendolyn, to Wilmer Clyde
Hayes on April 12 at 5 o'clock
at the home of the Rev. C. B.
Lockee of Greenville. The
double ring ceremony was used.
The bride wore a spring suit
of blue gabardine with black
accessories. Her corsage was of
The bride is a graduate of
Slater - Marietta High School
and is now employed in the of-
fice of Slater Manufacturing
Co., Inc.
Mr. Hayes is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. F. N. Hayes of Dacus-
ville, and is a graduate of Da-
cusville School. He served with
the armed forces for three
years, and since his discharge
has been employed in the Prep-
aration Department of the
Slater plant.
The many friends of this
popular young couple wish
them a long and successful
married life.

Mr. O. H. Burgess is spend-
ing painful Saturdays lately in
Easley with the dentist but he
will be all smiles with the store-
bought teeth he hopes to get

For Sale
Lots 75 x 120 ft. at $125.00
each. Located on tar and gravel
road, on mail and bus route.
Electricity available. Will sell
on terms or for cash. See E. W.
Bruce, Holiness Hill.

Complete success is not pur-
chased at any one time, but
rather on the installment plan.
--Fraternal Moniter

Katherine Guest
Contest Winner
Miss Katherine Guest, ninth
grade student of Slater-Marie-
etta High School, won first
place in the district oral inter-
pretation contest held in the
Simpsonville High School audi-
torium on April 11. Jimmy
Pierce represented the local
school in the declamation con-
test held at the same time and
won third place. There were
seven contestants competing in
oral interpretation and four in
declamation from this district.
These contests were held an-
nually prior to the war and
were resumed this year for the
first time in several years.
In selecting the winners who
will represent the local districts
in the state contests, the follow-
ing items were considered: (a)
Selection must be of literary
merit (b) Contestant's interpre-
tation and appreciation (c)
Stage presence (d) Tone qual-
ity (e) Diction (f) Character
interpretation. The maximum
time was twelve minutes.
Since Katherine Guest placed
first in the oral interpretation
contest for this district, she
went to Columbia on April 24
to compete with district repre-
sentatives from all over the

For Sale
Twenty-acre apple orchard,
with 125 trees Stark's red
double delicious, 200 Concord
grapes on trellis, 4 stall barn,
100 ft. laying house and 40 ft.
baby chick house. Six room
house with bath, hot and cold
water. 200 ft. deep well with
electric pump. Abundance of
flowers in season. See A. H.
Sides, Route 2, Travelers Rest,
S. C.

Miss Jeanne Ernest enjoyed
the day Sunday at Walhalla
and the Oconee State Park.
Mrs. Paul Fowler and daugh-
ter, Paula Ruth, from Charles-
ton, S. C. recently spent two
weeks with Miss Ruth Taylor.
Mrs. Fowler is Ruth's sister.
Mrs. Connie Henderson and
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Henderson
motored to Chimney Rock, N.
C. and returned by Lake Lure.
Mr. and Mrs. James Balloch,
Jr. motored to Charleston, S. C.
April 8 and returned on April
We are glad to see Mrs. Mar-
jorie Cooper back at work after
an illness of two weeks.
Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Takacy
and young son, Teddy, return-
ed to Slater this week after
speanding a week's vacation in
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Carter,
Miss Maxine Carter, and Miss
Imogene Carter motored to
Charlotte, N. C. Sunday and
visted in the home of Maxine's
aunt, Mrs. Frances Stanley.
While there they visited Tulip
Gardens at the Ivey's Estate.

Miss Kathaleen Farnsworth,
music teacher in the local
school, visited the Boys' Li-
brary Club on April 23, having
charge of the club activities for
the afternoon.
Miss Farnsworth's program
for the boys centered around a
number of recordings featuring
"Peter and the Wolf," "The
Nutcracker Suite," and "The
Sorcerer's Apprentice." She
also talked with the boys, dis-
cussing the stories recorded, the
instruments used to represent
various animals, and the de-
scriptive nature of the music.
The librarian states that this
program of recording arrang-
ed and presented by Miss
Farnsworth was enthusiastical-
ly received by the boys, and
that it was not only a period of
entertainment, but that it was
also one of music appreciation.
It was very kind of Miss Farns-
worth to devote one of her af-
ternoons to the Boys' Library
Club, and we greatly appreciate
her doing so.
At the end of the club period,
Pepsi-Colas, furnished by the
Slater Community Association,
were served.
Club members present on
this occasion were: Sammy
Johnson, Jimmy Davis, Walter
Anderson, Tommy Cole, Bobby
Hawkins, and George Pridmore.
Also: Will Cox, Kenneth
Hayden, Clarence Canham,
O'Neal Cooper, J. B. Norris, and
Tommy Ballenger.

A group of approximately
fifty children of Story Hour
age fathered at the library on
Thursday p.m., April 3, for an
Egg Hunt.
While the eggs were being
hidden in the grounds around
Slater Hall, the youngsters re-
mained in the library to listen

Girl Scouters
Enjoy Outing
On Wednesday, April 9, 1947,
the Senior Girl Scout Troop of
Slater went on a hike and cook-
out for their regular weekly
The girls met at Slater Hall
before leaving for the hike. One
group of girls went ahead of
the others and laid the trail.
The second group followed the
trail to see where they would
have their cook-out. They hiked
to the railroad trestle and had
the cook-out under the trestle.
The troop was divided into
the following committees: The
shopping committee, composed of
those who got the wood and
built the fire; the food commit-
tee prepared the food; and the
clean-up committee cleaned up
after the meeting was over.
The girls had roasted pota-
toes, wieners, tomatoes, lettuce,
rolls, and drinks for their din-
ner. They all enjoyed laying
and following the trail and the
cook-out very much.
When the cook-out was over,
they discussed taking a trip to
Table Rock the week - end of
April 25. The troop will rent
a cabin and each girl is looking
forward to the trip.
The girls enjoying this out-
ing were: Marion Brown, Mary
Dodson, Josephine Knight,
Frances Poole, Clara Ramsey,
Madge Robinson, Patricia Sum-
mey, and the leaders, Mrs.
Buchanan and Miss Loftis.

to a group of recordings called
"Tuneful Tales." This program
featured a very appropriate
number called "The White
Easter Rabbit," which, of
course, proved to be the chil-
dren's favorite.
According to the story, Little
White Rabbit wanted to be an
Easter Bunny, but everyone
was too busy to tell him how
to become an Easter Rabbit.
That is, everyone except Moth-
er Birth--she told him what to
do, and he did it. To the chil-
dren's delight, Little White
Rabbit did become an Easter
Those assisting with the Egg
Hunt were: Mesdames Mary
Ledford, Minnie Pitman, J. B.
Wilson, W. F. Horton, and C.
W. Eldridge.

Odds And Ends
We think you'll get a kick
out of these old supersitious
remedies against the "evil eye" of sickness:
The skin of a hyena's fore-
The kernel of the fruit of the
palm tree.
Spitting in the right shoe be-
fore it's put on.
A necklace of jacinth,
sapphire, or carbuncle.
Sweeping a child's face with
a branch of a pine tree.
Giving in drink the ashes of
a rope with which a man has
been hanged.
Hanging the key of a house
over a child's cradle.
Hanging around a child's
neck, fennel seeds or bread and
Hanging blue beads around
the necks of animals and chil-

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